Super Study God

Chapter 1485: Hongjun's gift!

The Yin-Yang mill flew back to Su Hang's hands. This time it sucked. I am afraid that there were hundreds of extraterrestrial creatures. Although the Yin-Yang mill is a sacred avenue, there is always a maximum load value, not to mention that the Yin-Yang mill is not Su. The aviation stuff is only borrowed for the time being. Su Hang is not strong enough to exert its full power. Therefore, it still has to be more leisurely.

The small pocket yin and yang mills, still in the hands of Su Hang, are still spinning slowly, obviously it will take some time to kill.

Su Hang is not in a hurry, put it away and slowly grind it. The energy in it can also be used slowly by itself.

In this space, there are many sleeping extraterrestrial creatures. Su Hang does not know how big this space is, how many monsters are enclosed, and what he charges is only a small part.

After coming out of the cave, Suhang looked relaxed, and turned to look at the Xiang family brothers, saying, "It seems that in the future, the five troublesome people have been guarding here for some time. At this time, the relationship is very important. I am afraid that there are only five of your brothers. To get it done!"

"Shen Zun rest assured that he will not let a fierce beast wake up!" Xiang Dalang said with a wave, waved his hand behind him, and then the four brothers jumped into the cave immediately.

It didn't take long for a stench that almost collapsed to come out of the cave. Su Hang only asked a nose and almost vomited.

Sure enough, playing stinky and dirty, the Xiangjia brothers are considered professional.

I was still white and imposing, like the fairy mortal, but now it is black and black, yellow, orange and orange, covered with filth, and completely becomes a casual dress!

Real casual wear!


At this time, Xiang Dalang stupidly arched his hand at Su Hang and said, "Master Dao Zu still asked me to wait for my brother to bring you a word!"

"What's the matter?"

Su Hang looked at Xiang Dalang, and Hong Jun still had something to bring?

Xiang Dalang said, "The other day, Master Daozu has personally visited the Sea of ​​Blood and retrieved one thing from the Sea of ​​Blood, so that my brother and I can hand it over to God Venerable. In addition, Master Daozu said that the situation in Unet is in chaos now, Many great powers come out of the world. God Venerable remembers to hide his time. His old man is about to retreat in order to restore the peak state as soon as possible. Zixiao Palace is temporarily out of bounds, and God Venerate no longer has to find his old man!"

Su Hang heard that he paused. Was this Hongjun really closed or false closed?

"What did he ask you to give me?" Su Hang asked, and he was more concerned about what Hong Jun would give himself.

Xiang Dalang's dirty hand stretched out, spread out, and there was something black in his palm.

"what is this?"

Su Hang stiffened his nose, and he didn't bother to reach out to pick it up. He was very doubtful whether this particular thing was a dung ball!

Xiang Dalang laughed, "This is the lotus seed bred on the Daozu Master Tian Dao Fa Lotus."

"Lotus seeds?"

Su Hang frowned. Although Xiang Dalang said so, he still dared not reach out to pick it up. After all, it was too dirty and smelly.

Xiang Dalang said, "There is a monk's true spirit in the lotus. Master Daozu let me give it to you. Little thought, the true spirit among them should have some origin with God!"


Su Hang hesitated for a moment and turned to Yang Jian next to him.

Yang Jian is an embarrassment. Your old man is dirty, don't I think it's dirty?

However, Yang Jian still bit his scalp and took the lotus seed from Xiang Dalang's hand.

Fortunately, it is not rare, very dry!

Yang Jian grabbed the lotus seed and immediately backed away a few steps. At first glance, it was indeed a lotus seed. This relieved him, and subconsciously penetrated the lotus seed into the lotus seed.

Yang Jian froze in an instant!

"What's wrong?" Su Hang thought he was electrocuted, so he made something mysterious.

Yang Jian delivered the lotus seeds directly to Su Hang, his voice was a little excited, "Look at you, it seems that it is the true spirit of Tang Ao!"

"Tang Ao?"

Su Hang paused for a moment, quickly took the lotus seed, and then infiltrated the consciousness.

Among the lotus seeds is a gray space, not big, there is a light group floating in it, and a ghost floating in the light group.

What is faint is a personal shape, barely recognizable, and has some familiarity with Tang Ao, but the silhouette of the wood is very immobile.

It really is the true spirit of Tang Ao!

Su Hang's heart warmed, and it seems that this Hongjun is not so merciless now.

This time, he owed him a favor!

This is an irresistible relationship. Su Hang took a deep breath and put the lotus seeds away. Before, because Hong Jun deliberately hid himself, Su Hang was still somewhat angered, but, at this moment, that point of anger has disappeared. .

Since he hides himself, there must be a reason!

Although Tang Ao's true spirit is back, it is like a candle in the wind, and there is a danger of extinction at any time. This day, the lotus seeds of Falian lotus, used to nurture the true spirit, are considered wonderful.

It is unlikely that Tang Ao will be born again in a while. Let him slowly nurture in this lotus seed. Find a time to send him back to Shushan. There are Shushan disciples who worship and bless his faith. The true spirit should be able to recover faster.

Of course, this is something to say, Hong Jun can take a trip to the sea of ​​blood to help him get Tang Ao's true spirit back, and Su Hang is very grateful.



The cave is guarded by the Xiang family brothers, although it is not foolproof, but it also allows Su Hang to be more assured than Now there are Yin and Yang grinding in hand, those extraterrestrial creatures in the cave seem to have been completely It became the energy reserve bank of Su Hang alone, and the Xiang family brothers were also happy to help Su Hang take care of the cave. When this warehouse was in charge, the middle yellow in the cave seemed to be enough for their brothers to restore a lot of skill.

The five brothers have just been born again, but this is not like the realm of the venerable. It is a long way from the peak of the ancient times. After so many years of holding back, now that the food is delicious, it is natural to be happy.



Heaven, Dragon Palace.

In the past few days, Su Hang has closed its doors at the peak of the pool for one day to consolidate the state.

I want to create the Heavenly Capital in one hand, create the Pangu clan, and submit to the ancestors of all races. Then think about the Heavenly Zen and the compliments of the gods. What kind of spirit is that.

Nowadays, the mountain is still that mountain, and the people in those days have long since disappeared, and the time left is only sigh.

"How long have you been in, how come you haven't seen you back?" Su Hang opened his eyes, a little worried.

In his name, Su Jin went back to the earth to visit relatives, and by the way, helped him to send something back. However, this trip has been going on for several days, and he hasn't seen it back yet, so Su Hang felt uneasy and unable to calm down and settle in.

He always felt a little restless, as if something was about to happen, but he spied on the road, but could not see any clues.

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