Super Study God

Chapter 1527: Blacken it!

Styx did not speak!


   Huang Tian continued, "After Xuan Tian and I became enlightened, we also banished my original sin into this day's sin pool. Later, other Dadao monks also followed suit, and this day's sin pool was formed..."


  Su Hang looked at the dark pillar, "You mean, there are many avenues in this pillar?"


   took a breath, the original sin of the Dadao Realm strong, and the mirror image people as strong as those Dadao Realm strong? And there are more than one, just thinking about it is enough to make people dazed?


   "Why is this thing here?" Huang Tian asked, frowning, obviously speaking to the WWW..lā


   Styx Road, "Of course it was my deity who did it. In this world of thousands, in addition to him, do you think anyone can move the pool of sin?"


   "Humph!" Huang Tian seemed very upset. "Yeah, it seems that he is also the first one who can kill him and me at will!"


   In this speech, there is a bit of mockery, and this mockery seems to be aimed at Styx.


   At this time, Su Hang was able to guess that the person they were talking about should be the main patriarch who only heard the sound, but could not see him, and the Styx might be the original sin of the main patriarch!


Stygian did not take it seriously, "You are right, he is very strong and so outrageous, but he is not invincible. This person is too kind. This is his strength and his most deadly weakness. He completely Those who have the ability to wait for me to catch all the nets, but they can only save our lives and show his kindness!"


   "He is not benevolent, but, you and I are in his eyes, it is simply not a threat!" Huang Tian shook his head, with a very helplessness in his words.


This remark seemed to touch the self-esteem of Styx. Styx immediately snorted, "I don't believe this evil. Since he put my town here, I know that one day, I will put him under my feet. , I am the sky!"


  Huang Tianbiao gave a sigh, and did not answer, it seemed that he was afraid of hitting Styx again.


   "What are you talking about, I don't understand!" At this time, Suhang finally spoke.


   "You don't need to understand!" Styx said, "Now, you just need to step forward and close this pillar!"




   Su Hang's brow furrowed. This pillar was painted black, which gave Su Hang a very uncomfortable feeling. Su Hang did not dare to step forward and touch it easily.




  When Su Hang was hesitating, Huang Tian suddenly spoke.


   Su Hang paused. At this time, Stygian smiled, "Old Huang, aren't you afraid?"


   "Yes, I'm scared!" Huang Tian admitted very simply, "There is also my original sin in the pool of heaven's sins. If you let him out, the old man's current situation is simply not his opponent!"


   Su Hang can imagine that Huang Tian must be blushing at this time, which can make this old man admonish, but it is really not easy.


   "Hahaha..." Styx smiled triumphantly, "Relax, there is a deity seal above the heavenly sins, those things can't come out!"


   "Oh ghost, don't you come out too?" Huang Tian snorted.


"I'm just an exception!" Styx smiled and turned to Su Hangdao. "Boy, if you want to fight Daozongzong, you can only rely on this thing. You can't take it, dare to go, but it's up to you !"


   With a lot of temptation in his words, Su Hang raised his eyebrows, then looked at the black-winded pillar in front of him, and intuitively told him that this was not a good thing.


   "Just such a pillar? Can it be confronted with Daozongzong?" Su Hang would not be easily fooled.


Styx smiled, "Among the sins of heaven, the original sins of other Dao realm monks are hidden. You can imagine that if you control such a force, you will have countless masters of Dao realm. What are you doing?"


   "If they don't control it for me, wouldn't I plant it?" Su Hangdao.


   Styx, "The purpose of the original sin of him and me is to destroy the self. Even if you can't control them, if you can let them out, you can think about it, can Daozong still be a mess?"


   It seems that it makes a lot of sense. If it is done that way, I am afraid that it is the catastrophe of the powerful people of all avenues!


This said that Styx was completely a terrorist, and Su Hang couldn't help but be alarmed when he heard his words. If he really released the original sin of the realms of the realms, as he said, I'm afraid it would really cause chaos in the world. The masters of the realms of the realms are afraid that they will be overwhelmed by themselves, but it will undoubtedly be an inestimable disaster for the creatures of the realms.


   "I never thought of being an enemy with Dadao Zong. If I really listen to you, I am afraid that I will become a public enemy of all circles." Su Hang said in a deep voice, he didn't want to be a gun.


He really did not think of being an enemy with Daozong Zong. Up to now, his only opponent is Lin Xuan, and even Lin Xuan, Su Hang has never thought of becoming a life and death enemy with him. After all, he still has a trace Fantasy, I hope Lin Xuan can return to the past and become that lively and lovely younger brother Lin Xiaoxuan.


   This kind of heavenly sin is completely a bomb. If Su Hang ignites this lead, he can imagine what kind of end he will be.


"Boy, don't you listen to him This thing can't be touched." Huang Tian stopped, "The Stygian boy is afraid that the world is not chaotic, he is the original sin of that person, 80% want to borrow Your hands open the sin of heaven, and use its power to reverse the world."


"Old man Huang, don't mislead this kid. We are grasshoppers tied to a rope now. If you don't want to use extreme means, you think, with our few skills, we can avenge our revenge and hate snow. ?" Styx.


"You are playing with fire." Huang Tianli said aloud, and turned to Su Hangdao again, "Boy, the monk's original sin is the darkest and most evil aspect of the monk's heart. If Stygian Boys can't believe it. "


   Su Hanghanran, but said in his heart, I don’t dare to believe either of your two words. Let’s call you Huang Tian, ​​it’s dark and evil. Isn’t your original sin more darker and more evil?


"Old man, you shut up for me." Sing He snorted, and then faced Su Hangdao, "Boy, don't you want to save your sister? Your sister is in the hands of the surname Lin, maybe you're going to suffer What sin? Are you hungry for power? Now that power is in front of you, at your fingertips, why are you hesitating?"


  'S voice was very confusing, like a thunder exploding in Su Hang's mind, Su Hang was instantly blinded.


   Yeah, sister? Am I longing for power? This thing in front of me, can it give me strength?


"Blacken the boy, accept the sin of heaven, and soon, let's kill Heaven Realm together, level the Chuangjie Mountain, rescue your sister, and let the kid surnamed Lin kneel in front of you and give you toes.") Download Free reader!

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