Super Study God

Chapter 1450: 38 monster emperors!


Su Hang pulled the sword out of its sheath. It was a rusty and blunt thing that barely had a sword shape.

"This sword is called the sword of the king of the plate, it is the sword of the benevolent, with the heart of virtue, the sword is invincible, and it is also the sword of loyalty. The elders have all made a blood oath before this sword, and left it to you for the teacher. After I leave, you will worship the sword on the main hall of the Panwang Palace. If the elders of the nine majors have a rebellious heart, you don’t need you. Hands on, this sword will kill them..."

Hearing Su Hang’s words, everyone had a chilling feeling. This seemingly ordinary sword has such power?

At the same time, Di Jiang and others were secretly relieved. They were worried that if Suhang left, they could not restrain the suppression of the major forces of the human race with their abilities, maybe they would counterattack at some time, and they would eventually coalesce. The human race will become a mess again.

It turned out that Su Hang had already made plans for them, as long as they controlled the elders of the Nine Great Communities, they would control the world of the human race.

Of course, all the disciples knew in their hearts that Su Hang said these reasons in front of them, and the deepest meaning was that they might find a time to take a blood oath in front of this sword!

Su Hang didn't care about what his disciples thought. He just wanted to let them know that even though he had left, a sword was still hanging on their heads, so don't forget your original intention!

Di Jiang raised his head, respectfully took the sword from Suhang's hand, kneeled and retreated into the column.

"Okay, the curse should be scolded, and the scare should be scared. In these years, the teacher has not really fulfilled his responsibilities as a master for a day. Today, he should also make up for you!" Su Hangxiao Road.

The dignified atmosphere dissipated in an instant, and everyone looked up and saw that the kind of coercion on Su Hang was no longer there, and the rest was just affable!

"Master Master should not be like this. Master is one day and father for life. Master is the father and father of disciples. Without disciples, how come disciples..."

The disciples quickly knelt and knocked!

"Okay, okay!" Su Hang waved his hand. "Look at you like this, one by one, and all of them are throwing me away from the face of Pangu's. They all come forward, and I should also tell you something for the teacher. Now!"



On this day, on the Tiandu Peak, inexplicably burst out dozens of alarming weather conditions, making a big noise and shocking Shino.

Overnight, Pangu sat down with thirty-eight disciples and broke through the realm of the demon emperor.

This is simply an anecdote, because after breaking through the Demon Emperor Realm, the Heavenly Tribulation one after the other, the entire sky is shrouded in clouds, just like the end of the world.

At that scene, the elders of the Nine Qualified Senior Clerks saw it, and they couldn't help but be shocked.

More than 30 people broke through at the same time, and held the Heaven Tribulation at the same time. That is not just one plus one equals two.

However, when the people on the mountain were panicking and preparing to flee, they only saw an axe across the sky. The thick robbery cloud collapsed instantly, and within a few breaths, the robbery cloud had dispersed and recovered. The sky is clear.

As if picking up a life, everyone felt terrified. Recalling the shocking axe light just now, they couldn't help looking in the direction of the inner palace. Needless to say, it must be His Majesty the Great Emperor Panhuang.

Overnight, so many demon emperors were born. His Majesty Panhuang was truly extraordinary.

The human race has you, but you can be safe!

Who can be the enemy?



Su Hang was so helpless to make such a big movement, after all, after he left, his disciples could not hold the scene.

Passing power to them, for Su Hang, it only consumes some energy points, but unfortunately he only has Heavenly Realm Realm, and he can only promote them to the Demon Emperor Realm, otherwise, naturally he can raise more. How high.

In this world of weak meat and strong food, if you don't have the skills, how to dominate the side, now that there are nearly forty demon emperor masters, Pangu can no longer be ignored.

Before Suhang left, he also promoted the newly-acquired disciple Wu Jun to the level of the demon emperor. For him, it was just a matter of hand. It happened that Wu Jun and Yuan Xiaotian were still stranded in Tiandu and had not left for the time being.

For the disciples of this new income class, Su Hang did not have much affection and even ignored it. However, since it is accepted, it must be expressed to Dian.

Su Hang directly raised him from the realm of big demon king to the realm of demon king, in addition to the reason of mentoring, there is also an important reason, that is, the identity of Wujun's demon prince.

Since the demon clan intends to repair with the human clan, then return to the clan of the demon clan, hoping to have this relationship, the demon clan can really make peace, strike truce, and nourish the people.

At the same time, let the demon clan see their own skills, others can hardly reach the realm of demon emperor, which can be mass-produced in my place, can the demon clan not be afraid?


The disciples broke through the realm and were not yet familiar with it. This morning, the genius was bright, and Su Hang was ready to say goodbye.

Thinking about going, it is better to leave quietly, so as not to attract any twists and turns.

"Brother Hang, are you leaving?"

At the mountain gate, two figures drilled out. Su Hang looked at it, but it was Xue Qi and Hong Yun. These two people, they didn't know when they were hiding here.

"You two, won't you stay here overnight last night?" Su Hang looked at the two with great interest. "Young people, they are full of enthusiasm, but also pay attention to the impact."

"Uncle, what are you talking about?" Hongyun walked over in disbelief. "I heard that Uncle is going to I don't know when I will return. The disciple came to see me off. I hope Uncle will go all the way. "

Su Hang heard that his face was covered with black lines, and he only stared at Hongyun. "You girl, is this cursing your uncle?"

Hongyun threw his tongue out, "Master Uncle really wants to go? Where are you going? Are you really not coming back?"

Su Hang shook his head and sighed, "Yes, Uncle is not going to die. When you grow up, Uncle will return."

"Brother Hang, you left like this. Didn't you forget anything?" At this time, Xue Qi started to speak, but he was impatient.

"Forgot something?" Su Hang froze for a moment.

Xue Qi smiled bitterly, "In the past two days, the palace is rumored, and they all broke through the realm of the demon emperor because of you. What kind of relationship between the two of us, you have to go now, will there be no point to show it?"

"Yes, Master, you should also give us some farewell gifts." Hongyun also said beside him.

Su Hang heard his words and rolled his eyes. "You two, you really pay for the turnips, one for a chicken thief. I also think you really have that intention and come to see me off, but I don't want to ask for benefits." "

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