Super Study God

Chapter 1581: The greatest god!

Even Yao Yao rushed to do so and could draw them to the same level. If they came to Suhang, I'm afraid they would be killed.


   "The rest is for you to remember. Are you dissatisfied? There are dissatisfied ones. Even if you say it, it is not difficult for you to be a teacher. At this point, the teacher and disciples are desperate!" Su Hang asked lightly.


   "The disciple does not dare, the disciple does not dare!"


   The seven of them hurriedly nodded their heads, crying and shouting. At this moment, they are respectful and awe-inspiring for Su Hang. How dare they not convince?


At the beginning, they thought that Su Hang was releasing water, thinking that the people in front were acting, but when the feather duster fell on them, they knew they were wrong. Such pain, how long did they not experience it, even if the head was cut off and bleeding, Never shed half a tear, and just now, that kind of experience, I am afraid they will not want to try again in their lives.


   "Do you know why I beat you for the division?" Su Hang asked.


   Emperor Jun sobbed, "Master Zun Zun Zun's teachings, let me live in harmony, but we repeatedly disappoint Master, disciples guilty!"


   "The disciple is guilty!"


   Several other people also quickly bowed their heads, the voice called a sad.


"It’s good to know, you are out of the same room with brotherhood, not to mention the human race demon race, all living beings in the universe should be taught and classed, improperly you and me, you have more powerful enemies, but one And again, the infighting again and again, it really makes the teacher feel cold!" Su Hang said with a heavy heart.


   disciples buried their heads, and none of them dared to raise their heads.


"In these years, the teacher really lacked discipline for you, so that you can do whatever you want. You have grown up, and you can't control you. Today is the last time, but there are only three things. If there is another time, I will confiscate it. You apprentices, right??"


   "Disciples, etc. remember Master's teaching!"


   "The disciple knows the wrong and asks for forgiveness!"




   The disciples cried and wept. This time, it seemed that it was no longer a physical pain, but the truth.


   "Get up!"


   Su Hang sighed for a long time. If they could listen, he wouldn't care anymore, it was really tiring.


   "Master, Brother Dijiang was injured by the two gods of the plague at that time. He has been in closed recuperation for many years. His life and death are still unknown. Please ask the master to see it!" Shebi said deadly.


   turned fast enough, so he started to care about Brother.


   Su Hang listened and waved his hand, "It's not too bad at this moment, why should Zhu Ronghe work together?"


Among all the disciples, Dijiang was the most sincere to Su Hang. If he knew that Su Hang was coming, he would definitely arrive as soon as possible, but he hadn’t arrived now, and he must have been seriously injured.


  However, Su Hang was more worried about Zhu Rong and Gong Gong. Di Jiang didn’t come, forgiving, but these two people...


   Gong Gong is not very easy to say, but with regard to Zhu Rong's heart, Su Hang still knows a little about himself. He will not come back. Su Hang is worried that the two of them will get together again.


   At this time, the disciples looked at each other as if they all had something to say, but they didn't dare to speak arrogantly. After all, they just got beaten up now. Who dares to dispute other teachers and brothers?


   "Know me if you know anything!" Su Hang directly named and pointed to the mang standing at the front and asked him to answer.


Ju Mang trembled and replied carefully, "Returning to Master Zun, since the retreat of Brother Dijiang, the human race has no one to preside over the whole situation, and the people's hearts are not stable. Many teachers and brothers are gradually commotion. Thousands of years ago, our brothers There was a parliament in Tiandu, and some people proposed to choose another Panhuang, among them, working together, Zhu Rong and the two brothers have the highest voice..."


   paused, and then Jumang said, "In these years, within the human race, the two brothers have been in conflict with each other. There are many and many years, and the brothers and brothers who have received the battle between Dijiang and Dijiang!"


   "Master, these two brothers have been fighting continuously over the years, and have invited me to join the alliance. However, the disciples should bear in mind the teachings of the master and don't dare to do the same thing!"


   Shebi hastily added a sentence, but it is not right to hear these words in the ears of others. Is it that you are doing less than the secrets of the corpse?


   "Where are they now?" Su Hang asked Shen Sheng.


   It can be seen that Su Hang was angry, and several people suddenly felt their hearts sink, and it was over. The Master had just lost his breath. This time, the fire was picked up again, wouldn't it hit us again?


Shebi hurriedly said, "The disciples heard that the two of their families had been fighting at the foot of the Shenshan Mountain for more than two months. It is said that the two agreed that whoever gets the treasure in the mountain will be the next one and the next Panhuang. ..."




   Su Hang screamed angrily, revealing his majesty, all the disciples were trembling, just stood up and immediately knelt down again.


"Senior, I think, let's go to Shenshan to see it!" At this time, Liuyun walked up and whispered, "This mountain comes from the heavens, there is a great history, if Zhurong Gong Gong is really noisy What's wrong, I'm afraid it's hard to end!"


   Su Hang frowned, turned to look at Liuyun and Nuwa, and Nuwa also nodded. "The ancestor asked me to find His Majesty the Emperor Pan this time, it is also related to this **** mountain..."


   Su Hang pondered for a while, "Well, let's go!"


   turned to Yao Meng and said, "Take care of your sister, go back for the teacher!"




  Yao responded violently. When he raised his head again, there was no one in front of him, and there were so many people just now, and there was no one at Only dark darkness remained.




   swallowed next to him, and Yao Meng turned his head to look, but his father Yao was angry. Yao angry was like a cooked noodle, and the whole person was a little paralyzed.


   "Meng'er, don't we have a dream?" Yao suffocated for a long time before holding a word.


   Yao smiled fiercely, "Dad, are you okay? Those in Tianwu City, have you retreated?"


Yao Nu shook his head quickly, and stretched his hand to grab Yao Meng's hand. In the dark, he looked at Yao Meng with an almost fanatical look, "Sir, you, you worship, worship him as a teacher? He, his old man Are you a disciple?"




   Yao hurriedly stopped the almost mad Yao anger, "I still feel unreal until now, Tian Wu ancestors have become my brothers, then, who is my master?"


   It's all time now. I don't know who the master is. Yao Meng feels that he is also drunk. This master is really confused.


   "Oh, my son!" Yao Nu quickly said, "Who can there be Master Wu Tianzu, that is the ancestor of my human race, Pangu!"


   "The Great God of Pangu? The old ancestor who exploded to death?"


Yao Meng heard this and shivered all over his body. Although he was young, he had heard the ancient legends of the human race. They all said that the ancient **** of Pangu opened up to heaven and earth, and died in the sky. It is the greatest **** of the human race. )!!

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