Super Study God

Chapter 1526: Heavenly sin pool!

  Thank you again.


   Su Hang's eyebrows stretched out and turned to the left.


   The sea of ​​blood was so vast that it was impossible to tell the difference between southeast and northwest, so we could only tell the difference. Su Hang left and walked for three or five minutes.


"Huh? Those hungry Shura, why didn't you chase it?" Su Hang was a little surprised. Those hungry Shura and the blood sea are integrated. No matter how far Suhang runs, they will always be reborn where Suhang appears, but Su Hang stopped a few times in the middle, but the hungry Shura who had pursued him in vain did not appear again, which surprised Su Hang.


   "That kid is secretly following us, it seems to want to grab our baby." Styx.


   Su Hang frowned, "He knows we are going to fetch treasure?"


"Silly boy." Huang Tian laughed, "You don't want to fight with him, but you are turning around here, he is silly and knows that you come to the sea of ​​blood for a purpose. At this moment, he is secretly prying, waiting to figure you out. 'S intention, waiting for you to get something out, just afraid to get it out."


   "What should I do now?" Su Hang asked, "I can't find his location, do you know?"


   Huang Tian was right. How could he run into the sea of ​​blood for no reason, even if King Shura is stupid, he can guess that he has a purpose.


   Su Hang couldn't find the hiding place of King Shura, and if the match really happened, the other party and the sea of ​​blood became one, and Su Hang did not have a certain degree of victory.


   "Don't care about him, get things out first, I have my own way to deal with him!" At this time, Styx.


   Su Hang groaned for a moment, and then laid his heart horizontally, following the guidance of Styx, and planted it into the sea of ​​blood below, and disappeared instantly.


   Soon after, a blood-red figure appeared at the place where Su Hang had just disappeared, it was King Shura.


   At this time, King Shura's beautiful and eerie face was full of doubts.


   "I'm going to see, what wave do you want to turn over in my blood sea." A cold light flashed in the eyes of Shura Wang, and he plunged directly into the blood sea.




   "Unexpectedly, there is such a situation in this sea of ​​blood."


  The land of blood, there is a quiet place, standing a huge stone pillar, the stone pillar is tied by several huge iron chains, like a chained sinner.


  The stone pillars are as dark as ink, and there is a thick black gas on it. The black gas is condensed but not scattered, and it looks extremely strange.


   Even Suhang did not dare to get close, and instinctively felt unwell.


   "Great Thousand Worlds, there is nothing strange, kid, there are more things you haven't seen yet!" Styx said.


   "This is..." At this time, Huang Tian also spoke, as if very surprised, "Unexpectedly, this thing is actually here."


   "This is what you asked me to fetch? What is this?" Su Hang asked directly, this thing could make Huang Tian lose his calmness, it must be something extraordinary.


   "Heavenly Sin!" At this time, Styx spoke.


   "Heavenly sin? What?" Su Hang asked in surprise.


   Styx Road, "Heavenly Sin, also known as the Heavenly Sin Pool, is the place where the Three Thousand Avenues world is filthy to filthy, and to deep sin.


   "Pool?" Su Hang was stunned, looking at the stone pillar in front of him, "Not funny, this is clearly a pillar."


"In the pillar, there is a small space with a pool in it, which gathers the original sins of the landlords of the Three Thousand Avenue World. It can be said that this thing is the most terrifying place in the Three Thousand Avenue World." Huang Tian's voice Actually trembling, even a little frightened, "I understand, Boy Styx, the Sea of ​​Blood was born for this thing?"


   Styx smiled indifferently, "That's right, the meaning of the existence of the blood sea is to suppress this thing with boundless karma!"


   "Hi..." Huang Tian took a breath of breath, "You are not the evil karma, but his original sin? No, how can you escape the shackles of heavenly sin? And, you are so weak!"


"Hey, what are you talking about? What original sin? What heavenly sin? Who can translate it for me?" Su Hang was a little speechless. The two old monsters completely talked about themselves and didn't understand their own bystanders. The mood of the person.


  Huang Tian took a deep breath and calmed down some trembling minds. Then, he gained knowledge for Suhang.


   "A monk will experience a catastrophe when he achieves Dadao Realm!"


   "Disaster?" Su Hang was quite surprised. "The Heavenly Dao Realm has already surpassed the rules, and Dadao Realm will also lead to disasters?"


   Huang Tian’s words really made Su Hang hard to believe that there would be disasters if he broke through the Heavenly Dao Realm. He could understand, but what is Dadao Realm? The existence of the world can be created, how can there be disasters?


   "You are too naive." Huang Tian smiled, "This catastrophe is not the catastrophe of heaven and earth, but the catastrophe of self."


   "Robbery of self?" Su Hang heard the term for the first time.


   Huang Tiandao, "When a monk breaks through the avenue, he will give birth to an existence like a mirror image of the deity. Do you know what a mirror image is? It is like yourself in the mirror, just like you, a generally powerful existence."


"This existence is like a mirror image of the deity, we call it "other me", so the disaster of Dadao Realm is not a disaster of heaven and earth, but itself, but a battle between the self and him and me. Evil, endless evil, he was born only one purpose That is to kill you, and you, you must kill him, in order to truly achieve the realm of the Avenue."




   Huang Tianchao said, Su Hang had already heard it for a while. These words he said were simply incredible. When he broke through the avenue, the sky-tribulation actually appeared to be a mirror image person exactly fighting himself.


   Is this too ridiculous? Su Hang is a bit hard to believe.


"If you are defeated by "He Me", then you will be irretrievable, so your "He Me" is your original sin." Huang Tian then said, "You can imagine that it is exactly like you, generally Powerful, there is no slight difference in the battle, what kind of situation is it?"


Speaking of which, Huang Tian smiled bitterly, "It's like fighting with the left hand, it's almost a battle that is almost impossible to win. Unless outsiders intervene, the hundreds of millions of years of practice will probably be lost in an instant. When the old man broke through the road, he fought against my original sin for millions of years before he defeated it..."


  What Huang Tian said, Su Hang is really unheard of, just like listening to the heavenly book.


   It turned out to be such a process of breaking through the avenue, it is really old and learned.


   "What does that have to do with this pillar, uh, Heaven Sin Pool?" Su Hang asked.


   Huang Tian sighed, "This pillar was originally inserted on the top of Tianyan Mountain in the Heaven Realm. After that person became enlightened, he sealed his original sin into this pillar.") Download the free reader!!

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