Super Study God

Chapter 1551: The golden cicada unshelled!

Su Hang's consciousness is still sober. At the moment, he immediately summons the Xueshen system and starts the energy absorption mode, madly absorbing the violent essence energy in the body.

However, the absorption of the system is not comparable to that of Tongtianguo Jingyuan. After all, the energy accumulated in hundreds of billions of years is pouring out, and at this time, Suhang’s body has reached a critical point, even if the absorption is faster. It is also impossible to completely absorb these energies in an instant.

At the same time, Su Hang mobilized the Yin and Yang mills and drove up full horsepower. In order to reduce the burden, the massive energy was quickly absorbed by the Xueshen system and the Yin and Yang mills.

But this seems to be of no avail at all. After all, even if you hollow out the sea, it is still the sea. The half of the seawater is instantly poured into the river, which is also enough to prop up the river!


Su Hang clenched her teeth. At this time, being able to endure one second is one second. If he can endure another second, he will learn more about the Shenshen system and Yin-Yang Mo, hoping to help him resolve the crisis.

However, can the realm endure, the physical body can endure? If it is a realm breakthrough, don't bother him. The system of learning God will automatically help him to limit it, but the physical body has always been unlimited. What's more, the power of this heavenly fruit only refines the physical body, not the realm.

Hold back, can't break through!

Su Hang was screaming in his heart. At this moment, the two old monsters who were watching on the wall were afraid to watch this scene with joy!



The chemical beads hovered over the Huoyun Mountain, and there was a long white light, and the beads seemed to have two pairs of eyes, looking down eagerly.

"This kid, I can bear it!" Styx said jokingly.

"This is a heavenly fruit. The monks who first entered the Dadao realm didn't dare to take it rashly. How long could he endure? His body has been faked. He has served this fruit, and it has already been a nailed thing." Huang Tian smiled, "Boy Styx, your method is really detrimental. If the original sin comes, with the strength of this boy, I am afraid that it will be robbed. However, can the physical realm lead to the original sin? "

Styx ha ha smiled, "Maybe not, but, don't forget what I do, as long as I take some measures, he and I are the original sins, it is difficult to think of not being born!"

Huang Tian was stagnant, and it was only then that he thought that the Styx beside him was not the original sin. Moreover, it was the original sin of that person.

"It's just a pity this kid!" Huang Tian sighed.

Styx laughed, "When did Old Yellow Man have the kindness of women?"

"Huh, there is a big secret in him. The old man is just worried about him dying, and you and I will have nothing to do with that thing!" Huang Tian snorted.

"I naturally know that I said earlier that he won't let him die. This kid is so arrogant that he just has to beat it well!" Sing He Juan smiled wildly.

However, the next second, his laughter came to an abrupt end!



In the chemical beads, their faces suddenly changed, and they saw a dark hole suddenly above the hill below, and Su Hang had directly plunged into the black hole.

Space-time channel?

The two can clearly feel the power of time and space scattered from the black hole, the rich pole, they have experienced it with Su Hang not long ago.

This kid wants to escape?

The two were too late to respond, and quickly made the chaser chase the black hole.

However, the black hole appeared fast and disappeared quickly. Before they could come together, the black hole had disappeared!

"Wow, boy, you come back to me!"

The terror and angry roar of Styx came from the beads.

The top of Huoyun Mountain was silent and silent. This sudden roar was so shocked that the surrounding forest shook and the birds and beasts startled.

The chemical beads are hovering in the air, and it is conceivable that the two of them are now looking at each other with a look of intimidation.

The ducks that are clearly in hand are almost cooked, and actually let him fly. Sing He and Huang Tian's current mood, I'm afraid it's hard for others to understand.

"Children Styx, all blame you!" Huang Tian scolded loudly, looking more angry than Stygian.

"I blame me for doing it, how do I know that this kid will play this trick for us!" Styx also yelled loudly, "A good kid, actually playing with me Gold Cicada shelling, let me catch you, not to break you tens of thousands of corpses No..."

Stygian jumped like a thunder, he was countless, and he missed a trick, never thought that Su Hang would actually pass through time and space at this stall, and left the two of them in vain.

Mother, cheated on my fruit, and abandoned us, can this Nima bear?

Originally, I always thought that there was no way out. The winning ticket was in hand and I was watching the wall next to it. Just wait for Suhang to die, and they would come out to make up a knife, and they would be able to take advantage of it. No matter from which point of view, this is an excellent calculation. However, I never imagined that Su Hang came to a golden cicada to unshell and ran away!

Moreover, it is the kind of run that makes them impossible to find because, when they just saw the space-time tunnel, they already knew that Su Hang had a magic weapon that can pass through time and space. The current energy of the soul body is absolutely impossible to pass through time and space.

Although they used to be in Dadao Realm, and they still existed in a special category in Dadao Realm, but after all, it was the original, and they really regret it a little now.

"Tell me, what should I do?" Huang Tian scolded at Stygian angrily.

At this time, Huang Tian felt like a silly fork. He actually listened to the words of Stygian, and two old monsters became fine. Counting a hairy boy, he was actually pitted by this hairy boy. Now his hands are empty. Like two abandoned children.

Stygian didn't speak. Obviously, his heart was also quite depressed. After exhausting his tongue, he got a whole fruit. As a result, it was cheaper and Suhang didn't say that he lost his flesh.

It was like walking on the street and losing my wallet. For the first time, the two old monsters felt dazed and a little suspicious of life.

"Wait, I don't believe it, he won't come back!" Sentence suffocated for a long time before Styx uttered a word.



Swire World.

Stygian and Huang Tian were so angry in later generations, but the situation of Su Hang in the Taikoo world was not optimistic.

Just now, Su Hang felt that he couldn't suppress it. The medicinal power of Tongtianguo was too vast. With hundreds of billions of years of refinement, he almost had no suspense to push his flesh to the avenue.

At that time, in fact, Su Hang was not afraid of breakthroughs. He was just afraid that Stygian and Huang Tian would have small movements when he broke through. Moreover, Su Hang also believed that those two old monsters would definitely make troubles by that time. Come, for him, exhaustion is aggravated by the bad weather.

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