Super Study God

Chapter 1580: Acting touching?


Yao Meng recovered, and looked at Tian Wu apologetically, "Brother, bear with me!"

After that, another feather duster reached Tianwu's palm. This time, it was even harder.



The pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow made Tianwu unable to bear it any more and screamed wildly.

"Master respects forgiveness, disciples know the wrong, disciples know the wrong!"

After less than ten hits, Tian Wu had fallen to the ground with his right hand. Like a punished child, he rolled back and forth, screamed, and even his nose burst into tears.

At this moment, it can be said that there is no image at all.

A few people looked at him, and his skin couldn't help twitching, thinking to Tian Wu this guy, this acting was really god, it was exaggerated.

Do you really regard Master as a fool? The master of the realm of heaven and earth can be beaten by a kid in a demon realm with a feather duster?

"Brother is worthy of being a brother. This acting really makes people want to fall in love."

Yao Meng thought so, seeing Tian Wu's cry so miserable, he had to cooperate with him, and quickly turned around and shouted into the room, "Master, you can't fight anymore, brother, he can't."

"Next one." A cold voice came from the house.

Yao Meng twitched his face, turned his eyes to the remaining six people, and smiled awkwardly.

This Nima is really a chore.

The six people looked at each other, so they were just fooled by Tianwu? Master Zun, won't he really believe Tianwu?

How many hits, how many screams, and two more crying, can the Master get angry? This is too simple, right?

"The disciple Shebi corpse, ask Master to give him a punishment." Shebi hurriedly grabbed his voice, raised his hand above his head, and bowed to the punishment, but thinking in his mind, Tian Wu's acting was too exaggerated. You have to pretend to be more like him and call it worse than him. Let you all see what is called real acting.

As long as the master can be disappointed and have a few palms, what is it?


Just when she thought so in the mind of the corpse, the feather duster had already fallen, that is, at that moment, all the ideas of the corpse froze.

An old face wrinkled in an instant, and the strong pain made Sebbi feel like he was about to ascend, looking at Yao Meng standing in front of him in disbelief.





Without two blows, Shebbi also screamed arrogantly, a face flushed red, he held his breath and wanted to endure, but where can bear it, then every duster was pulled down as if he was pulling him Thousands of dollars are common, in addition to pain, it is even more painful.

Soon, Shebi also followed Tianwu's footsteps, screamed and rolled on the ground with her hands, and looked at the others beside him for a moment.

Yao Meng didn't know what he was holding in his hand, and how painful it was to hit people. These brothers were all high-ranking human ancestors, not to mention feather dusters. Even if they were holding magic weapons, don't want to hurt they.

Therefore, the worse these people call, the louder they call, the more Yao Meng feels that they are pretending, and the more he does not have the burden of the feather duster waving, because he feels that he is cooperating with them in acting.

After Tian Wu and She Bibi, both Di Jun and others also continued their performances on the 6th, and the "acting skills" are really stronger than one, and more vivid than others.

"Master respect forgiveness, master respect forgiveness!"

Waiting for Yao Yao to put away the feather duster, the hut had already fallen to the ground long ago, crying for mercy, the ears were high, the ancestors of the heavenly realm existed, at this moment, there is no slightest image at all, one by one. Tears came out.

Next to them, Nuwa and Liuyun were watching. At first, they thought that Su Hang was releasing water, and they intended to treat these disciples lightly, even like Yao Meng. , The more I look at it, the more I feel that something is not right. This does not seem to be pretended.

That feather duster, I'm afraid it's nothing ordinary.

No need to do it by yourself, let a kid in the enchanted realm, hold such a thing, can actually clean up the existence of these heavenly realms like this, Nu Wa's and Liu Yun looked at each other, and they sucked in their hearts. With a sigh of relief, this legendary Pangu **** was terrified.

The two of them are also heavenly realms. I am afraid they are half a catty compared to those in front of them. Doesn't it mean that this person in the house can easily clean up them?

There was a whisper in Liu Yun's heart. It hadn't been seen in millions of years. Could it be that this Pangu predecessor had already achieved the legendary state?


"Master, you're done!"

Yao Meng was sweating heavily, turning his head and shouting into the room, surrounded by the tragic howl of the brothers, he heard him a little bit sullen, these brothers, really don't know what is enough, can such a miserable master believe?

"Done?" Su Hang's voice came.

Yao scratched his head violently, "One person hit eight Brother Xiongmen seems unable to stand..."

"Master, forgiveness, Master forgiveness!"

"The disciples know the wrong, the disciples know the wrong."

"Pray for the teacher's respect and forgiveness, the disciples knew the wrong thing."


Seven people heard Yao Meng and Su Hang's words, quickly tolerated the pain and got up on their knees, crying and shouting, kowtowing and begging loudly.

The scene, the crying, was really sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who saw it, really like a group of bear children beaten up by their father.


Inside the room, Su Hang looked at Yaoyue's situation. The beast soul of the Western Queen's beast had already merged with Yaoyue's soul, and a new life soul would be born soon.

However, this is very fast, I am afraid that I have to wait two or three days. Fortunately, with Suhang handling it in advance, Yaoyue’s soul is not in danger of being repulsed, just wait and wait.

This beast life soul is comparable to the monsters in the sky monster list. Su Hang put dozens of seals on it, one is stronger than the other. It can be said that this life soul will be Yaoyue's greatest wealth, waiting for the fusion of life soul After that, it will not be long before I am afraid that there will be one more young master in the Big Six, whose potential is definitely not above Tian Wu Dijun and others.

Turned around, went out of the room, looked at Emperor Jun Wu and others, all kneeling on the ground at the moment, trembling all over, sobbing, the unspeakable pain that could not subside for a long time.

The pain of the skin and flesh can be tolerated, but the pain from the soul, even the master of the heavenly realm, can't bear it.

"Do you know it hurts?"

Su Hang took the feather duster from Yao Meng's hand. The hairless end of the duster pointed to the goods in front of him.

The seven people looked at the feather dusters in Su Hang's hands, and each one was full of fear. At this moment, they understood why Su Hang said they were afraid of killing them by hand.

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