Super Study God

Chapter 1516: The agreement is finalized!

At this time, Styx smiled, "Brother Su, how about a consultation?"

Su Hang frowned and turned to Styx to look over.

Styx, "As the old monster said, you can't kill us both. It's embarrassing for us to stand so stubbornly. It's better to consult."

Styx has reason to believe that although Su Hang holds the big weapon, it can only threaten one of them, that is to say, none of them has the certainty to win.

If Su Hang is reasonable enough, it will definitely choose to negotiate with them.

"What do you want to say, say!" Su Hang pointed at Styx and said sharply.

Styx Road, "I previously agreed with the old monster to integrate the two souls, and now you add them, let's simply share the flesh with the three souls, how?"

"What good is my flesh, why do you linger on?" Su Hang asked rather helplessly.

Stygian listened and said, "If before, you let me give up this flesh, I don't mind letting go, but now the situation is different, now this flesh is comparable to the avenue, if you can enter the Lord, you can save it How many years do I wait for hard work?"

Nima, Su Hang just wanted to scold his mother at this moment. You have taken the place of Lao Tzu, and you are still so majestic, and you are as good as you should be. Is that what I owe you by nature?

"Boy, don’t forget, your opponent is not us, but the guy like Daozong Zong, and we, like your purpose, give us convenience, that is, give yourself convenience, we can help you and defeat you. Enemy." At this time, Huang Tian was also beside.

"I don't need it." Su Hang replied coldly. These two people are not good kind. Seeking the skin with the tiger, there will be no good ending.

"No, you need it." Huang Tian seemed to have settled on Su Hang. "Did you forget your sister? Without our guidance, can you find Chuangjie Mountain? Even if you find Chuangjie Mountain, then I don’t know when to wait."

As soon as these words came out, Su Hang really hesitated and remained silent for a long time before he said, "I can't believe you."

At this time, Styx Road, "We can make a vow that the three of us will share this body. After we get the revenge, we will talk about the attribution of the flesh."

"Huh, heart oath?"

Su Hang laughed, as if to hear the world's most laughable joke. The so-called heart oath is just a contract under the rules. For ordinary monks, it's okay to say, but for the master of Dadao Realm, it is almost always available. Remorse fart.

"None of us can do anything now, it's really not as good as you and me. The upper body, middle and lower part, take turns changing positions..." Huang Tian said.


Su Hang sneered, and refused directly, "I can allow you to stay in my body temporarily, but I don't allow you to interfere in my actions and life in any way. This is my bottom line."

"Move your bottom line upwards, a month, I only need three days." At this time, Styx.

It was easy to regain freedom, and it was easy to get a body with such a potential. If you don’t even give a chance to let it go, it would be too sad to remind you.

However, at this moment, the two old monsters are afraid of killing the sharp gun in the hands of Su Hang, so the initiative is actually in the hands of Su Hang.

In fact, Su Hang was the most guilty in his heart at this moment. If any one of these two people broke out, it would be him who died.

"As you have previously decided, one for the first day, one for the fifteen, and the rest will belong to me." Finally, Su Hangdao.

Su Hang knows well that if these two people are pressed for urgency, the consequences will be unimaginable, so it is a relief strategy to relax when the time comes.

"How to believe you?" Styx asked.

"I would like to make an oath, believe it or not," Su Hang said directly.

Khan, both of them had heavy black lines on their foreheads. How did this boy learn from them? For the Suhang who had broken through the heavens, what kind of vows had no restraint.

"Okay, on the fifteenth day, that's it."

Styx and Huang Tian looked at each other, and they both agreed readily, without even frowning at all.

In fact, the three of them are all thinking about each other, only oral agreement, now what they promise, can repent at any time, and always find a chance to fight back.

This is also the case for Su Hang. First pass this off, the physical initiative is taken over, and then find a way to raise energy points, exchange his ten or eight shotgun bullets, and take all of your two old goods. Get rid of.

The three of them are all using the strategy of deferring their soldiers, and they are thinking about each other, but they are all unspoken. They just want to alleviate the current embarrassing situation. I am afraid they still have to look at their own skills.

"Put up your stuff!" Huang Tian said directly.

Where did Su Hang willing to put down the killing spear, I was afraid that as soon as the gun was put down, the two men immediately tore up the agreement they had just made and rushed back.

"On the sixth day of today, the flesh belongs to me, you two, go in." Su Hang said, his right hand extended, and a bead appeared in his hand.

The two looked at each other and frowned.

Make beads!

It was when I was in Fengdu that day, I got rid of the avenue avatar and got the treasure beads. The beads contained space and became a small world.

"Boy, you still can't believe us?" Huang Tian frowned.

They can naturally see the difference of this bead. The bead contains the world. Once inside, Suhang will surely seal it If you want to come out, you have to break the world barriers, and use their soul power If you want to break open, it still takes some effort.

Su Hang’s move naturally had his intentions. The two men hid themselves in their bodies. They were completely two time bombs, which would explode at any time. You have to beware of them at all times. If they are introduced into the chemical beads, even if they have anything Any evil intentions must first break the world barriers for the creation of chemical pearls. At that time, Su Hang will naturally be aware and can take precautions early.

In other words, design a door to temporarily shut out the danger. At least, if there is a danger, you can buy yourself a little time to cope and escape.

"Yes, I can't believe you." Su Hang replied very directly. "As long as you follow the agreement, I will definitely abide by the agreement. On the fifteenth of every month, let you out to ventilate."

After finishing talking, Su Hang paused and said, "If you don't agree, then when I haven't said anything, please ask you to get out of my body, otherwise, I will die, at least that back."

Huang Tian and Styx looked at each other for a while, before they compromised, and each turned into a ray of light, which was invested in the craft beads in the hands of Su Hang.

"Boy, if you dare to betray Chen Nuo, you will not be killed."

At the end, Huang Tian also put a ruthless speech.


Seeing that both of them had entered the chemical beads, Su Hang's tense spirit was loosened, and the whole person almost collapsed.

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