Super Study God

Chapter 1437: Unbearable 1 blow!


When Xuan Ming and Panzi heard this, their eyes lighted up, and they were overwhelmed by surprise. This voice is not who is Su Hang?


The old man turned to look at the door of the tent, only to see two men, opened the tent door, and walked straight in.

The headed man, struts his head, and the arrogant words just now must have come from this person.

When Xuan Ming and the two people looked at it, they couldn't be more surprised. It was like going from **** to heaven.

"Brother, sister!"

Zhun Jiuyin walked at the end, and as soon as he saw it, he quickly lifted the two from the ground.

"Disciples visit Master!"

The two managed to stand up, saluting on their knees.

Su Hang waved his hands and held the two together, "No!"

Then, Su Hang's eyes fell on the old man in front of him, "It's not true to pry someone in the corner!"

"Your Excellency is the real Pangu?" The old man looked at Su Hang coldly.

"What about it?" Su Hang smiled indifferently. "Your Excellency pryed my corner without saying, and still beat my apprentice, should I give a statement?"


The old man was surprised, and then he laughed aloud, "Junior, you don’t know where you are now, this is a ghost place, but it is not a place where you can be arrogant, a small early monk in Tianzun Realm, actually It’s really strange to say such a thing in front of an old man...”

The old man can see through the realm of Su Hang at a glance, enough to see that the realm of the old man is quite deep.


Name: Nine Infants

Age: 57893656 years old.

Level: Level 10!

Grade: 9 grades!

Introduction: Nine babies, ancestors, survivors of the scourge of calamity, because of their special cultivation practices, they have reached the realm of non-human, ghost and human...


Upon the scan of the Xueshen system, the old man's information was undoubtedly revealed in front of him. Su Hang was a little surprised at first glance.

More than 50 million years old, at this age, it sounds amazing enough.

The survivors of the last century, at this age, have not yet broken through the Heavenly Dao Realm, which is unbelievable, but this also reflects from the side how difficult it is to break through the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Of course, how profound is the skill accumulated over the years. It is extremely comparable, and it is not comparable to the ordinary masters of Tianzun Realm. This person is by no means idle!

Wang Zui said that the Nine Infants were no worse than any one on the Monster Emperor List, and it seems that the guy did not tell lies.

Facing the inquiry from Nine Infants, Su Hangyu said with a long heart, "It's wrong to hit people, it's not good to hit people. Didn't your parents teach you?"


Nine babies snorted, "Junior, you wanton!"

This guy who appears suddenly looks really annoying!

Su Hangdao, "Why, your Excellency doesn't want to reason, want to compare with my wrist?"

"Depending on you?"

Jiuying shouted, with a lot of anger and sarcasm between his words, "Miss your junior ignorance, give you a chance, kneel and beg, surrender to me, I can save you a life!"

That tone, high above, was like looking down on contempt, like a god. There was no emotion in his eyes.


Su Hang looked at him with a pity, "Do you know how to write dead words?"

Why are there so many boring and arrogant people in this world? I didn't even know that I was about to die.

Nine babies looked chilly, "Well, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you and teach you how to write dead words."

"Oh, do you have to do it?" Su Hang smiled. "Ancient relics, ancestors and human beings, have you survived? I'm really reluctant!"

"Don't fight with your tongue, you are not worthy of my opponent!" Jiu Ying scorned Su Hang. "The second child, the seventh child, teach this rude madman and teach him how to write this dead word!" "

The words fell, and the two middle-aged men stepped forward, "Respect the ancestors!"

The two had long noticed that an outsider had intruded, but there was an ancestor, and without their ancestors' orders, they would not dare to intrude.

The two quickly encircled Su Hang. Without saying a word, they shot at the same time, turning out two bone claws, one left and one right, and grabbed Su Hang.

Ling Xian's claw wind, revealing a thick death air, makes people feel as if they are in the **** sea of ​​corpses, terrifying. The three people next to Xuan Ming are deterred by this death air, and they can't help but feel terrified.

This is the battle of Tianzun Realm. Just one trick, even if it is not you, it is enough to make you startled.

Two masters of Tianzun Realm, one third grade and one fourth grade, work together to siege a younger junior who has just entered Tianzun Realm. Nine Infants are extremely confident. If there is no accident, this kid will have no power to fight back.

It's a pity that Nine Infants' life was brilliant, but today it's gone. The one in front of him is not as simple as the Heavenly Realm.



Faced with the siege of the two, Su Hang didn't move that much at all, but just gently raised his right As if there was a strange sound, it made people a bit, not a bit, It is very uncomfortable.

The two masters of the Demon Emperor's Realm, the second and the seventh, were about to catch Su Hang. Suddenly, they stopped at a place not far from Su Hang.

Two ghost-like faces, the expressions of which became unusually strange, like a hot bun, quickly pleated, and the pale face instantly aroused the blood.

Both men blushed as if they were holding on hard!


Finally, like two bottles of coke that had shaken violently, the moment the cap opened, it erupted.

The two uttered a terrifying howling at the same time, jumped up ten feet tall, and directly blasted the shed into two large holes.


The two fell to the ground, and the two fell heavily on the ground. The powerful impact directly turned the shed into ashes.

Su Hang's right hand waved the technique of Qiankun in his sleeve, and directly brought that Xuan Ming and others into his sleeve. Although Su Hang did not pay attention to such a battle, he was afraid to hurt the three of them by mistake. .

It was just a blink of an eye, and the two had been groaning inexplicably on the ground, calling it a miserable one. They both covered their backs, almost fainting, and their pants were already soaked with blood.


Su Hang shook his head, so why ask for it?

"Junior, don't you think it's mean to use these methods?" Jiu Ying's face was black and the two screamed on the ground, it didn't seem to make him feel any fluctuations in his heart.

"There are even more despicable ones, do you want to try it?" Su Hang looked at Jiu Ying with a somewhat evil smile on his face.

"Humph, to death!"

Nine babies snorted coldly, suddenly opened his mouth, and a scream came from his throat, just like a baby crying, very harsh.

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