Super Study God

Chapter 1462: The monster is broken!

Hongyun smiled bitterly, "I am afraid that the seal can only be sealed for a while, you don't know, the power of the rules we control in front of these extraterrestrial creatures has no effect at all, and the extraterrestrial creatures sealed inside do not know. How many, how strong, if they all break out, I am afraid that you and I will be tired of coping with it. The mobile phone has no ads m. It saves the most data."

"At this moment, what can you and I do?" Liu Ruxu shook his head, only to do his best, and obey the destiny.

"Two seniors, you must save me Kunlun!" Yang Jian knew that the situation was serious and was about to cry.

The two girls didn't pay attention to Yang Jian, Liu Rusu said, "If you and I go first, before the monsters are awake, kill some of them..."

Hong Yun didn't say much and jumped directly into the grotto, followed by Liu Ruxu.


Among the caves.

The ice is bitter and chilly, and the whole space is covered with snow. A large amount of snow melts, taking away the remaining temperature, making the whole space more cold.

The melted snow has formed a series of small rivers, and the streams are gurgling, but in only three to five days, it has melted so much, and there is no accumulation of water on the ground.

Liu Ruxu was also taken aback by the sight of what he saw in front of him. He never thought that the matter was so serious.

Looking around, the seal of countless extraterrestrial creatures, like the snowy mountain heads of huge tombs, has almost melted half, and some have even exposed the body parts of some extraterrestrial creatures.

"These guys are still asleep in the ice. Let's do it hurriedly. I'm afraid they will be alarmed. In case of a frying pan, it will be hard to end!" At this time, Hongyun said.

She had already seen it before, and if she could do it, she was afraid that she would have done it already, and she didn't have to wait until Liu Rusu came.

Previously, the statue of Liuyun Divine Emperor was suppressed, and then these extraterrestrial creatures were sealed. Now the statue of Liuyun Divine Emperor has been destroyed. With their strength, there is no way to suppress it.

"Call, call..."

At this time, both women felt the ground underneath her feet tremble slightly, the air trembles slightly, and this tremor seemed to get stronger and stronger.

Both women looked alertly in one direction and saw a huge hill in the distance, which was slightly undulating.

The mountain is probably more than half melted at a height of thirty or fifty meters, and a large green appears on the top of the mountain.

It's a grunt!

There was a monster snoring in that mountain, and the whole mountain was shaking. The large piece of green oil, if not wrong, should be the monster's back.

"This thing is about to wake up!"

Liu Ruxu and Hong Yun glanced at each other, and their faces were a little cautious. The monster's grunt has grown louder, and the snow on the snowy mountains is shaking down, causing a large avalanche!

"Kill it!"

The two women did not dare to be indifferent and immediately flew towards the mountain. Hongyun waved his right hand, and a red sky curtain instantly wrapped the entire mountain, and the semi-circular shield formed a barrier to isolate the mountain.


Without saying anything, Liu Ruxu reached out with his right hand, and a sword gasp out of his hand and went straight to the mountain.


The whole snow mountain exploded in an instant, and snowflakes flew all over the sky, but was quickly stopped by the enchantment and rinsed down.


A loud roar, shaking the four fields, the ground turned up turbulent waves, as if throwing a stuffy thunder in an enclosed space, the sound waves and the shock waves generated by the explosion oscillated back and forth, forming a powerful destructive force, almost everything in the immediate vicinity For the ruins.

Fortunately, the enchantment was set in advance, otherwise, just now, I am afraid I don’t know how many extraterrestrial creatures to wake up.

Close the door and fight, it can be said that the two cooperated perfectly.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

Shouting, roaring, a huge figure appeared behind the snow curtain.

Not dead!

Liu Ruxu couldn't help but frown, this thing could be hit by her without dying, it's extraordinary!

When the snow fell, the monster revealed the true face in front of the second woman, but it was a big frog.

No, to be exact, it is a huge monster that looks like a frog. It is tens of meters tall and looks like a big green toad. However, the back of this thing is covered with mane, and a huge pair of wild boars are born. Fangs.

A pair of eyes is very huge, and the pupils are round and round. It looks a little funny. On its right rib, there is a wound, and the green liquid flows out from it. It seems to be blood.

Obviously, he was just injured by Liu Ruxu. This frog and boar monster is so angry. It must be, no matter who is changed, who was stabbed in the sleep, can he feel better?

The wound is healing fast, and within a few breaths, it has recovered as before.


The wild boar frog uttered a cry, which was totally in direct proportion to his original fierceness. The round eyes looked round and round, blood red and blood red, very scary.

"It doesn't seem to see us," Liu Rusu said.

Looking at the wild boar frog looking left and right, an angry and dazed look, both women seem to understand what.

This thing, like frogs, can't see static things, otherwise the two of them stand so conspicuous on the snow, it won't be seen.

"It doesn't matter what you see it, you have to die." Hongyun Binghan said.

"Although this thing is not yet in the realm of heaven, but it is not easy for me to be able to survive without being hit by a blow.

Liu Rusu said a word, and Hongyun had no objection. The two girls immediately rose into the air, flying left and right towards the wild boar frog.


As soon as the second woman moved, the wild boar frog immediately spotted them, and immediately yelled angrily. The strong hind leg slammed into Liu Rusu as if it were a shell.

This guy apparently recognized Liu and knew that Liu Ruxu had just been attacked.


Liu Ruxu was not afraid. The existence of a heavenly realm, how could he be so afraid of such a monster, he hit it hard with a fist and hit the wild boar frog with a straight punch.


Don't look at the huge body of the wild boar frog, but in front of Liu Ruxu's power, it still looks weak. He was hit by Liu Ruxu on the bridge of his nose and flew out.

On the other side, Hongyun rushed up, slammed his right hand with two fingers, and the sword gas condensed into a sword, directly slashing towards the wild boar frog.

Where can the wild boar frog escape, and his body is still in the air, he has been cut in half by Hongyun's amazing piece from start to finish.



The huge bodies on both sides crashed to the ground, arousing countless snow, and the red clouds fell to the ground, retreating to Liu Ruxu's side.



Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, two more voices came from one left and one right. The two women were alert and looked up. The wild boar frog just turned out to be exactly the same, two left and one right .

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