Super Study God

Chapter 1466: Hongyun's memory!


However, Liu Ruxu’s purpose was that the two monsters were roaring for a while, and then the sound was getting weaker and weaker. The thing that splashed over was not like a filthy thing, but a kind of narcotic drug. same.

The two monsters turned their heads around for a while, and immediately fell to the ground. The bulging belly of the puffer bird quickly flattened out, and the other soil turtle snored.

"God, look!"

Several disciples were still very scared and worried, but at this time, two monsters were called down, and they immediately screamed in surprise, one excited than the other.

Seeing Suhang, it was difficult to suppress the excitement in his heart.

It seems that these extraterrestrial creatures are indeed very sensitive to these filths, or odors.

Su Hang couldn't help but admire himself. If it wasn't for these disciples to do nonsense research, where would they find that these extraterrestrial creatures still have such weaknesses.

"Master, this?" Liu Ruxu was also shocked. Unexpectedly, these disciples were able to settle down the fierce monsters, and it was so casual.

At this time, Yang Jian also came, seeing the scene in front of him, Yang Jian was very excited.

"Do you know how to do it?" Su Hang looked at Yang Jian with a smile.

Yang Jian nodded again and again, he and I are old monsters who have lived for thousands of years, do not know what to do?

"I will let the disciples empty the latrines in the Yuxu Palace and fill them all into that cave!" Yang Jian said.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "That cave has quite a lot of space, but your inventory of Yuxu is afraid that it is not enough. It is best to borrow some money elsewhere!"

When saying this, Suhang felt a chill, what was Nima's business? In the end, how many bubbles did you solve the problem?

Hope it is so simple!

Yang Jian nodded approvingly and said, "Here I go to borrow it. In addition, I have to build a latrine above the cave. It is best to let them sleep forever."

This is once and for all, and Su Hang admires Yang Jian's ideas. It's really hard to imagine what kind of scene this old man would have when he went to other schools of alms.

Don't borrow anything, just borrow the filth in the latrine, this time I am afraid that soon the "prestige" of the Yuxu faction will spread to the fairyland again.



What happened next was a bit terrible. A lot of filth fell into the burrows, and it was also the weather of three volts. In front of the entire Kunlun Mountain, it was called a stinking sky. Of course, she couldn't stay any longer. If Su Hang was not determined to stay and look at the situation, she was afraid that she would have turned her head away.

I don’t know. I thought the Yuxu faction was going to build a biogas digester at the foot of the mountain. The Yuxu faction, who always has a positive image, really carried out uncontrollable behavior this time.

Sealing extraterrestrial creatures with big dung, even if these words are spoken, I am afraid that few people will believe it.

"I have walked a few schools in the past two days, accompanied me with this old face, and borrowed everything I can borrow, even the bottom of the Dragon Palace was emptied by me, I just don’t know if I can do it, God, you What do you think?" Yang Jian asked Suhang with some worry.

Su Hangdao, "Two days, nothing happened, it should be effective, at least give us a little time, these things are always a scourge, sooner or later, you have to find a way to get rid of it, otherwise, if you escape, it will be ten thousand. It’s not you and I can stop it.”

"This matter also has to take God's Venerable and you bother." Yang Jian nodded slightly, "This time also thanks to Divine Venerate, otherwise the weaknesses of these monsters will not be discovered."

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "Thank you disciples, I did not come up with a solution."

"Yes, yes, what the deity said." Yang Jian said.

"You guys can really praise each other, it's so stinky here, just as disgusting as you."

Hongyun squeezed his nose. Although it was far away, the smell of the mountain came faintly, which made her feel sick. It was enough to think about it, not to mention, Su Hang and Yang Jian seemed to be such a glorious one. Things, touted each other there, really made her unbearable.

"No big or small, did you talk to Master like this?" Su Hang glared at her, completely subconsciously.


Hongyun froze for a moment, then looked at Su Hang unexpectedly, "What do you say?"

Su Hang paused, did not answer her, and turned away.

"Hey, you have to make it clear." Hongyun can't stand Su Hang's words, and he keeps catching up.



Hongyun, a woman, is really entangled. Su Hang is entangled all the way. You have to ask for it. Su Hang’s remarks just now made her feel that there are inextricably between Su Hang and her. Connection, Su Hang was afraid to know some of her previous memories.

For Hongyun now, what is most important is, of course, the most important thing for lost memory. One day when she cannot find her memory, she will not be able to complete one day.

Su Hang only blamed herself for being cheap. The woman couldn't afford it or couldn't hide it. She was entangled in red clouds and finally relieved.

In the room, a huge amber gem stood in front of Hongyun.

Hongyun looked at the piece of amber in front of him, to be precise, the man sealed in the amber. The whole person seemed to be electrocuted and stood in a daze for a while.

"How do you want to start?" Su Hang asked for a while. Looking at Hongyun's surprised look, should I think of something?

Isn't this the boy I saw outside Panwangzuo that day? The boy who gives himself a strange is wrong, it seems that it is not him, who is he?

"He, why is he? This..." Hongyun's words were a little messy. He looked at Su Hang and then the piece of amber. "He, he is? Me, why do I feel that way? It seems Very familiar, me, my head is messy, my head hurts..."

It seemed that a dusty memory suddenly broke through the shackles of memory, making her feel very painful. Hongyun suddenly hugged her head and the whole person crouched down.

This made Su Hang unexpected, and immediately patted Hongyun on the shoulder, comforting, "Don't worry, think slowly, you will always remember, I'm bad, it hurts you so much How hard it is..."

Speaking of which, Su Hang was a little guilty, and his voice became a little choked. He regarded Xue Qi almost as a younger brother, aside from his sister Xue Xuan's relationship, Xue Qi also counted It is a rare friend of Su Hang.

He and Hongyun, one was sealed among ambers for some reason, and one had been sleeping for countless years, and his memory was completely lost. If they didn't know themselves, how could there be such an encounter?

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