Super Study God

Chapter 1517: Expedient!

Hope, you can behave well and settle down!

Su Hang was cold in his heart, his mind slowly withdrew from the consciousness sea, and his consciousness returned to the flesh. The whole person sat on the ground with paralysis, as if experiencing a life and death.

It's not as if I really just experienced a life and death, and I still escaped from death.

At the beginning of the day, Su Hang didn’t really know. He just said that he was on the 9th, but it was just a word of mouth. He just promised them. It was just a stopgap measure. Su Hang did not intend to let those two old monsters dominate his own flesh. Not to mention one day, even one minute does not believe.

Because Su Hang couldn't believe them at all, once they handed over their flesh, Jiucheng didn't want to get it back.

Fortunately for them to get into the chemical beads, what Suhang needs to do now is to take advantage of this time, or they will find a way to raise energy points, exchange enough bullets for killing sharp guns, and wipe the two old monsters in one net, or just want to This method forbids the two old monsters forever in the chemical beads.

It took a while for Su Hang to slowly take his breath away. Fortunately, he snatched the flesh back. Looking back at the thrilling just now, I was really fortunate.

His eyes fell on Huang Tian's body next to him, which had no soul and was already an empty shell.

Although he is a bit older, he is also a physical body of heaven and earth. Why do these two old monsters look at my physical body? Is my flesh so good?

This flesh should be worth 100 billion energy points, right? Those two old monsters don't need it. It's useless for Su Hang to take it. It's better to let the Yin and Yang grind it better. You can change some energy points.

However, immediately, Su Hang thought of another person, Tang Ao!

Tang Ao's current situation, free of true spirits, this pair of flesh remains, maybe it can be used for Tang Ao!

It was already pretty good for my friend to do this. Su Hang waved his hand and put away the flesh.

With a long sigh of relief, Su Hang really didn't want to experience it again.

Looking around, the whole space is empty. During this time, it can be tossed by yin and yang. Not only those extraterrestrial creatures in the seal are swept away, even the food of the Xiang family brothers is consumed, and the land is ripped. After several layers were dropped, it was completely in ruins!

Su Hang even felt a little pity, if these extraterrestrial creatures could have a little more.

Such a large energy mine was quickly tossed away by myself, in exchange for a pseudo-road realm, and a flesh that could be robbed at any time, as well as a gun without bullets, I don’t know if it was earned. Still lost!




When Su Hang came out of the grotto, Su Jin and others who were waiting were greeted immediately, but when they saw Su Hang, even Su Jin, I almost couldn't agree.

In this more than one month's time, Su Hang's temperament has changed drastically, just like a person.

Su Jin couldn't help but look at Liu Ruxu next to him. Liu Ruxu was connected to Su Hang's life, and it was only Liu Ruxu who could tell the true and false of the people in front of him.

Liu Ruxu nodded slightly, apparently already confirming her identity. At this time, Liu Ruxu was also very surprised in her heart, because she could feel that Su Hang at this time, as compared to before, seemed to have experienced a day and The transformation of the land.

The temperament of the whole person has made her a little bit beyond her reach.

Does he really accept the inheritance of that existence?

"Why? Don't you know me?" Su Hang said, even his voice was much more magnetic than before.

"Master, are you okay?" Liu Rusu asked.

Su Hang shook his head and smiled, "It's all gone, everything is fine!"

"Father, what about that old man?" Su Jin asked.


Su Hang's answer is very simple, only the body is left, should be considered dead.

"Father? Did you kill him? Or?" Su Jin stopped talking. He actually wanted to know if Su Hang really worshipped the old man as a teacher, and that old man passed on his merits to him?

The old man is not a kind-hearted person. In Su Jin's opinion, his dad should not be so unruly.

"This matter is a long story, go back and say it again." Su Hang said, and had no intention of continuing to explain anything.

Su Jin heard the words, and no longer asked, immediately left and right, guarding Su Hang ready to leave.

"Xiang Brothers." After two steps, Su Hang looked at the Xiangjia brothers. "You have already accomplished your merits. Thank you for your protection these days. Now, where did you come from, where do you go back."

"Well? God? Don't we need care here?" Xiang Dalang looked at Su Hang unexpectedly.

Su Hang nodded and smiled.

Beside, a few flying monsters seemed to perceive something, and ran to the cave, and after a while, they came out one by one, crying one by one, and it looked like they had lost their son.

Xiang Erlang whispered in Xiang Dalang's ear, Xiang Dalang's face also changed abruptly, and he looked up at Su Hang with some sorrows, "Sovereign, now Master Taoist is not in Zixiao Palace, our brothers are nowhere You can go, and, Master Daozu let us come to help the deity. Although this matter is over, we can’t guarantee that there are other places where our brothers can be used. Our brothers wish to be driven by the deity before the saddle. ."

"Pray for God to accept."

Immediately, several brothers of the Xiang family knelt on the ground, their expressions on their faces being very pious.

Su Hang reluctantly raised his Let me go back to heaven, but few of you, pay attention to personal hygiene in the future, otherwise, I will not stay with you. "

"Yes, God."

The few brothers were overjoyed and quickly nodded in agreement. Then, a group of people walked toward the Tiandu Mountain.


After this incident, the happiest was Yang Jian. Su Hang walked away and took away all the Xiang family brothers who had left behind the crackdown. After seeing Yang Jian, he immediately went down to the cave to see what he saw. Desperate, but it was this desolation that made him overjoyed.

The huge hidden danger buried deep under the Kunlun Mountain was so gone, it was a surprise.

These days, the extraterrestrial creatures are completely a bomb buried in his heart. Now that the bomb has been removed, he seems to have seen the former glory of the Yuxu School again.



A huge mountain range.

Floating in the void, a mysterious place, the clouds cover the mist, the chaos is chaotic, the fairy bird is coiled, the spirit beast is auspicious, but it is a place that has been left outside the world.

Since the battle of the Swire Anti-Taoism, the Swire Continent collapsed, leaving only a small part, called the Dixian Continent. Innumerable fragments have merged into the Sifang God Territory and turned into the stars of the sky.

After the war against the Dao, Taihuang Mountain escaped into the void and disappeared without a trace. For 65 million years, there has never been a rebirth.

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