Super Study God

Chapter 1512: Credit overdraft!

However, the cost of this thing is also huge. Just upgrading from level 9 to level 10 requires a full 100 billion yuan.

This is nothing but cannibalism, but in order to cope with the immediate crisis, it can only be tolerated. Anyway, Yin and Yang Mo can now continuously provide energy to him.


Item: Kill the sharp gun!

Grade: Level 11!

Introduction: Advanced magic weapon, can hurt 11th level spirit!

Advanced required: 10000000000000 points!


I don't know how long later, when Su Hang spent a trillion energy points and raised the sharp gun to the eleventh level, if you want to advance to the twelfth level, the energy points you need are already abnormal.

Tier 11 can hurt level 11 spirits, level 11 spirits are heavenly realms. Su Hang, with this halo shining in his hand, looks extraordinary, and his heart has been conquered by the system.

Now this gun can hurt Heavenly Dao Realm, but what he has to deal with is Dadao Realm, Dadao Realm and Tian Dao Realm are very different, and Soviet Airlines can guarantee that now this gun, against Dadao Realm, There is absolutely no difference from a toy gun.

At the other end, the flesh is still being refined. I don't know when it will be completed. If there is no accident, after the refining is completed, it should be the flesh of Dadao Realm.

This fleshy body, which cost a lot of money, must not allow those two old monsters to **** it. How can they make wedding dresses for others when they have spent so much, so before they can win or lose, Suhang must hurry Decided, otherwise, once they have divided their victory and defeat and freed up their hands to deal with themselves, at that time, no matter who occupies this body, it will be in a very disadvantageous position for the Soviet airlines.

However, although the Yin and Yang mills are madly refining energy for him, but the 10 trillion energy points cannot be gathered in a while.

Su Hang doesn't know how long he has stayed in this space. I can roughly estimate it. I'm afraid it will be a little longer.

The energy point of 10 trillion yuan is estimated according to the charging speed of the previous few advances. I am afraid that it will take three or five days to be full.

Three or five days, can you wait? Su Hang couldn't help but ask himself in his heart, if he can't get his weapon out, then all his efforts are in vain, and the energy is also a hundred flowers.

"System, is there a way to help me increase the charging speed?" Su Hang asked the system.

"Sorry, in the current state of the host, the system's charging function has been running at full capacity, and it can no longer increase the charging speed. Please wait patiently."

Soon, the system gave Suhang a disappointing answer.

Su Hang frowned, never thought that the system would not give such a face and refused to help.

It seemed that only peace of mind would wait. Su Hang was very anxious, fearing that Huang Tian and Styx would win and lose, and re-dominate his physical body. At that time, he would have no resistance at all, let alone I want the fisherman to benefit.

"However, the host can choose to use the credit overdraft function and overdraft energy points." Just as Suhang was ready to wait in peace, the system's voice rang again in Suhang's mind.

"Credit overdraft?" Su Hang froze for a moment, the system still has this function?

"Given that the host's credit is good, the system concession ten trillion temporary credit overdraft authority, the daily interest rate is five ten thousandths, is it open?" At this time, the system explained.

Ten trillion credit overdraft, daily interest rate of five ten thousandths?

Isn't this a credit card loan? When did this ghost system learn this trick?

If Suhang agreed to the loan, it means that one day’s interest would have to be 5 billion, which is just blood-sucking.

"Does the host choose to open this permission?" Just as Su Hang was stunned, the system questioned again.

Su Hang weighed it in his mind. He is just using it for a temporary turnaround. The system can be charged for more than two trillion yuan a day, and it can be returned after three or five days. Two to three billion interest.

This is also a huge expense, but compared to the high principal, it seems to be insignificant. In any case, the immediate urgency must be resolved first.

"Open it, I want to overdraft ten trillion." Su Hang was decisive, relying on the extraterrestrial beasts in this space, it should not be difficult to raise another ten trillion, as long as the loan is changed in time, then don't be afraid Profits roll, no bottom hole.

"Okay, remind the host, after the credit overdraft, the host must repay the monthly interest and a certain amount of principal. If the host cannot repay, if the supply is cut off for more than three months, the system will wipe out the host's soul and find another host." The system said .

As soon as Su Hang heard this, the entire person's hair was raised. Is it so serious? So scary?

The daily interest is 5 billion, and the monthly interest is 150 billion, plus a certain amount of principal. This Nima’s is a vampire.

Su Hang could not help but secretly curse the system as a profiteer, "What if I repay in advance?"

"Of course, you can repay in advance, but the host must pay an additional three months of interest when repaying. In addition, the host must not have new credit overdrafts before the old payment is paid off," the system replied.

"I went to Nima, so to speak, I borrowed five days, and I have to repay your interest of 450 billion yuan. Is there such a pit?" Su Hang has the urge to scold people. What the heck is this rule? Ghost algorithm?

"Does the host agree to the above agreement?" The system asked at this time Su Hang immediately wanted to refuse, but, thinking about it, this matter is of great importance. I am afraid this loan will not work.

Take care of it, let me make a loan. Anyway, I have money. Suhang now gritted his teeth and agreed to the system agreement.


The ten trillion yuan energy point loan, after Suhang agreed to the agreement, went directly to the account, the speed is fast, just like someone directly brushing data to him in the background, the system recharged soared to more than ten trillion.

"The energy point has arrived, please check with the host," the system said.

Without system prompts, Suhang has already noticed that a series of zeros is very eye-catching on the system display interface.

There is actually such an operation, and Su Air is a little surprised. Even if the huge trillions of dollars are swept away, they are invested in the great cause of upgrading the sharp gun.


Item: Kill the sharp gun!

Grade: Grade 12!

Introduction: Advanced magic weapon, can hurt 12th level spirit!



Finally, he grew into a 12th-level magic weapon. Su Hang breathed a long sigh of relief. With this thing in his hand, he should be able to feel a little guilty in his heart?

The 11th-level magic weapon can already be called the Taoist weapon, but it is the Avenue weapon, and the 12th-level magic weapon, although it can also be said to be the Taoist weapon, has surpassed a grade and is called the Avenue weapon.

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