Super Study God

Chapter 1586: The strong are gathered!

"Protect the Fa for me, don't let the idlers approach."


   Su Hang didn't have time to reminisce with them. He directly commanded him and went to Zhoushan, leaving Xue Qi and Hong Yun full of surprise.


   "What's wrong with this?" Hong Yun looked at the large hole in the sky, his face turned abnormally pale.


   Xue Qi also swallowed hard, "Will this air brother kill Dao Zu for a thousand years? Tian Tian poke out such a big hole?"


   "Are you serious?" Red Cloud threw Xue Qi a big eye.


  Xue Qi smiled a little, "Still work, there are many people coming."


  Looking back, the shadows in all directions are crowded. With such a big movement, I am afraid that the entire ancient Chinese continent will be shocked. Can the masters be indifferent? Could you come and find out, by the way?


  Furthermore, there are rumors on the entire continent that there are treasures in this **** mountain. At this time, how can there be such a big noise, how can people not associate with it?


  Although they don’t know what Suhang is doing, but since Suhang let them help protect the law, then act.




  Zhou Shan was half broken, it was not good enough.


   is not high, but it is still unattainable. Su Hang came to the top of the mountain and revealed that it was a piece of new soil that had just been broken off.


  It's such a big mountain, it's too misleading to say that it's broken, and that the span is crossed.


  To say that there is no routine in it, Su Hangtie would not believe it. The first thing he thought of was Lin Xuan. Will it be calculated by Lin Xuan?


   had already been counted once when he set up six reincarnations in the blood sea, and now it is not impossible to make another calculation.


   But think about it again, Lin Xuan is the owner of Xuanhuang Realm, Xuanhuang Realm is his foundation, he needs to play so big with himself?


You must know that although Lin Xuan has exterminated the world many times for the pursuit of power, it is the life that is destroyed, and he is seeking karma. It is the entire Xuanhuang Realm. If Xuanhuang Realm collapses, it will not do any good to Lin Xuan.


  What is going on, Su Hang at this time has no energy to explore, because he has more important things to do.


   At the moment, Su Hang found a place on the mountain and sat cross-legged.


  The technique of Qiankun in his sleeve consumes a lot of skill every time he persists for a second. After all, to maintain such a large space, the consumption of skill is absolutely massive.


There are only two spacecrafts that can accommodate half of the Zhoushan Mountain. There are only two Suhang, one is made of chemical beads, and the other is Sima cylinder. A powerful magical power, temporarily put it in his pocket and collected it. However, after all, he only had the realm of Heavenly Respect. Such consumption, he could not afford it at all.


   Therefore, Zhou Shan must be dealt with as soon as possible. Otherwise, once Qian Kun cannot hide it in his sleeve, he will not know where this half of the mountain will fall.


   And for the Soviet Airways, the solution is very simple, and the Soviet Airways has already arranged the use of this half of the mountain.


   That is a refiner.


   At the beginning, before Zhou disappeared, he told Su Hang that if Zhou Shan reappeared, Panhuang Yuxi would regenerate.


   is talking about this moment.


The cave in the sky, one day or two, is not a big problem, just wait for the Nuwa’s return. Su Hang believes that the granddaughter Wa’s must have a way to fill this cave. .


  Su Hang pulled out the Xueshen system and solved his own problems first.


   If you want to refine Zhoushan, for Suhang, it is not difficult to say, simple and not simple. There is a system of learning and God. As long as the problem can be solved with energy points, it is not a problem.


   Was previously calculated by the two old monsters Stygian and Huang Tian, ​​and after serving the Tongtianguo, nearly half of the energy was absorbed by the system of learning gods. Even if only half of the hundreds of billions of years of plant essence can be said to be massive.


   Therefore, Su Hang does not need to worry about energy points at this time. At this time, it only needs to squander waste, and the rest is left to the Xueshen system.




   It was almost noon, before Zhoushan, there were already many figures gathered far away.


  Although Unai clarified that it was only a few million years old, but with the establishment of the Six Dao cycles, the Heavenly Dao was completed, and the Human Race and Demon Race were all proliferating at a very prosperous speed. The strong people born can be said to be countless.


Although there are not many that can reach the Heavenly Dao Realm, they are not small. Looking at the entire Xuanhuang Realm, the number of thirty or fifty can still be found. The other reaches the Heavenly Realm, which is the existence of the Demon Emperor Realm. More.


The immense vastness of the ancient China, the masters who reached the Demon Emperor Realm, the two demon races add up, I am afraid that there are already thousands, and the lower Big Demon King Realm, Little Demon King Realm, it is more like a cow, can be said to be like a dog It's not an exaggeration to walk around.


   So many powerful people have gathered together, and the momentum is naturally needless to say, it is really a big piece of black pressure.


   said that there are treasures in the mountain, and the world is available. I used to think it was a legend. Now there is such a movement. Is it true that the rumor is true? A different treasure is born?


   Many of the weaker ones do not dare to hurry to come, only to watch from afar, and watch the lively, while some strong, believe in the existence of the treasures in the mountains, have all fought fearlessly to approach Zhoushan.


   The so-called human death, the bird died of food, this is not false in the monastery world, since it is born of different treasures, then you have to try your luck, maybe there is that luck, maybe you have the top spot?


   Among them, even includes the hidden elders of many tribes under the human race. Among the five ancient tribes, the old faces such as the Zerg elders and the bees are also listed.


   is all confused, seeing others rushing, and rushing inwards one by one. When I hear someone saying that a different treasure is born, I don’t even want to die.


  However, before the group of people swarmed in, two figures of a man and a woman were suddenly stopped in front of them, blocking their way.


   "Where are you going?" Xue Qi held his arms. Although it has been more than a million years, it is still a virtue, always a cynical look.


   "It turned out to be the undead king of the wood clan."


   First a half-pull old man, dressed in a robe, long beard fluttering under his jaw, a pair of immortal wind bones, but the two little babies have a little play.


  If the brakes are not timely, I'm afraid I have hit Xue Qi's chest, "I'm poor, Ziyangshan Yulongzi, the family teacher helped shake the lives of real people, come here to find out the cause and effect...") Download the free reader!!

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