Super Study God

Chapter 1582: The battle between water and fire!

However, isn't the legendary Pangu God already exhausted to death when he opened the earth? How can the twelve ancestors of an elite differentiate into the human race?

"Silly son, the legend is only a legend, where can I believe it!" Yao was sober and sober, he quickly said, "He must be the ancestor of Pangu, in addition to his old man, who can be the gift of the seven ancestors to be disciples." If I’m not mistaken, the two next to me, one should be the empress of Nvwa in Zhonghuang Mountain, and the other one should be Kunlun God Realm Liuyun God..."

Yao Nu let out a long sigh of relief, "Sir, our family is the ancestral grave smoky, surely your mother blessed you in the dark..."

Speaking of which, Yao was crying with anger, and the small Canglang Mountain actually dropped such a great god.

Thinking that he still wanted to calculate with him, Yao Nu felt a little fear in his heart for a while, this old ancestor would not hate himself? Will you settle accounts for yourself in autumn?

Turning to think about it, it seems that I have thought about it again. How can such a small role be seen in my eyes? Moreover, if he remembers to hate himself, he will not accept his son as a disciple.



At the junction of the Hou Tu and Protozoan territories, Qintai Mountain went eight thousand miles east. A towering mountain stood between the heavens and the earth. There was no peak on the top, no side on the side, no idea of ​​its high geometry, and its distance.

Thousands of years ago, the sky and earth changed drastically, and an opening appeared in the sky. This giant mountain descended from the sky, dividing the whole continent into two parts.

No one knows where this mountain came from, only that it is very large and very high. It has never been seen before, and it has never been seen before.

It didn't take long for a legend to be born among the human races, saying that this mountain was transformed by the backbone of the Pangu god, and soon became the spiritual backbone of the human race.

Su Hang heard of these things now, but could not help but smile bitterly. It turns out that his own Pangu God has long been dead in the hearts of the world. The so-called three men become tigers. Rumors of this kind of thing are really unbelievable. When did you die?

"Not good?"

The sky was already bright, and the first rays of morning light came from the sky, slightly lighting the sky, a huge black shadow, lying between the sky and the earth.

When Su Hang saw the mountain from afar, the whole person was stunned. This is the God Mountain that Tianwu said in their mouth?

Su Hang is really familiar with this big mountain. This is clearly Zhoushan. No, to be precise, this mountain is not called Zhoushan, but should be called Zhoushan.

"Seniors know this mountain?" Liuyun stood beside Su Hang, looking at Su Hang with some surprise.

Nvwa said, "Listen to the ancestors, this mountain comes from the heavenly realm and has a huge background. I don't know why it will fall into this realm, but I don't know its name!"

"It's not good, it's an old friend of mine!" Su Hang sighed and couldn't help thinking of the day he was in the sea of ​​blood, because of his own rashness, and he died in order to save himself, and his heart was infinitely sentimental!


Everyone looked at Su Hang unexpectedly. Su Hang actually said that the mountain was an old friend of him.

Sure enough, it can be related to Master. This mountain has a long history. Tian Wu and others looked at the mountain in front of them, and their eyes became eager.

Is it true that there are really no treasures in this mountain?

Several disciples were imagining, Su Hang took a long breath, calmed down, and looked at the giant mountain, as if looking at a confidant and old friend who had not been seen for many years.

The difference is only a temporary difference. I will always see you again. It’s not good. You and I will see you soon.

"Together, let's fight like this. Don't say for two months, two decades, two hundred years, you and I are inseparable. The Master has returned, and you and I are in truce, go to the Master and let him be judged by the elderly. "

On the side of Zhoushan, the two figures stood taller and stood facing each other. Except for the high **** mountain, all the nearby forests had been reduced to ruins, and the ground was full of scary cracks. It could be seen that the two had just There was a contest, and the scene was probably amazing.

"Look at Master to press me and judge? What is the reason between you and me?" Gong Gong stood in front of Zhu Rong, half naked with the mountain-like upper body, exposing strong and terrifying muscles, and a pair of eyes Like a sea of ​​blood, it is full of grim.

"Master returned, missed today, you and I want to make a difference again and again, I am afraid that no matter how difficult it is to have that opportunity, you and I are entangled in our lives, Zhu Rong, don't you want to kill me in dreams, come, today is only for one War, what else?"

Gong Gong gritted his teeth and shouted sharply. There was a bit of madness in his voice, his eyes were red, and he felt a little abnormal at all.

When Zhu Rong heard this, he was angry, and was immediately ignited.

"Okay, when you killed Jingwei at that time, the elder brother of Dijiang's elder brotherhood did not care about you, but I couldn't bear

Zhu Rongbao roared, raised his fist, and smashed it to Gong Gong.

"Good to come."

Gong Gong's pair of eyes suddenly burst into infinite killing intent, and with a sip, he strode forward and waved his fist to Zhurong.


The sky is dim and dark, and the strength of the masters of the Heavenly Dao Realm has been controlled to the limit, but there will still be energy dissipation. The huge amount of energy dissipated by this escape is by no means comparable to the Heaven Dao Realm.

The space is extremely twisted, tearing out numerous cracks, and the ground standing under the feet of two people is also torn into a huge crack gap that is deep and nearly thousands of miles wide.

This is the Heavenly Dao Realm, which can be said to destroy the Heaven and Earth, just some simple moves, and also contains endless power. As long as the skill is deep enough, for the existence of the Heaven Dao Realm, let alone explode the planet, even if it is torn The crack galaxy is no longer a problem.

"Two sin barriers, can't stop."

Just when the two crossed their fists and feet and were struggling, a loud noise came from the horizon.

The voice was tumbling, full of supreme majesty, and the two heard the voice and immediately stopped.

Looking sideways, I saw a group of people coming quickly, and they had already come near in an instant. When they saw the appearance of the headed person, their faces changed.


Zhu Rong was stunned, and his heart shivered for a moment, and suddenly felt a huge threat.


There was a loud noise in the ear, Zhu Rongmeng turned his face, and only saw Gong Gong's iron fist, which had blasted towards his chest.

Zhu Rong's pupils contracted suddenly, completely unprepared, and he could not have imagined that at this moment, Gong Gong would dare to start his hands, evading, and was blown out by Gong Gong.

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