Super Study God

Chapter 1550: Flesh Road?

Su Hang groaned, "What do you mean?"

"That Tongtianguo, I have eaten it, you see, there is a nucleus left!" Huang Tian looked quite innocent, raised his left hand, and the apple-like fruit in his palm had only half a nucleus left. Son.

Su Hang looked at it and suddenly felt that the egg was about to be broken, and instantly angered, "Old monster, you pit me?"

"What makes me pit you? The fruit was asked by Stygian, and the idea came out of him. If you can survive and have trouble, if you can survive and trouble him, I'm just greedy. I haven't tasted Tongtianguo for a long time. Taste!"

Huang Tian smashed his mouth, and even the remaining half of the core was not wasted. He threw it directly into his mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it.

"Okay, the time is here, boy, it's your turn to perform!" Huang Tian laughed, and his consciousness broke away from the flesh and entered the sea of ​​knowledge of Suhang.

It seemed that he was afraid that Su Hang would trouble him. Huang Tian didn't even meet Su Hang in the sea, bypassing Su Hang, and drilled directly into the beads.


At the moment, Su Hang really has the heart to kill. These two old monsters are really sorry that they died 10,000 times.

Imagine that one day when you were away from home, when you returned home, you found that your house was given a spot, and the arsonist was swaggering across the market. How would you feel?

Hurry up and put out the fire!

Su Hang had expected that these two old monsters would play with him, but he never expected that he would play so yin and the routine so deep that he thought of such a way to engage him.

At the moment, Su Hang does not have time to find the two old monsters to settle the accounts, and quickly integrates his consciousness into the flesh to check the situation of his own flesh.

Huang Tian said just now that a fruit, a fruit that has been bred for hundreds of billions of years, is enough to let him step into the realm of the road. How huge is the essence energy contained in it, even if he thinks with sweat!


Slowly opened his eyes, at this moment, Su Hang finally regained the ownership of the body.

Su Hang only felt warm and warm, as if he woke up and was in the hot spring, but the fact is that he was really soaking in the hot spring, and his head was covered with a wet towel, which was a comfortable one.

This yellow monster really enjoys it.

Su Hang scolded, and threw the towel aside, but he didn't care about coming out of the hot spring. He immediately closed his eyes and checked his condition.

It's enough to live in your house forcibly, and burn your house in front of you, it's a complete loss of conscience. At this moment, Su Hang really wanted to destroy the Stygian River and Huang Tian 10,000 times.

Tongtianguo, the essence accumulated in one hundred billion years is enough to achieve a small world, how terrifying it will be. Suhang can't imagine how such a force will explode in its own body, what will be the consequences of zombies .

The fruit has been swallowed, no matter if it is voluntary by Su Hang, the fruit will melt into the mouth, and it can no longer be found in the stomach, let alone spit it out.


However, when Su Hang sank his mind into the flesh and carefully collected for a long time, there was no trace of energy fluctuation.

What's wrong, won't it be fun for me?

Whatever the celestial fruit, maybe it's just an apple, but it looks a little special.

But, these two old monsters, is there any interest in making such a joke with yourself?

"Boy, Tongtianguo's medicinal effect is very slow, but it is very fierce. If you can't hold it, call it out loud, and I'll be happy to help you." At this time, the sound of Styx came from my mind.

"Boy Styx, let's find a place to avoid it first, so as not to affect our pond fish for a while."

Huang Tiandao said, then, Su Hang felt that the chemical beads floating in the consciousness sea floated out directly.

"Boy, good luck!"

The chemical beads got out of the bounds of Su Hang's body, circled around him, and flew directly into the air.

Su Hang almost exploded fire in his eyes, and was about to chase away. Suddenly, there was a heat wave in his body, which instantly burned and spread to all his limbs.

Everything came too suddenly, and it felt like I had just swallowed a hot iron.

Although he was physically strong enough to withstand, Su Hang still dared not neglect and did not have time to find the two men in trouble, and sat up cross-legged in the hot spring.

The huge Tongtian fruit essence surged out, like an endless sea pouring back into the river, and Su Hang's skin quickly turned red, just like the red hot steel.


The water mist was boiling and I saw that the water in the hot spring boiled quickly, and the water level dropped rapidly, but it was burned to dryness in a few breaths.

On the top of the mountain, there was a thick fog. In a big pit, Su Hang sat cross-legged, without a ray of skin all over him, and his skin was as red as magma.

Tongtianguo and other sacred objects, even among the main powers of the Avenue are definitely regarded as the top celestial treasures, accumulating hundreds of billions of years of sperm, and exploding in the Soviet aviation body, If it had not been the Soviet Union's physical body, it would have been a violent body already.

"This celestial fruit is really overbearing!"

The physical body of this pseudo-avenue has been refined by the Xueshen system many times, and it has already been strengthened to the limit, but under the impact of this heavenly fruit essence, Su Hang can obviously feel that it is still strengthening.

Every cell and every muscle in the whole body is being burned and tempered, and the strength is constantly being increased during the tempering. Because the physical body of Suhang has reached the edge of the avenue, so the energy in the body is surging, wave after wave , But Su Hang did not feel particularly uncomfortable.

At least, the situation should be much better than when the two old monsters fought in their bodies, at least there is no tendency for the body to collapse.

The strength of Tongtianguo is so strong that Su Hang can't imagine it. Perhaps, it is really possible to let its physical body completely enter the avenue. After all, Su Hang's physical body is already a fake avenue, and it is only one step away from the avenue. remote.

Dadao Realm, although it is just a physical body, for every monk, it is definitely a dream that I dare not think about, but at this time, Su Hang is hesitating.

The two old monsters ate this fruit for themselves. Obviously, they didn’t have good intentions. The purpose, Huang Tian also made it very clear. If he is not held up by this huge essence, he can successfully bring the flesh to the advanced level. It is likely to attract The original sin is coming. Suhang has never experienced such a thing.

Moreover, he had to guard against Huang Tian and Stygian halfway, so the situation is very unfavorable to him.

This fleshy road can't be rushed through.

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