Super Study God

Chapter 1467: The crisis is gone!

"I'm confused now!" Hongyun covered his head, seeming to be very painful.

Su Hangdao, "Think slowly if you can't think of it, don't rush it..."

Hongyun suddenly stood up, trying to break that piece of amber.


Su Hang hurriedly stopped, "How can he be sealed here? You and I don't know yet. I rushed to open it. I'm afraid it's not to save him, but also to harm him, Red Cloud, don't be reckless!"

Hongyun's hand stopped and looked at Su Hang. Someone was confused, "What is his relationship with me?"

Su Hang shook his head, "His name is Xue Qi. Some time ago, you have seen, outside Panwangzuo, do you remember?"

Hongyun nodded, indeed, that young man, the young man who gave himself a strange feeling.

Su Hangdao, "The three of them didn't listen to me and broke into the Panwangzuo. As a result, they strayed into the gate of the past, traveled through time and space, and went to the beginning of the ancient times of the last century..."

Hongyun looked at Su Hang. Su Hang's words seemed to slowly open her memory!

"This boy is lucky, he accidentally became a young master of the Taikoo Mu tribe, and you, as the Lin brothers said, are under the Taishan Mountain gate and the students of the Dadao. In terms of seniority, you must call me an uncle." Su Hang continued Road.

"Uncle?" Hong Yun looked at Su Hang with surprise, obviously a little puzzled, thinking Su Hang would not be fooling himself, deliberately take advantage of himself?

Regardless of whether she believed it or not, Su Hang told her what she wanted to know and what she knew, and Hong Yun's mood slowly calmed down.

The tide of memory slowly swept through, but, for a while, Hongyun felt only messy, and at a loss, looked at the young man in the amber, and in his heart, he did not know what it was like.

"Go on, you are suffering these days too. Go down and have a rest. If you can't remember, don't think about it." Su Hang patted Hongyun on the shoulder.

Hongyun looked at the piece of amber.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to deal with it!" Su Hang reassured.

"I want to retreat for a while, think about it!"

Hongyun didn't say more. He was so excited to ask Su Hang, but he left with a bit of confusion and loneliness.

When Hongyun left, Su Hang shook his head uncontrollably, looked back at the piece of amber, reached out and stroked it on the amber, and sighed for a long time. In fact, he didn't know what the relationship was between Hongyun and Xue Qi.

After all, before he left Taikoo, Hongyun and Xue Qi hadn't come together. The two were making troubles. Like the enemy, Su Hang mentioned that he wanted to help him and his media, but that was just wishful thinking.

Did the two of them finally come to one place? The Soviet airlines did not dare to pack their tickets. However, looking at Hongyun's reaction now, it should be highly likely.

Hongyun's retreat must have been trying to sort out her memory. After all, the memory has been broken for tens of millions of years. Counting them, those are all billions of years, or even the ancient memories of hundreds of millions of years ago. Where is it for a while and a while? Can you remember?

This girl is also pitiful, if you can think of it, after all, let Su Hang also know some things that happened in the Taikoo. Those old things that have happened in the Taikoo are not yet happening to Suhang. If there is foresight, In the future, you can take precautions and make calculations in advance.

Exactly, now those extraterrestrial creatures should be able to be suppressed temporarily. After all, it has been two days. Yang Jian has engaged so much dung in, and the cave is almost filled up. If the dung is useless, those extraterritorial creatures are just afraid. Coming out early and messing up!

However, this is always a hidden danger. Su Hang does not think that a bunch of big dung can solve this group of extraterrestrial creatures, and it is impossible to do it once and for all!



After staying in Kunlun Mountain for half a month, the cave was no longer in turmoil. Su Hang and others were temporarily relieved. Yang Jian really made people build a large latrine in the cave, and there are a lot of them every day. The big dung collected from various places is stored, and the disciples of Kunlun need to go down the mountain to solve it.

Su Hang visited the latrine, which is really luxurious, but how many people dare to be convenient in this place? Thinking that it is possible that a monster can climb out of the pit at any time, can you still pull it out?

Yang Jian did not dare to let Yuxu disciples return from the Lion Palace. After all, there were mines buried under the mountain.

Su Hang took advantage of this gap and went back to the Dragon Palace first.



Tiandu Peak!

Compared with the days of the ancient times, the Tiandu Peak in the later generations has changed a lot. The two look like they are not the same mountain at all!

Time, war, and the story given to this mountain may never be finished.

Did none of your own disciples live to this day? Su Hang is now in front of the mountain, feeling sad!

"Father, I heard that Kunlun's trouble has been solved?" Su Jin asked behind the Air Su and whispered.

Su Hang recovered and shook his head, "Solve? Where is it so easy, you think it's too simple!"

So, Su Hang turned around and looked at this son, who was more than one hundred thousand years older than himself. Take a look, but fortunately enough, those Yuxu disciples found the weaknesses of these extraterrestrial creatures and took advantage of them. It should be able to delay it for a while!"

"The children also heard that a few days ago, Senior Yang came to the palace deliberately to clean the large and small latrines in the palace!" Speaking of this, Su Jin couldn't help crying~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Don’t borrow money abroad, but save some for yourself. If a creature from outside the territory strikes in the future, you might be able to work hard. "Su Sudao."

Su Jin listened and couldn't help but smirk, and he didn't know if his father was joking. He could hardly imagine what kind of picture it was, with Xiang flying to defend the enemy, it would be magnificent just to make up your mind.

"A few days ago, Aunt Yu came back!" At this time, Su Jin said.

"Oh?" Su Hang turned to look at Su Jin. "She's back again? Looking for you?"

Su Jin nodded, "Having been back for half a day, and left again!"

Su Hang frowned. Yin Yu'er, the woman of Dadao Realm, although she was almost forced to marry by Yin Wu hurt and became a husband and wife, Su Hang couldn't see through her. After all, she was not familiar, and the other party was still a strong man.

After a few days, she came back to heaven again, fearing something was wrong.

"What can she say?" Su Hang asked directly.

Su Jin shook his head and said, "I didn't say anything, I came back to see me, but when I left, I just let the children leave a message for you. The children could see that Aunt Yu didn't come back for the children. It’s for your father!"

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