Super Study God

Chapter 1438: 9 baby turned!

Immediately afterwards, a whole baby crawled out of Jiu Ying's mouth and rushed towards Su Hang directly.

Shaved white face, a pair of eyes without pupils at all, looks incomparably strange and terrifying, the speed is as fast as thunder.

Su Hang was tranced by the baby's cry, and subconsciously turned to the side, but the ghost baby also grabbed a piece of clothing and pulled off a piece of cloth.


The baby was like a monster out of the cage. He couldn't hit it, and then he rushed to Suhang. The fangs in his mouth were serrated, and the unknown liquid filled his mouth. When he dripped to the ground, he immediately corroded out big holes.

At this speed, this attack power, I am afraid that even the generation of the demon emperor who was bombed by Suhang before can only look at it.

It is conceivable how powerful this ancient legacy is.

Evil! But I do not know what is the way!

"evil creature!"

When Su Hang used the Xueshen system to scan the ghost baby, he was furious, and immediately drank coldly. Then he took out the sky axe, and he chopped towards the ghost baby without hesitation.

It turned out that, as Wang Bian said, this evil ghost ghost infant was actually the life soul of the nine infants.

Taking the soul of a baby, refining it in one's own body, robbing it of its innate talents, and making it natural, this kind of practice is even more terrifying than the demon soul.

In this world of weak meat and strong food, human beings live at the lowest level and cannibalize each other. It was originally understandable. However, Su Hang is not a person in this world. He grew up in a civilized society. Where did this happen?

Babies, or babies who have not yet been born, have been turned into life souls by birth. How badly can it be done?

It's just a loss of conscience. Previously, Su Hang was also a king. It's just a joke. There is only a spirit refining soul in this world.

Su Hang’s anger was conceivable. He almost sentenced Jiuying’s death sentence in his heart. Such an existence, if he is allowed to live, this method of cultivation will spread. Once it becomes popular, it may be difficult to end.

The human race will not be destroyed by the foreigners, but it will die in their own hands first. Suhang will never allow such a thing to happen.

If it does not happen, it is okay to say that since it did, Suhang would never let this nine babies live, or even this family, should not exist. In Suhang’s eyes, they are already foreign bodies.

This baby was refined into a soul of life, which is very pitiful, but Su Hang did not have mercy, and he slashed his forehead with an axe. Su Hang believed that for this baby, the soul flying away was the only relief.


The baby was strong, but he could hold the axe of the sky axe there. After screaming, it turned into a black gas and quickly dissipated.


Seeing the ghost baby being destroyed, the nine baby was angry, and finally dare not despise Su Hang anymore. This is an opponent worthy of his attention.


Nine Infants drank low, the body seemed to be super-catalyst added, suddenly swelled, and instantly grew to four or five floors tall, the body was fat and bloated, like a maggot, with mucus on it, In the dense holes in the skin, babies screamed and crawled out, utterly disgusting.

Nine huge baby heads, roaring and howling, covered with disgusting tentacles, are simply unheard of monsters.

If there is a person with intensive phobia, seeing the dense holes in the monster and the babies struggling to go out, I am afraid that they will faint directly.

Even Su Hang, seeing such a scene, was covered with sweat and his teeth were sore.

Is this person still a person?

The forest shook, the sky was overcast with clouds, and the sky seemed to collapse. The people of the Nine Infants clan saw this giant beast like they saw the holy beast, and they knelt down on the ground, and Koutou Mountain cried.

The scene was so spectacular that it was irritating.

"Junior, let you see, what is power, what is Ten Thousand Souls and Extinct Dharma."

The giant baby's nine baby-like heads made a squeal of cold teeth.

With that said, the monster shuddered, and countless ghost babies crawled out of the monster's skin holes and rushed towards Su Hang.

Roaring, roaring, that scene, like the last days, gave Su Hang the feeling of throwing a person into a zombie pile.

It was only a moment, ghosts and babies were everywhere in all directions, grinning and howling, if you change a person, faced with this kind of situation, I was afraid that urine pants can already be regarded as brave.

Between breathing, dozens or hundreds of ghost babies have flowed in, and the speed is still increasing. Each one is not weaker than the one that Suhang just beheaded.

In other words, Suhang is now facing not only a group of ghost babies, but a group of unconscious monsters who only know about madness, only know about fighting, and are comparable to the pinnacle of Yaohuang Realm.

This nine babies are really horrible, and they have cultivated more than 50 million years of existence The accumulated power is really not comparable to ordinary ordinary demon emperor realm.

One for two, Su Air can easily cook, ten to hundred, for Su Air, it may take a little more effort, but if there are thousands of thousands, the endless stream, can it stand up?

After all, even elephants can be killed by ants.

Su Hang stood with an axe and was not afraid. The ghosts and babies rushed like a group of mad dogs. Su Hang had to swing the sky axe and cut it.

However, Su Hang soon felt strenuous. These ghost babies are not only fast, powerful, but also have many talents. The golden wood is fire and earth, wind and rain, thunder, time, space... These ghost babies are not only Ability to use talents is not weak.

Su Hang hacked several times, and destroyed a dozen or so ghost babies, so he almost made a splash.

If he really would not be a survivor of the last century, he could actually force himself like this.

"Look how much you can kill."

And the nine baby giant monsters are still laughing in a magnificent way. Each baby is like a bee coming out of the hive. It can only be described by a madness. Countless ghost babies are like dumplings from the nine baby giant monsters. 'S body fell down, continually siege to Su Hang.

"Disgusting guy, go die."

Su Hang rushed left and right, and the ghost babies who died under the sky axe did not know how many.

One hundred two hundred, three hundred five hundred?

This is a monster that is equivalent to the top characters of the Demon Emperor List. It has been slaughtered a hundred times in a few breaths. This is equivalent to slaughtering the powerful people like the Demon Emperor.

Su Hang's strength is enough to laugh at the ancient world, but looking at the crazy and continuous ghost babies in front of him, Su Hang knows that killing at this speed, I don't know when to kill , I'm really afraid that I will die.

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