Super Study God

Chapter 1482: Finger magic weapon!


The red robe snorted coldly, the **** momentum on his body suddenly soared, the blood waves suddenly surging in the blood sea, the huge waves surging on the sea surface, one huge **** figure, broke through the sea surface, and stood up from the blood sea.

Bald, naked, height, bathing blood all over the body, can't see clearly at all, blood flowing continuously from the tall body drooping down.

Dozens of blood giants, like the towering giant pillars, pestered in the sea of ​​blood, surrounded Hong Jun and the two people in the middle, the blood sea did not reach his waist, only exposed the horrible upper body.

Ferocious blood, terrifying!

"Children, say hello to Daozu!" The red robe laughed sternly.


Dozens of blood giants, and screaming in the sky at the same time, the whole blood sea is like a tsunami triggered by a twelve-magnitude earthquake. The blood waves are almost higher than the sky.

"With these few things, do you think I can bear it?" Hong Jun asked.

The corner of the mouth of the red robe is curved, "No, no, the deity just wants to show the Taoist ancestor, my blood, there are not many other things, just enough children!"

Threats, with a lot of threats.

Hong Jun's face is not very good-looking. The meaning of this red robe is very clear. It is just like showing his strength and showing his wrists.

These blood giants are all comparable to the existence of Tianzun Realm. For Hong Jun, these are nothing. Without Heavenly Dao Realm, he can pass it with one palm. However, for the outside world, such a The strength is enough to break the balance.

The red robe is using this as a threat.

Seeing that Hong Jun's face was not good-looking, the red robe's face was much more beautiful. When he gently raised his hand, the blood giants immediately retracted back into the blood sea obediently, and the water rippled and disappeared instantly.

"Hong Jun, you and I are well off without breaking the river, and the boundary is better." The corner of the mouth of the red robe is bent. "You rule your heavenly path, I control my Shura Road, everyone is kind, is it not good?"

Hong Jun's expression was cold, "Don't think that I don't know what you want to do, in terms of seniority, he is your ancestor. If you calculate like this, you are bullying the ancestor."

"Joke." The Hongpao people listened and smiled, "I only know that from the moment my master died, my heart was already dead, and the master ordered me to suppress the sea of ​​blood. I did it, for Pangu. It’s been hundreds of millions of years since the suppression of the Shura world, but what did I get? Now I am not Pangu, I am the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood..."

The voice rolled out, and when it came to the end, it even roared out. It is conceivable how excited the red robe's heart was.

"Your Dao Xin has been eroded by the blood evil spirits in this sea of ​​blood. In this way, you will become the second Styx. Do you know the end of Stygian?" Hong Jun said.

The red robe looked at Hong Jun and said, "Of course I know, unfortunately, Ancestral Styx, Jie Jie, if I can devour him to achieve the legendary avenue, should it be easy?"

Speaking of which, the red robe licked his lips with an extremely greedy expression, "Hong Jun, how about making a deal, you help me deceive him to the sea of ​​blood, I can do anything for you."

The red robe's eyes are quite eager.

"Humph." Hong Jun snorted coldly, "I can only tell you that you are looking for death. If you are not relying on the power of the blood sea, how can you allow you to be so rampant, leaving the blood sea, you are nothing... "

The red robe looked at Hongjun bitterly, "Well, you are Hongjun, and will look good to you when the deity is on the road to success."

"I'm afraid you can't wait for that day." Hong Jun said indifferently, and then turned to go, "Remind you, don't do stupid things, once Styx wakes up, you and I can compete, You take his blood, he can easily spare you? Think about it, you still stay in the Shura Realm safely..."

"Yanque doesn't know Honghuzhi, you and I will look at it." The red robe replied coldly.

"That's right." At this time, Hong Jun suddenly turned his head and stretched out his hand, a white light flew out of the depths of the blood sea, and fell directly into Hong Jun's hands.

"He, I took it away," Hong Jun held the thing in his hand, and said indifferently to the man in red, "Many great powers are about to be born, the trend is trending, don't make mistakes, I am giving you the opportunity today ."


The red robe man gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly. The fracture of the index finger of his right hand even forced blood out.

This insidious guy actually took advantage of his own idea and stolen the true spirit of the undead that he could hardly afford, which was abhorrent.

It is a pity that I am bound by this sea of ​​blood. Although I am in the blood sea and have infinite strength, even Hongjun can not be afraid, but once I leave the sea of ​​blood, my strength will be greatly reduced.

Although he hated Hongjun, he did not dare to rush out.

Looking down at the broken index finger in his right hand, the red robe's face became more hated.



Shu Wangfeng.

After a lapse of four days, Suhang finally got out of the customs, which is really beginning to come out.

After the funeral, almost all the guests have left, only those who are not sleepless are still there. On the one hand, their relationship with Tang Ao is extraordinary. On the other hand, Suhang is here, and they feel a little safe.

The first time I felt that the world was so horrible, it seemed that there was danger everywhere.

"Father, what is this?"

In the room, Su Jin stood in front of Su Hang and respectfully received something from Su Hang.

Su Jin knew that this should be the magic weapon that his father had refined for himself in the past few must be quite different, and he was full of expectations, but when he saw what Su Hang delivered, Su Jin was somewhat stunned.

Isn't this the same finger that Su Hang has been playing with? The finger cut from the mysterious master's hand.

There is no change at all, but the blood on it is gone, and it is much cleaner. Shouldn’t my father be dizzy or want to fool me?

Su Jin couldn't help being cranky.

Su Hang smiled lightly, took that finger from Su Jin's hand, and said, "This is the finger of the strong man of Heavenly Dao Realm. After being tempered by his father, he is already tough and unmatched. It also contains the power of rules. It’s an extraordinary product. Don’t look at his ordinary appearance. When it’s really useful, he’s better than Taoist.”


Su Jin listened to this, and his eyes fell on the finger. At this time, he looked at him a little bit. This thing looks ordinary. What is special about it?

"Fill it away, then take it out at the time of the crisis, and then you will know its magical function." Su Hangshen mysteriously put the finger back on Su Jin's hand, revealing a very playful smile.

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