Super Study God

Chapter 1461: The seal is loose!

"The Avenue has many avatars, each of which has different strengths. Although they are not enough threats, they can't be taken lightly. Some powerful existences, just like this one..."

The time and space suction behind him has become greater and greater. Su Hang knows that he can't resist, and quickly speeds up his speech. For a moment, he can't think of anything to explain.

If you think about it for a while, you seem to be going to Panwangzuo and then say, "There is not much time. I have something to tell you. Listen, the two women in the demon bottle are the key to opening Panwangzuo. They It was Hong Jun who said that he was a good man, and take the time to take them to collect treasures. After Panwangzuo is opened, don’t let Wang Zu, Xue Qi, and Little Toad enter..."


The huge suction directly sucked Su Hang into the black hole in space and time. Su Hang could not resist and never thought of resistance. Soon, the black hole in space and time was closed, and the huge rules of space and time, once again inhaled Su Hang into the channel of space and time.

The only face that was printed in Su Hang's mind was the surprised and stunned face just now, and he didn't know his explanation. Did he hear it?

Su Hang's thinking is very simple. If Wang bombed them and didn't enter Panwangzuo, they wouldn't be able to go to Taikoo, and the one on the main road wouldn't be able to go to Taikoo.

In this way, without the help of avatars, Swire Lin Xuan would not be so easy to achieve the realm of heaven and the pattern of everything would change.

The idea is indeed beautiful, but Su Hang replied a few months ago, it seems that he probably didn't really hear the last half of the sentence?

If you can hear it clearly, Wang bombed a few of them, how could you get into Panwangzuo?

Su Hang was so helpless that he said that when he got off halfway this time, he did nothing but save his life unexpectedly.

This time, it still failed to change history, or even change anything.

Is fate really scary? I've broken through the way, or is it hard to shake?

Doesn't it mean that the masters of Heavenly Dao Realm have jumped out of the rules and have control of their own destiny? Why is this still the case?

In the space-time channel, the powerful force of time and space stretched and squashed Su Hang, and shuttled at a rapid speed. At this time, Su Hang's heart was heavy, or that sentence, the higher the realm, the more things you see, There are even more motivated puzzles.

Looking up from the foot of the mountain, the sky is clear, but when you reach the top of the mountain, you will find that it is surrounded by mist and clouds.

Su Hang once again felt that at this time, he seemed to be a headless fly, and he didn't know where the road was.

In the past, he could still play hard with his tiger strength, and he always had the chance to make him accomplish a major event, but now, the opponent he is facing is a man of several generations, who has lived for some time. His wisdom and strength are higher than his many existences, and he still thinks about how to count his existence all the time. With his strength alone, I am afraid that he will be eaten with bones sooner or later.

Ben also wanted to say that he went to Suxi to take a look at this time. Unexpectedly, he was not given this opportunity at all. This made Su Hang have to sigh. Is it really impossible to resist the thing of fate?

Helpless, helpless, helpless...



Later generations, Kunlun Mountain.

"Senior Liu, Senior Liu, hasn't Divine Lord been out yet?" Yang Jian came to the quiet room of Su Hang's retreat, facing Liu Ruxu, the former demon girl, Yang Jian was very embarrassed in her heart, even speaking a little bit Not easy.

Liu Ruxu was sitting in the courtyard, closing her eyes and raising her mind. She had been guarding Su Hang for three days here, and she had not left even one step in the meantime.

The retreat of an expert does not happen in three days or two days. Liu Ruxu slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Yang Jian in front of him, "What's the matter?"

Was glared by Liu Ruxu, Yang Jian tightened his heart, swallowed hard, and bowed to salute now, "Senior, Fang Cai that cave was shaking, the seal seemed to be loose, Senior Hongyun went in and looked at it, it is said that the inside Feng Bing is melting rapidly, I am afraid..."

"What? How is it possible?"

Liu Ruxu paused, his eyebrows twisted up suddenly, there were heavy seals under the cloth she and Hongyun joined together in the cave, how could it be loose after only three or five days?

Yang Jian smiled bitterly, "Senior Hongyun asked me to tell you about it, and let you go and see the situation. Now that the deity is closed, I have lost my mind and can only rely on the two seniors. Before reopening the mountain, can it be destroyed again..."

Liu Ruxu raised his hand, it was impossible to hear Yang Jian's noise, and some embarrassed looked back at the Su Hang retreat.

"Seniors are assured that it is very safe here. I will let the disciples guard it, and it will never make people shocked." Yang Jian said Liu Ruxu was worried, and quickly said.

Liu Ruxu was also very important to the governor. After hesitating for a while, he nodded slightly and got up, followed Yang Jian to the mountain.

To say that Liu Ruxu, after being enslaved by Su Hang, his mind has changed a lot since this time. If this kind of thing is put in the past, he would not care about it anyway.

The life and death of the others, even if everyone is dead, is not a problem for her. To know that she is a famous demon lady, for her, as long as Su Hang does not die.

Under the Kunlun Mountain.

At the cave, there was only one person, Hong Yun. Many Kunlun disciples were there to take care of them, but now they have been evacuated, which is too dangerous.

The cave of the cave had been sealed a few days ago, but this time it was re-opened, and Hongyun stood next to the entrance of the cave, and the expression on his face was very solemn.

The dense white mist kept rising out of the cave, as if there was an old smoker underneath, swallowing clouds and mist.

It was mid-summer, when the sun was shining and the temperature was very high. Standing next to the cave, it was flushed by the white water vapor, but it was so cool.

"How is it?" Liu Ruxu went to Hongyun and asked, the scene in front of her already made her feel a little bad.

The red cloud head did not return, just staring at the hole, "I just went in once, the snow inside has melted a lot, it seems that we still underestimate these extraterrestrial creatures, they are not bound by the rules, we set the seal , I’m afraid it’s hard to affect them..."

Speaking of which, Hongyun turned to look at Liu Ruxu, "Su Hang is still closed? When is this?"

Liu Ruxu nodded slightly, "Master, he is afraid that he will not be able to get out in a while, or you and I will work together to temporarily strengthen the seal of this place. With the power of Xuan Bingzhu, it should be temporarily sealed for a while. ."

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