Super Study God

Chapter 1451: Under the weak water!

"Uncle Master is wronged." Hongyun quickly called injustice. "Uncle Master is here, I don't know when to return. The disciple just wants something to remember, so I can teach the disciples to see it in the future and think of Uncle Master."

Ghost party, forget the end of the river, weak water!

Su Hang was alone, standing alone by the river, looking at the calm water as always, Su Hang's heart suddenly felt very calm!

Densely dense, endless wandering wandering souls, walked here along Wangchuan all the way, and looked like they were guided by them, plunging into the river, sinking into the river, the scene was silent, but spectacular.

"What is there under this weak water?"

Looking at the calm river, Su Hang had a lot of doubts in his heart. This weak water was really weird. Even a piece of goose feather was difficult to float.

Countless ghosts converge here and throw away the river, which must be related to the existence of the bottom of the water. If Suhang wants to build six reincarnations, it is the best place to be here, but once it is done, it will inevitably affect the existence of the bottom of the water.

Even Lin Xuan was reluctant to touch the existence in this water, so he had to come by the calculation of the law. Su Hang was in a dilemma at this moment.

No, the retreat has no retreat, only to enter.

Hongjun went to Taihuang Mountain, and he could no longer look back on this matter. Even if he knew that the governor could not do it, he had to bite the bullet.

This should have been done by Xuan Ming Hou Tu, but now it is being stolen by myself. Is it a history change?

It should be a calculation. Su Hang thought so, adding some variables to the future.

However, Lin Xuan, as an incarnation of Avenue, also urged Su Hang to do something that changed history, but he didn't know what to do!

Su Hang didn't know what he meant, but he was sure that it was not good intentions!

To set up reincarnation, you must first understand the existence under the weak water, and do not remove the hidden danger. Reincarnation may be difficult.

Let's take a look first!

Su Hang took a deep breath, and now this situation can only be clarified by looking down.

Even if there is a dead end ahead, you have to go. If you are really in danger, don’t you still have Swire tickets? Just exit the game, even if the opponent is strong, as long as you are careful, there are still opportunities to exit.

And, isn't there a comer charm?

It is said that Su Hangben still has two talismans. When he left Tiandu, he left one in Tiandu, which was a way of leaving Dijiang them a last resort. When necessary, he could summon him.

That is to say, when he returns to later generations, if someone uses the comer charm to summon him, as long as he wants, he can come to Taikoo again, but the time limit is only five minutes.

Of course, Su Air hopes that there will never be that day, because, once someone uses a charm, there is only one possibility, Pangu has encountered an unprecedented crisis.

In this way, there is only one comer sign left on Su Hang. This thing doesn't work when he was a child, so he can only use it for psychological comfort.

After thinking of something wrong, he fled, Su Hang stabilized his mind, and then walked away directly, followed the wandering souls into the weak water.

Speaking of walking on the waves, it is not true. Su Hang stepped out and could not feel the slightest buoyancy of the river under his feet. He even dragged his feet directly like an invisible suction force.

Fortunately, he cultivated to be profound, otherwise, if he was replaced by a person, he would have fallen into it long ago, and the disaster would no longer be lost.

This water is really too light, it is really called weak water, and this water is also very corrosive. I am afraid that ordinary monks, once falling into it, will eclipse the bones, even if it does not die, it has to fall a few layers of skin. .

Su Hang slowly dived into the weak water. This corrosive force was nothing to him. The underwater world is also magical, with light reaching and bright everywhere.

There is no fish in the water, not even one shrimp. It is no different from the shore. The whole person is like falling from the sky, but the air becomes water.

This water is lighter than air.

The weak water does not reach the bottom, and Su Hang does not know how far it has dived. The surrounding water is extremely cold. The kind of ice is not ordinary ice, but it is the kind of deep into the soul, as if it can freeze the soul The same cold.

But the strange thing is that the wandering souls around, as if they can't feel the cold, are even a bit like fish.

After traveling for a long time, there was no danger. Suhang's vigilance was slightly relaxed. If he wanted to find out, he followed the wandering souls and walked along the way.

It's so cold under the weak water, so I'm afraid that the so-called Jiu You Jiu Quan is just like that.


I don't know how long I left. Su Hang suddenly felt a bit of **** gas suddenly in the water.

The wandering souls who came around the room immediately flew forward as soon as they sensed the blood, just like the fish in a frying pan, so Su Hang was shocked.

There must be a sway ahead, and Su Hang immediately followed, and not long after, a cylindrical vortex appeared in his field of vision.

Innumerable wandering souls rushed towards the vortex, convolved by the vortex, disappeared in an instant, the servants succeeded indefinitely, and they didn't know which kind of crazy.

The **** gas radiated from the vortex. Su Hang approached a little, and felt the **** gas strong.

"Under the weak water is the Styx. Is it possible that the Styx is under this vortex?"

Su Hang did not hesitate. Since he wanted to find out, there is no escape route now. His body flashed into the whirlpool.

With the ability of Soviet airlines, this vortex can't hurt him anymore. After all, we can break the road with force, comparable to the existence of the realm of heaven.


Monstrous blood!

Coming out of the An extremely terrifying blood instantly wrapped him up, and almost didn't suffocate Su Hang.

The entire eyelid seemed to be covered with a red film. At first glance, it was all bloody.

Contrary to the weak water space, here is another space. Below is a blood-red river. The river is billowing, the blood waves are tumbling, and the fishy smell is so high that even Su Hang feels very uncomfortable and almost nausea!

"This is Styx?"

Su Hang stayed for the whole person and looked around. In addition to the blood color, it was still blood color, and there was no sign of life at all. If another person appeared here, I would have been scared.

This is clearly a river of blood, and Su Hang did not doubt it at all. The blood flowing in the river was definitely blood, and it was still fresh blood.

Where did so much blood come from?

Soon, Su Hang found the answer. I saw the wandering souls coming out of the vortex, and soon condensed into a drop of **** liquid and fell into the river.

The endless wandering soul, the endless blood, just like the rain, converging into the Taotao River, the momentum is magnificent like thunder, and the mighty, amazing.

, [.]

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