Super Study God

Chapter 1559: Yaoyue's kindness!

Su Hang returned to the log cabin and regarded only the words of the Patriarch Patriarch as a farce. Compared with it, it was better to seize the time to get familiar with the flesh and restore strength.

Not long after dark, the tribe was already silent. After all, the primitive society did not have any entertainment. After supper, the only thing that can be done is to sleep.

There are fences around the tribe, and guards are at the gate. Although the Canglang tribe is adjacent to the mountain, there are no monsters living on the Canglang mountain. Therefore, it can be regarded as a place outside the world. What patriarch is not a thing.

The night was quiet and far-reaching, and there were some bugs, and there were one or two roars of unknown birds and beasts in the distant mountains from time to time. Such an environment is really rare and peaceful.

Su Hang sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated for a while. Suddenly he felt a slight breath blowing on his face. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw a small face, just in front of him.

"Little girl, what are you doing?" Su Hang asked the young girl clearly.

This little girl is also bold, and dare to disturb when she is practicing. If you change a person, I am afraid that a breath will be enough to kill her.


Su Hang suddenly opened her eyes, but surprised the little girl and quickly backed away. She suddenly looked at Su Hang with a pair of eyes. "Are you doing cultivation, Mushroom?"

Su Hang nodded slightly, "If you don't go back to bed at night, what am I doing here?"

"I want you to eat sweets." The little girl was really rude, and she made it clear.

The black line on Suhang's forehead was heavy, "Children, it's not good to eat too much candy."

The little girl jumped directly into Su Hang's bed, "Big mushroom, please give me some more, I can be your wife."

"What?" Su Hang almost thought that his ears were broken, and turned to look at the four- or five-year-old girl. "What did you just say?"

The little girl's face is innocent, "I have heard that the patriarch uncle asked you to find a female marriage in the tribe. I am a female. I will be your wife and you will give me candy."

Su Hang was really sweating, "Little girl, do you tease me?"

"I'm not serious about you, I'm serious." The little expression on the girl's face was really serious. She said she was still holding Su Hang's arm and shook her coquettishly. "You give me a few more, Just a few are enough."

Su Hang couldn't help crying, what could it be, what can some sweets deceive a young wife? Don't you become a salty wet uncle?

Frustrated, Su Hang turned over a bag of toffee from the storage ring and handed it to Yao Xi, laughing and cursing, "The little man is so big, just a little bit older, and he wants to be a daughter-in-law. "

"You're so great, Mushroom." The little girl got candy, and she smiled with a smile on her face. "Although I'm still small, my sister is not small. I can make the promise to my sister."

"Well, you little girl, what nonsense?"

At this time, a voice came, but Yaoyue broke in. She came to Yaoxi, and the little girl was gone in the middle of the night. She guessed that she had come here, and when you found it, she heard Yaoxi. It's really annoying to sell her.

"Oh, sister!"

The little girl was startled and quickly hid the candy behind her. She pulled the quilt over Suhang and put it on her head, apparently afraid of being discovered by Yaoyue.

The appearance of covering ears and stealing bells was really a little cute. Yaoyue couldn't cry or smile, flushing her face, facing Su Hangdao, "Little girl is talking nonsense, don't you believe her."

Su Hang nodded slightly, "No problem."

Yaoyue looked at Su Hang seriously, "I see, let's go."

"Go? Where do you go?" Su Hang was a little surprised.

Yaoyue looked at Su Hang helplessly, "Are you really stupid or fake stupid, the purpose of the patriarch is still unclear, he wants you to go to the battlefield instead of the fierce brother, that is the battlefield, and the demon clan battle, you will dead."

"Wait a moment." Su Hang interrupted Yaoyue, "Who is Meng Brother?"

Yaoyue said, "Brother Meng is the eldest son of the patriarch and the eldest son, the young patriarch of the Canglang tribe and the future heir of the tribe."

"When you were in a coma last night, a clan meeting was held in the clan. All the young men in Jindan Realm were drawn to determine the quota to be requisitioned. Unlucky brother was unfortunately drawn. The uncle of the clan must want you to replace the man..."

After listening to Yaoyue, Su Hang had a bit of aftertaste. No wonder Tu Xingsun was so eager to dare to be for his son. Su Hang felt a little beep.

"He is so majestic, not afraid of the clan's opinion?" Su Hang asked.

"Mengge is the young patriarch. The tribe's hope for the future is willing to participate in the lottery. The tribes have opinions." Yaoyue shook his head. "You don't want to leave now. If you want to leave tomorrow, I'm afraid it will be too late. Well, hurry up, while the guards are lax, I will take you out."

Unexpectedly, in such an outside world, there are so many disputes. Sure enough, where there are people, there are intrigues, where there will be a real peaceful place.

Su Hang shook his head, "No need, I am in this situation, even if I leave, I am afraid that I can't go far. Rest assured, what kind of patriarch you are, can't help me."

Yaoyue looked at Su Hang helplessly, "I know, you should be a little capable, but you should not imagine our Canglang tribe too simple."

Today outside the meeting room, Yaoyue also saw the elder Feng’s broken arm. After learning about the causes and consequences, she also knew that Su Hang was definitely not easy, but This is the territory of the Canglang tribe after all Although the Canglang tribe is only a small tribe, but it is possible to have a foothold on this continent, there must be some details.

Su Hang gave Yao Yue a pleasant smile, "Thank you girl for your kindness. I will leave myself when my body recovers."

Yaoyue shook her head helplessly, "Forget it, whatever you want, I'm afraid that tomorrow morning, you will have to be squeezed by those women in the tribe."


Su Hang froze for a moment, I do not know what Yaoyue meant.

"Xi'er, don't hide, hurry back with me." Yaoyue didn't explain, as if Su Hang was angry with her kindness, she stepped forward and dragged Yaoxi out of the bed, then turned away .

Su Hang shook her head. The girl was very nice. As a friend who met each other, it was already commendable to think so for him.

However, for Su Hang, although the tiger is now in Pingyang, it does not mean that he does not have any ability. With this physical body alone, no one can move him.

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