Super Study God

Chapter 1558: My surname is Yao, not the surname!

Speaking of which, Tu Xingsun pointed to the position next to him, "I have something to talk to you, sit down and talk."

Really something? Su Hang hesitated a moment after looking at the apparently disgruntled look of this product, and sat down next to it. He also wanted to see what medicine was sold in the gourd of the Canglang patriarch.



Outside the meeting room.

"I'm so angry that I dare to doubt even my old lady." Yao Lu was so full of anger that he eased for a while.

"San Niang, what's wrong?" Yaoyue waited outside and greeted him quickly.

Seeing Yaoyue, Yao Lu's face looked a lot better, smiled and said it was okay, and suddenly thought of something, turned to look at the old man who came behind her, "Elder Wind, you just tried out the mushroom... Uh, what kind of skill does that Suhang have?

Elder Feng's old face twitched slightly, slowly hiding his one in his sleeve, his left hand holding his right hand out.

The entire right hand was bruised, and the forearm was deformed. It was obviously broken and then corrected.


Seeing this scene, Yao Lu couldn't help but take a breath.



In the Chamber.

Tu Xingsun glanced down at Suhang with his lower eyelid, and said, "Boy, you have just been able to hold the palm of the wind elder, and it must be somewhat tolerant. Although the wind elder is merciful, but it is enough to pass it on. Recognized..."

Famous? Su Hang couldn't help crying. Was he famous in this Canglang tribe? What is Yelang arrogance, Su Hang understands this.

"You should have Yaodan realm?" Tu Xingsun said.

"If you go back to the Tu patriarch, there should be it." Su Hang nodded. Quan Dang had coaxed the children to play.

Tu Xingsun's eyes widened, "What Tu chief, his chief surname is Yao, Naicanglang Yao..."

Su Hang heard a lot of sweat, and he actually imagined this guy as a grandson, and just unconsciously blurted out.

Jing Tuxing Sun Yifan introduced himself in a long story. This Canglang patriarch, not called Tu Xingsun, had a surname of Yao and his name was Yao Nu. This name fits his personality.

After a while, Tuxing Sun Cai returned to the topic just now, still looking at Su Hang with a disgusted expression, "Since there is a demon realm, it will be easier to handle."

"What's easy?"

Su Hang looked at Tu Xingsun, this guy certainly did not think of anything good in his mind.

Tu Xingsun said directly, "In the future, Tianwu City will come to my Canglang tribe on a business trip. We must select some qualified young people to study in Tianwu City. I think you are also a good seedling, so I will leave it to you. There is a quota..."

Su Hang listened to this, Zhen Nima had a urge to laugh, and interrupted Tu Xingsun's words directly, "Patriarch, do you want to foolish me? I heard that, the city of Tianwu came to Cangcang The waves are the warriors, who are going to fight the demon clan, do you want to count me together?"

This reason is too bad, and completely consider Su Hang as a fool, may Su Hang be fooled?

Tu Xingsun's face instantly turned into a word of embarrassment, and his forehead was covered with black lines. He thought that the seamless flicker was actually exposed directly. Who is so short-eyed, so tell this to the kid.

so awkward!

Tu Xingsun felt unprecedented embarrassment, but, soon, the embarrassing embarrassment immediately turned into a fierce look. Tu Xingsun's eyes glared and he gritted his teeth, "Since you know it, then I won't treat you. , Kid, if you are funny, just follow what I said, and later on the battlefield, there are many opportunities for meritorious service, and then you have to thank me..."

This product is really stupid and stupid, and it's a bit funny and cute. Su Hang really wants to promise one.

"What if I don't?" Su Hang asked rather funny.

"No?" Tu Xingsun sneered. "Then you are a spy from a foreign country, and my Canglang tribe conspired. Moreover, you are still delusional and seduce the patriarch's woman, whichever is enough for you to die."

"Hey, Chief Tu, you are out of nothing, Qiang'an is guilty." Su Hangdao.

"My surname is Yao, not my surname." Tu Xingsun's eyes glared. Is this boy sick? Call me the Tu chieftain for Mao.

"Uh..." Su Hang's face twitched. "This is not the point. The point is, you are wronging me. The crimes you said are simply not established."

"I am the patriarch, I am the biggest, I said yes, who dare to say no?" Tu Xingsun snorted, "And, your name hurt me deeply."

"Huh?" Su Hang was suddenly stunned. What's wrong with this? My name hurt you? what name? Big mushroom?

Just because I am a big mushroom, and you are a small mushroom, do you want to tease me? What kind of logic is this?

As he said, Tu Xingsun withdrew his fierce gaze, "So, today you can't do anything about it. You have to agree to it. If you don't agree, you have to agree. If you don't agree, then you have to ask me. ?"

Khan, cross talk?

Su Hangdao, "Turkish chief..."

"Chief Yao!" Tuxing Sun was angry.

Su Hang accosted and quickly changed his mind, "Yao Chief, I really want to agree, but, after all, I am a foreigner, you are not afraid that I will talk to the mission of the Tianwu City, and you will be guilty of being blinded to the mission. ? Can you afford it?"

Tu Xingsun sneered, "You don't need to worry about this, as long as you become a member of our Canglang tribe, then it will do. I will find a woman to be married to you in a while, and I will be in the cave tonight..."

I go!

Su Hang almost didn't sit down on the ground, wasn't he funny? Is there such an operation?

Tu Xingsun raised his What's wrong, not happy? Not to mention, as long as you honestly promise, the unmarried woman in the tribe, the widow of the widow, the head of the patriarch allows you to pick one casually. "

"You don't need to be so polite?" Su Hang smiled. "I heard that the business trip is going to take 20 people away. The patriarch is so troublesome, I can't stand 20 people alone."

"You don't have to worry about you." Yao shivered angrily. "Go down and give you a night's time to consider. If you are still not interesting, then the patriarch will personally name you the marriage, and then you can't help you."

After he finished speaking, Yao shook his anger and turned to disappear in the face of Su Hang.

Su Hang was so keen, he said that he was not Tu Xingsun, it was simply an archaic version of Tu Xingsun.

However, where can this product be compared with Tu Xing Sun, the later Tu Xing Sun is the God-enhanced and powerful man in Venerable Realm, and this merchandise, but there is only one Earth Puller who lives and returns to the virtual realm, compared to Venerable Realm It's still far from coming.

It was really a wonderful encounter, and everything could be encountered. Su Hang smiled bitterly and turned around and left the Chamber. He didn't even put Yao Nu's nonsense in his heart.

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