Super Study God

Chapter 1511: Kill the gun!

The Yin-Yang mill floats in the air and runs like crazy. It seems to have been somewhat overloaded. Countless extraterrestrial beasts are sucked into the black hole. After the Yin-Yang mill is refined, it is turned into pure energy, forming a huge energy tornado. Gather below.

And in that tornado, it was precisely where Su Hang sat, the vast energy was constantly absorbed by Su Hang, maintaining a huge consumption of the system.



Item: Eleventh-grade nine-grade flesh!

Normal refining: 1024000000000 points, can strengthen the body twice.

Special refining: 10240000000 points, refining success rate 0.00001.


I don't know how long it has passed. Without the cost of Suhang, Suhang once again completed the refinement of this body.

The eleventh-level ninth-grade flesh, which is the ninth-grade flesh of the Heavenly Dao Realm, has become numb to the figures. The only thing he cares about is whether this flesh can be kept?

After the light dissipated, Su Hang looked again. The wound on his body had healed, and hemostasis had stopped. His body was covered with blood scabs, and after a light tear, it faded away, revealing brand new skin.

Red and hot, hot and hot, the physical body of Heavenly Realm Jiu Pin should be able to stop the collapse, right? I just don’t know what the two great gods are like in their bodies.

It seems that these two old monsters are fighting each other in equal proportions. For a while, they are afraid that it will be difficult to stop. Su Hang does not dare to detach the soul and return to the flesh. After all, his soul strength is compared with these two old monsters. It is really too far.

The Yin-Yang mill is still continuously supplying energy to the Xueshen system, and the consumption of refined flesh is far beyond the expectations of Su Hang. Although the strength of the flesh is increasing at a geometric multiple, but the energy consumed is also in A geometric multiple growth.

Just this consumption just cost him 512 billion. What kind of concept is this, if there are not enough extra-territorial creatures here, it can't support such fierce consumption at all.

Refining it again, Su Hang hesitated. Seeing this body now, although it has reached the realm of the ninth grade of Heavenly Dao Realm, it is still hot, and Su Hang is really afraid that he will be melted directly.

Refining it again, it should be insured. However, this consumption made Su Hang a little hesitant. The system showed that it needs a full 102.4 billion, which is completely astronomical.

Going upwards, should it be the avenue? If it can be refined into the flesh of the Dadao Realm, it should be insured a lot. However, Su Hang is worried that if the flesh cannot be recovered, will it become the wedding dress of others?

Yin and Yang are grinding crazy extraterrestrial creatures, and Su Hang's learning system is also absorbing crazy, and the number is growing at the speed of light.

Again, keeping the flesh is the first one. Su Hang hesitated for a moment, and waited for the numbers to grow up, and then started refining again without hesitation.

The opportunity is rare. Dadao Realm, if it can refine a flesh of Dadao Realm, it will be perfect. So many energy points are not white flowers.

The flesh is quickly bathed in refined white light. Su Hang, who is a bystander, is not idle at the moment. Relying on such a huge energy mine, can he not do anything?

The flesh should be able to keep it, but there are already two souls in it, and they are also the spirits of two absolute strongmen. These two old monsters, no matter who wins or loses, wait for them to win or lose. It is very disadvantageous.

Therefore, Su Hang must find a way to take back its flesh!

How to win? In the current situation of the Soviet Airways, it is really powerless, but still, in that sentence, everything that cannot be solved, ask the system.

A powerful system should be able to help yourself.

"System, I need a magic weapon for powerful souls and spirits, which can block or destroy the treasures in the realm of the highway!" Su Hang directly issued search conditions to the system.

Now the system has opened a lot of functions, including magic weapon customization, of course, this customization is not what you want it to give you, but that according to your conditions, give you a prototype, let you refine step by step, in fact It's also what you want, but only if you can afford it.

As for why Su Hang chose the magic weapon instead of the exercise method, the reason is also very simple. The exercise method enhances his own strength. With his current soul state, even if he is against the sky, it is impossible for him and Dadao to exist. Fight.

Therefore, magic weapon is the best choice.

After the retrieval conditions were published, a few prototypes of magic weapons appeared in Suhang’s mind, allowing Suhang to choose.

There are three in total, one looks like a small pistol, one is a snuff bottle, and the other one should be an hour to see the model!

Su Hang took a look at the simple message. The small pistol is called the "kill **** gun", which can hurt the soul of the soul. The snuff bottle is called the spirit pot. It specializes in the soul of the soul. In addition, the bell is called the soul soul clock. Soul can also hurt soul.

They are just prototypes of magic weapons, which can be easily won with a thousand energy points.

Su Hang looked at it, hesitated a little, and chose to kill the rifle, not only because the name of the rifle was arrogant, but also with a unique shape. The attacking magic weapon was exactly what he needed now.

A thousand energy points, Su Hang quickly exchanged it, a small revolver appeared in his hand.

Su Hang looked at it and held it in his hand. The size was just right.

Of course, don't think that this small gun can hurt the powerful in Dadao Realm. With a thousand energy points, what good things can you buy? Do you think the system is stupid?

This thing is just a prototype of a magic weapon, and now it looks like it can’t be beaten, even an ordinary pistol can’t compare with Item: Kill God!

Rank: Rank 0!

Introduction: Advanced magic weapon can hurt the soul!

Advanced level required: 100 points!


For advanced treasures, Suhang can already foresee how many pits this thing can have.

100 points, it's just nine ounces, and Su Hang didn't frown, so he directly chose advanced!

The light of the killing spear was dissipated, and the instant kung fu had already been advanced. Su Hang looked at it, and there seemed to be no change except that the color was slightly brighter.


Item: Kill the sharp gun!

Grade: Level 1!

Introduction: Advanced magic weapon can hurt the first-level spirit!

Advanced level required: 1000 points!


Sure enough, Su Hang smiled bitterly. This is not a double-double increase, but a 10-fold-ten-fold increase. How can it be carried?

1000 points is nothing, go ahead, Suhang directly chose advanced.


Item: Kill the sharp gun!

Grade: Level 2!

Introduction: Advanced magic weapon can hurt second-level spirits!

Advanced level required: 10000 points!



This magic gun is just like a human. Each level corresponds to a level of a monk. Su Hang is now in Heavenly Realm, which is level 10, and the spirit is also level 10. That is to say, if the magic gun is killed to level 10. You can hurt the Tianzun realm.

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