Super Study God

Chapter 1518: Men must have meaning!

Today's Taihuang Mountain, and Taihuang Mountain, which is too ancient, are almost the same in general. It seems that the years have not allowed it to produce any changes at all, but it is a little more mysterious.

On top of the mountain, the sea of ​​clouds is transpiring.

A young man in white, standing on the edge of a cliff, among his Qian Fang and the sea of ​​clouds, showed a mirror-like circle. If Su Hang is here, he will be surprised to find that the scene shown on the screen is positive It was the scene where he negotiated with Huang Tian in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The speech sound, the sound and the smile, the slightest appearance, is simply a high-definition live broadcast.

Looking at Huang Tian and the two entering the make-up beads, the eyes of the young man in white were a bit chilly, "Huang Tian ah Huang Tian, ​​it seems that your failure was not without a reason. Compared with my grandfather, you are far away, It really disappointed me."

The young man in white shook his head and said to himself, with some disdain on his face.

His eyes fell on Su Hang in the picture. "Again I let you hide, and you really surprised me, not to mention, there are still ten years, ten years of contract, you must not forget."

When the words fell, the picture had dissipated like smoke. "I want to see what you can grow up to in the remaining ten years. By then, I will make you defeated and convinced."

"Hey, little fresh meat, what are you talking to yourself?" At this time, a crisp voice came from behind.

The young man in white heard the words, his frowned furry stretched out, and turned his face. A girl in a yellow shirt walked towards him with a puzzled expression.

There was a smile on the face of the young man in white, "Nothing. I just saw this beautiful place, but I couldn't help but feel a little sighed and sang the poem!"


The girl came over and looked at the young man in white with her head tilted in surprise. "Will you still sing poetry? What poems? I heard what you said for ten years?"

"Ten years of life and death, there is no way to think about it..." The young man in white smiled, and then opened his mouth.


When the girl heard it, she immediately laughed, "Please, this is a word, not a poem, and, do you know what this word means? This is the song of Mr. Dong Po, a great poet in the Song Dynasty, talking about his thoughts of yin and yang. 'S wife..."

Speaking of which, the girl looked at the young man in white with her head tilted, "Hey, little fresh meat, do you also have a wife? Is your wife also dead?"

This is really an awkward question. The girl is straightforward and has no taboo.


After the words had been asked, the girl realized that she had pierced someone's wound, and quickly said sorry.

The young man in white looked at the girl in front of her, and the expression on her face seemed a little complicated. After a while, she smiled. "Where did you go? Didn't you call me Xiao Xianrou? How can I have a wife?"

After hearing this from the young man in white, the girl smiled and blamed, "You scared me, I thought I really poked you at the painful place. It's okay to read these hurtful words. It's really a teenager's unknowing feeling. The new words say sadness, are you pretending to be elegant? Useless, for your boys, it is enough to be handsome."

After listening to this, the young man in white couldn't help but smiled, "The girl said very much, it doesn't seem to me to change anything."

"You're really confident." The girl gave him a blank look. "You're a bit pretty, but just like that, you're barely counting the tall guys out of the pile of dwarfs, even though the boys only need to be long. It’s good to be handsome, but a group of handsome guys standing together can only fight for connotation."

The young man in white smiled and looked at the girl with interest. "What does that girl think is the connotation?"

"What's the meaning?" The girl in costume looked like an emotional expert, holding her chin for a while, and said, "That's something that can't tell the truth, just like my brother..."

When the young man in white heard this, he frowned slightly, "You seem to adore your brother."

"Of course." As soon as I talked about my brother, the girl's eyes lighted up. "My brother is the best person in the world for me, and it gives me everything, and gives me delicious things, and, whenever I When he is in danger, he will always appear first to protect me."

"However, this time, you are in danger, and he doesn't seem to appear." At this time, the young man in white spoke, and his tone was a bit joking and shocked.

The girl listened and looked up at the young man in white, and said uncomfortably, "You know what, if it were not for you to take me to this broken place, my brother must have appeared long ago, and I will not allow you to say bad things about my brother."

The young man in white paused, nodded, and smiled, "Okay, if I lose my word, the girl will treat me as if I haven't said that."

After the girl heard this, her emotions calmed down a little bit. Then, she seemed to have thought of something, and she panicked, "No, my brother must find me in the world. I have to go back, Xiao Xianrou, you Will you send me back?"

The young man in white heard and said, "I have sent someone to inform him of your brother. You don't have to worry about the girl. You were injured by the old monster in the fairy king temple. You have to recover slowly, waiting for you to recover. Alright, I'll send you back later?"

"What you said is true? Do you know my brother?" The girl looked at the young man in white in question.

The youth in white course I know that he and I are very good friends. This time he asked me to save you. "

The doubts on the girl's face still did not subside, "What's my brother's name, how do you know each other?"

The young man in white smiled, "His name is Su Hang, from the earth, right? I have known him and him for a long time, we know each other on the earth, yes, I forgot to tell you, I also came out of the earth like you. of."

"Really? Why didn't I listen to my brother?" The doubt in the girl's heart slowly subsided. "You also came out of the earth? Where are you from?"

"Yuzhou!" the youth in white said directly.

"Yuzhou? Are you from Yuzhou?" Upon hearing the girl's eyes, her eyes were shining immediately, and the alert was just left behind.

I can still see a fellow in such a place. It’s not true. It should be the old ball. Exactly what kind of fate do you say?

"I'm from Shuzhong. Let's get close." The girl smiled happily. "I have a younger brother. He is also from Shuzhong, but it's a pity..."

Speaking of which, the girl seemed to think of something, the smile on her face was gone, and the rest was only sad.

The young man in white paused and said, "Is the girl worried?"

The girl recovered, raised her head, and shook her head gently, "It's nothing, just remembered some unhappy past."

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