Super Study God

Chapter 1552: Canglang tribe!

At a critical moment, Su Hang thought of Swire's admission ticket. For more than a month, he could have gone to Swire again, and he could take advantage of this opportunity to throw away the two old monsters.

Facts have proved that the Soviet airlines have won the bet. For hundreds of millions of years, the two old monsters are incomplete and without their own leadership, it is impossible to chase them.


The originally clear sky suddenly became dark, and the dark clouds covered the roof, and with it, a heavy rain fell.

The heavy rain came fast and went fast. After a while, it rained and the sun was dazzling.

Under the Canglang Mountain, a group of women, carrying a few half-size children, carried bamboo baskets and sang folk songs while walking up the mountain.

After the rain in the summer, it is a good time to pick mushrooms. Many mushrooms came out of the soil after the rain. In the primitive tribes, men are responsible for hunting, and collecting and managing household chores are for women and children. task.

There are no cannibal beasts on this mountain, so women and children in the family can go up the mountain with confidence.

Today's rain came suddenly. According to past experience, there should be a lot of gains.

"San Niang, I heard that our human race is fighting with the demon again?"

The singing stopped, and the people gathered a lot of mushrooms and wild vegetables in the forest. The harvest was quite fruitful, so they found a flat place in the forest and sat down to rest.

A white fox fur skirt, with a half-breasted chest, a proud figure, and a good-looking girl asked the leading aunt.

This aunt is the woman of the head of the Canglang tribe and the leader of the tribe gathering team.

Everyone looked at the aunt, especially the little ones, who were very curious about the outside world.

Aunt obviously enjoyed this look, and looked around, saying, "It should be, these days, Tucheng has been recruiting soldiers from all the tribes under its jurisdiction. I heard the patriarch say, our tribe, we can Twenty Yaodan Realm Warriors!"

"Ah? Twenty?"

Everyone exclaimed. Twenty demon monk monks, for the small third-rate tribes like Canglang Tribe, that was simply too much.

"Yeah, twenty!" The aunt shook her head and smiled bitterly. "Of the younger generation of our tribe, only 40 people have reached the enchanted realm. This is about half of it, alas..."

The aunt's voice fell, and the atmosphere became dull. Obviously they also knew what they thought they would die in the war, and many and many people died. Most of these people who were recruited were unable to come back, including theirs. Relatives and friends may even be their men.

"Isn't it all good before? Why fight?" a child asked ignorantly.

Yeah, isn't it good before? Why fight? This is also a question that other people want to ask. In their impression, although there is occasional friction between the demon race and the human race, there has not been a large-scale war.

"What's good?" Aunt shook her head. "The demon clan has always regarded my human clan as alien. More than a million years ago, there was a war between the clan and the demon clan. It is said that if the war is not a big one Body, our human race may have been destroyed by the demon race..."

"What kind of big man?"

Stars appeared in everyone's eyes.

The aunt froze. "Of course, big people are big people, big big people. You little kids, let's practice Kung Fu first."

Obviously, the aunt didn’t know what a big man was. In order to avoid embarrassment, she quickly broke the topic, “I heard that recently Zhu Rongshi and Gong Gongshi have fought back again. Alas, our human race is really an internal and external trouble.”

The Bai Qiu girl looked at the aunt before her eyes, and said, "I heard the elders say that the Hou Tu Xiantian lord killed the demon sun palace a few days ago, and was killed by the demon emperor. Isn't it true? of?"

Hou Tu's punishment was obviously a very important name, and everyone was equally surprised to react.

"Don't overhear the elders' deliberations in the future." The aunt heard the words and groaned a little, blaming the girl, and then looked at the worried faces, with a relaxed smile on her face, "Relax, let's Canglang is in a remote place, and it is sheltered by the ancestors of Wu, the old ancestor.

The girl was still waiting to ask again, but the aunt immediately interrupted and dismissed the topic, "You have enough rest, hurry up, let's go back after picking some mushrooms, and we can catch up with lunch."

"San Niang, there is a big mushroom here that can't be pulled up!"

As soon as the aunt's voice fell, there was a tender voice next to him. Everyone looked at it, and not far away, a three- to five-year-old girl doll was squatting in the grass near her waist, holding her face hard. What is pulling, there is a basket next to it, which already contains a lot of mushrooms.

"Hua'er, did your sister not give you a meal? You didn't even have the energy to pull a mushroom. See San Niang pull for you." The aunt laughed and scolded, and walked over to the little girl.

In the grass It seems to be a Pleurotus eryngii. The aunt walked over to look at it, and her face suddenly turned green.

"Oh mom, it's a man."

Looking at the thing clearly, the aunt's face was really wonderful, hurrying up to hug the little girl back.

"What?" The girl in white leaned over.

"Don't look!"

The aunt stretched her hand to block the eyes of the white girl. However, it was obviously too late. The girl's face was already red like a ripe apple.



early morning.

The warm sunlight shone on his face, Su Hang's eyes moved, and slowly opened.

When Su Hang woke up, the first thing he saw was a bark roof and wooden beams. This is a small wooden house, very simple and primitive, except for a wooden bed and a bamboo bow hanging on the wall. , Seems to have nothing.

"What is this place?"

Su Hang rubbed his head and sat up from the bed exhaustedly, his thoughts a little messy.

He only remembers that he used Swire tickets to avoid Styx and Huang Tian. In the space-time tunnel, he lost consciousness because he couldn't suppress the Tongtianguo medicine in his body. He didn't know what happened afterwards.

If there is no accident, it should have come to Taikoo. It should have been found by someone with good intentions and picked up.

Looking down, he wore a thin leather coat and even changed his trousers. Su Hang couldn't help but look embarrassed. You know, when he entered the space-time channel, he was soaking in the hot spring at that time. Youyo crossed.

How embarrassing it was when Nima was discovered.

Although Su Hang had a big face, she blushed a bit, and quickly got up and wanted to see the outside, but when she was together, she felt unbalanced and fell to the bed.

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