Super Study God

Chapter 1486: The Big Bang!

Beside, Liu Ruxu sat on the ground and listened to Su Hang's words, comforting, "Master rest assured, young master, he is already a master in today's world, not to mention the master magic weapon you have given. Body, there must be nothing wrong, Xu is back home to meet relatives, stay a few more days."

Liu Ruxu was right, but Su Hang couldn't be relieved. The so-called mother of thousands of miles worried, not only mothers, but also fathers.

Su Hang felt this feeling for the first time. Su Jin, as the Dragon Emperor, was regarded as one of the top cultivators in the world, but the current situation is chaotic. The mysterious existence of Yin Yu'er, Kunlun Grottoes, and Blood Sea Hong Jun said that there will be a lot of power in the world. Su Hang can predict that the road ahead will be more and more bumpy.

The rise in a short period of time, the past and present entanglement in the past, secretly, knowing, knowing, knowing, Suhang did not know how many people they offended, how many enemies peeped in secretly, if there is For the two airlines who do not talk about rules and regulations and stare at their relatives and friends, the damage to Suhang is absolutely huge.

Of course, it is impossible for the Soviet airlines to bring their loved ones with them all the time, not to mention unrealistic, which is definitely more unsafe.

"I'm a little uneasy." Su Hang stood up and said to Liu Rusu, "Let me go back to earth."

In the past two days, Su Hang has always been uneasy. For his existence, it is impossible for this situation to happen for no reason. It is probably a sign that something may happen.

Although I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing, after so many days, Su Jin didn’t come back. Su Hang felt that it was necessary to go back. It’s best to have nothing to worry about.



In the eastern star field, deep, in the dim star field, under the light of the stars, the planets are like shining eyes, blinking and blinking like a dormant head. The fierce beast, peering in the starry sky.

The universe is vast and vast, and it is also awesome. No one knows how many secrets are hidden under this starry sky, and no one knows, what kind of existence exists above that starry sky?

The three majestic enlightened beasts pulled a luan, with one person on each side of the luan, and the green phoenix flaming phoenix under his feet, appearing as a guard, passing through the starry sky. The speed was not fast, but it was not slow.

"Ao Yun, where is it?"

A voice came from Luanjia.

The man on the left turned the man of Qingluan back, saluting Luan respectfully, and said, "Your Majesty, just passing through the fairy land, let's take a shortcut from the left of Tai'e Star Field. There are at most two more At that time, you can see the Dixian Continent."

"Come on, it’s been too much time for me to return to the earth to save my family. My father doesn’t know what happened. My heart is very uneasy. I knew that I should bring the ancestors’ hand-carrying array, You don’t have to rely on people to drive.”

During the Luan driving, Su Jin was a little restless, and wanted to hurry back to the Dixian Continent. This trip to the earth was quite smooth. Although he still did not dare to identify himself, he was able to reunite with his grandparents, aunts and other relatives for a while. This feeling is really good.

When leaving, the family also brought a lot of specialty products. Looking at the big and small things in Luan driving, Su Jin's heart slowly settled down. Because of sleepiness, he leaned on his hand and quickly fell asleep.



I don't know how long after that, there was a thunder in the starry sky, and Su Jin woke up from the sweet sleep.

"what happened?"

Su Jin frowned, lifted the curtain of the car, and looked out. As far as he could see, a light in front fell from the sky and fell on a star. The star exploded violently, and the violent shock wave diverged in all directions.


Wherever the shock wave passed, countless stars were annihilated, the sound of the explosion shook the sky, Su Jin was horrified, and the emperor Luan was busy, prompting a transparent shield to cover Luan and the two guards next to it.

The power of the star explosion can be described as earth-shattering, even though it is protected by Luan's shield, it is still flying in an instant.

Like a lonely boat in the tsunami, there are explosions everywhere, one after another, Su Jin only feels dim and dizzy, dizzy and turned. The only thing he can do is to keep the Luan as far away as possible and carry him dead.

Fortunately, this Luang car is inherited from the Royal Palace of the Gods. Although the cars of the past emperors did not enter the rank, their defensive capabilities are probably not comparable to ordinary magic instruments. The explosion of the Quartet has basically not caused any substantial damage to the shield. The injury is at most a sonic shock.

Galaxy explosion?

I didn't know how long it had passed, and I was settled down a little bit. Su Jinyu made Luanjia far away and watched the star field that was swept away in an instant. The whole person was stunned.

The big explosion of galaxies is usually caused by the explosion of stars. As Su Jin knows, although such a thing is rare, it still happens in the vast universe.

It's just, I didn't think that such a thing actually caused him to encounter it. Su Jin couldn't help but have a lingering fear. The chain reaction of the star explosion, the power of which was horrified, and Tianzun Realm was deeply trapped in Drink hate.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

"Father should die, should not take this path for shortcuts, almost..."

The two next to them hurried together, their expressions flustered, their voices incoherent, and apparently they were also greatly shocked.

At this time, Su Jin raised his hand and interrupted the two of them, but his eyes looked straight ahead, as if attracted by something.

The two looked back, and only saw a huge black hole above the starry sky. Among the black holes, a colorful beam of light hung down, and a pair of huge feet, slowly landed.

All three opened their mouths wide, completely speechless, and looked at the scene with a pair of eyes.

A gray-haired man slowly emerged from the black hole and slowly landed in the void.

There are at least tens of millions of kilometers apart, but they can clearly see that person's body. It is entirely conceivable how huge this person's body is.

It's a star giant, Su Jin and three people are completely dumbfounded. How does this exist?

Was the star exploded just now because of this person? A thought flashed in his mind, Su Jin felt that his saliva could not be swallowed.


The man seemed to have just woken up, stretched a lazy waist, looked around, and his face was quite disgusted, "500 million years, this world is getting dirty."

As if saying a few words to himself, the man looked directly at Su Jin.

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