Super Study God

Chapter 1481: Recognize your identity!

Power is everything, even if it's gone, even if it is wiped out, is there still a chance of rebirth? Su Hang believes that as long as it has enough power, it can break the rules, and even make Qiankun reverse, wantonly change history!


Su Hang took a long sigh of relief, holding the **** finger in his hand, the finger of the master of Heavenly Realm, but it was a rare refiner material!

It's just that it's so big, what kind of thing can you make?

From the beginning of the path of spiritual practice to the present, with the aid of the system of learning the gods, Su Hang is not a magic weapon, nor a serious refining device, and there is nothing to protect him at the moment. Now the situation is chaotic, he not only has to give his son Some protective measures also have to be considered for family members far away from the earth.

Tang Ao's death has already sounded the alarm for Su Hang. I am in the dark, the enemy is in the dark, the opponent does not come to find himself, in case he finds his relatives, how can he split up?

For the realm of Suhang, such things as refining are already very simple, and there is no need to use it to start work directly. Even if refining is abolished, is there still a system of learning gods? The big deal can be rescued with a single pass.

Hold the finger in your hand, and a sun burst into the palm of your hand to wrap the finger in the fire.



"What time is it, how did you regenerate the device?"

Outdoors, in the courtyard, it was true that a few of them came, and they all wanted to come to Suhang to discuss Tang Ao.

How can a ten-thousand-year-old brother forget this, after all, Tang Ao's true spirit has not yet landed, maybe he can rescue him.

They have nothing to do, they can only come to Suhang to discuss, after all, this time it is Tang Ao, next time it may be who it is!

I just didn't expect that Su Hang actually closed the door and said that he wanted to shut down the refiner. At this point, what is the matter?

"Seniors!" At this time, Su Jin stood out. "Father said, he has his own considerations about Senior Tang's affairs. Don't worry, seniors, go back. Father will be out in three or two days!"


Everyone sighed, but there was no alternative. The key was that there was Liu Ruxu at the door guarding this woman. This woman was not easy to speak.



In desperation, several old men went out and discussed each other.

"You said, what's this called?" Mian sighed wildly.

Several people sighed and said, "You didn't see that scene yesterday, but now you want to come and feel terrible. This time, I am afraid that Tang Ao should have such a robbery. I want to save him. Weak!"

"Forget it, forget it, after coming out for so long, I will go back to my Kunlun Mountain, I don’t know what happened at home, this troubled autumn, you and my old brothers still have to cherish each other, I don’t want to meet next time, and Whose funeral was it!" Yang Jian smiled bitterly.

The crisis in Kunlun Mountain has not been removed, and he is very concerned about it. Since Tang Ao has not been saved here, he is useless to stay. He just wants to go back early. Kunlun can't be okay.

"Sister Brother!" You also smiled bitterly, "We are a few of our brothers, and now you are the most dangerous, I don't think you need to guard your Kunlun Mountain, and quickly moved your disciples to the Lion Palace. Right."

"Yeah, avoid it. Anyway, Kunlun Mountain can't run again. It's safe to go back later, too!"

These old couples used to gather together for a long time, but after Tang Ao's incident, they suddenly became harmonious.

Tang Ao's death really gave them a big blow.


Yang Jian only left a long sigh, which can not blame him for being pedantic. In fact, there are many things left by the ancestors that need him to protect, for example, the spirit of Yuxu!



The matter of the Shushan School caused a lot of sensation within Yu. The status of the Shushan School in the Taoist circle is not low. Moreover, at the time of Tang Ao’s funeral, many fellow practitioners were still staying at the Wangwang Peak. In a few days, this matter has almost spread throughout the whole spiritual world.

The mysterious master appeared in Shushan, and there was a flash-over yet earth-shattering battle, which can be said to make many people relish.

But these people did not realize that the situation in this world has become more and more tricky and complicated.

So, sometimes, when you are an ordinary person, you are safe and secure. You don’t know anything and don’t have to worry about anything. It’s really good.



Sea of ​​blood!

After a lapse of countless years, here is still **** waves, as long as the six reincarnations are still running, there will be endless souls into the blood sea, and the blood sea cannot be exhausted.

The richness of the **** gas here can drive some powerful monks crazy!

"You have stayed here for the deity for so many days, could you really compare yourself with the deity?"

In the depths of the blood sea, a dull voice came, startling the blood waves.

A figure slowly floated out of the deep sea of ​​blood, a red robe, red hair and red eyes, like a blood god.

But in front of the man in red robe, there was a Taoist in purple clothes standing in the sky. If Su Hang was here, he would be greatly surprised. This man in purple clothes was no one else but Hongjun.

"Does your hand hurt?" Hong Jun looked at the person in front of him, but smiled indifferently.

The red robe had a meal, his brow furrowed tightly, and the blood-red right hand subconsciously turned his back. If someone else was here, he would have noticed that the person's right hand was missing one finger.


The red robe snorted coldly and looked at Hongjun with a pair of **** My place does not belong to the jurisdiction of your Heavenly Dao. You have to fight and worship the deity, but if you come to ridicule the deity, Ha ha, let's hurry up! "

"Who said that Heavenly Dao can't control your Shura Realm?" Hong Jun looked at the red robe lightly. "Xurao Realm is in the six reincarnations of the reincarnation, and hasn't divorced from the Xuanhuang Realm. With you, it's naive to want to fight against the rules of Heavenly Dao! "


The Hongpao people listened and laughed, as if they heard the funniest joke under the sky, "Hong Jun, I think you are too naive, do you think you are now, or you were before you, you I really want a battle. It’s not yet known who will kill the deer. Here is the blood sea. The blood sea is not dry. My way is not dead. With you, can you destroy the blood sea?"

Hong Jun's expression on his face was heavy, "I came to you, I didn't think about competing with you, I just wanted to warn you, I want to live, be honest in the blood, don't mess around!"


The red robe laughed again and clapped, "I know, did he let you come? Why, why didn't he come by himself?"

Hong Jun frowned and said, "You have to recognize your identity and who you are talking to."

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