Super Study God

Chapter 1587: Don't get close to idlers!

Xue Qi stretched out his hand and stopped the jade dragon's words, "Whether you are a jade deaf or a jade blind man, in short, stop here, whoever goes forward, my fist can not recognize people."


Yulongzi's face twitched slightly. He was only in the Demon Emperor Realm. How dare he lie in front of the undead King of Heavenly Dao Realm. He thought that if he moved his master's name out, the other party would sell himself a little face, tens of thousands I didn't expect that the other party didn't give me a little face. In front of so many people with the same way, he was so proud to teach in Ziyang Mountain, but his face could not be held a little.


   "Hey, I said brother, wouldn't your Mu tribe have picked up any treasures, would you like to swallow it alone? Are you swallowing it? Are you afraid of choking? Hurry up and let everyone see."


  When Yulongzi was embarrassed, a fat man with a big belly pooped out. This fat man was bare-chested, hairy, and sloppy, and his nostrils were facing Xue Qi.


"Why are you there?" Xue Qi looked at this person and rolled his eyes suddenly, as if he didn't want to see this person. "There is no treasure, it's none of your business. Say it again, who dares to go one step further, I don’t care what I used to do, I killed him, so I don’t want to complain.”


The fat man was not happy anymore, "Yeah, I really turned upside down and didn't recognize people. I even dare to support the old lady in my life, but I still refused to convince you. Do you want to fight? Come, I just want to be active. Muscles and bones."


   The fat man talked, as always, stinking, as always, no one else, it was the Soviet Union who was fined by Suhang to be the king of the gang in the Tiandupan Palace.


   Of course, it has been more than a million years now. It is definitely impossible for this man to be a husband in the Panhuang Palace. Looking at this dress, it is more like a change of business.




  While the king was going to do it or not, he was coughing next to him, but he was a Zerg elder bee.


   This evil bee is an old predecessor of the human race. Talking about seniority, it is the same generation as Su Hang. Many people here can be said to be the juniors of juniors. Xue Qi is no exception.


   So, as soon as the evil bee appeared, almost everyone quieted down next to it. Everyone knew the great name of the undead king, but with the old Zerg elder, could he not give the old predecessor a face?


   Under the Pangu clan, the five clans joined together, not to mention whether he was stronger than you. Just one generation is enough to crush you.


   "Little guy, you guys are guarding here, and the old man goes into the mountains to see." Niefeng threw a sentence and went straight ahead and walked forward.


   After listening to this, everyone saw the old man's face is not red and panting, and the whole was stunned. Can I have another face?


  Especially Wang Fang has the urge to scold this old thing, saying that people are old and mature, this evil bee, I am afraid that I have no idea how thick it is to practice.


A sentence was thrown out, and the evil bee swayed the imperial air. He just said that he could be very technical. He directly put his position high, which means to tell Xue Qi that the five races are the same Lianzhi, I'm your predecessor, and tell you to stay here, I want to go in and see.


   believed that Xue Qi did not dare to brush his face.


   However, this is not the case. Sin Bee just came to the side of Xue Qi, and Xue Qi raised a hand to stop the route of Sin Bee.


   "Elder Bee, please stay still." Xue Qi's eyes looked lightly in front of him, and a few words fluttered from his mouth.


  Everyone was shocked. According to rumors, the undead monarch was awe-inspiring and behaved arrogantly and arrogantly. At first sight today it was so true that even the ancestor's face was not given, which was too special.


   "Do you want to stop me?"


The evil bee's brow whipped up, and in his current identity, the only ancestral ancestor of the human race exists. Mo said that Xue Qi, even Pan Emperor Jiang, would have to call him his predecessor. Now that Emperor Jiang retires, he Xue Qi's status is even higher, Xue Qi's move is in the face to face.


  The voice was wrapped in supreme majesty. I thought Xue Qi would be shocked, but he saw Xue Qi nodded slightly, "Yes, Elder Bee is still waiting here."




   An uproar, everyone around, this moment was stunned, this undead king, really bullish, actually did not give the elder bee face, this is really a good show.


The evil bee tried hard to suppress the fire. Although he is an old-timer, his talent is not old. In terms of strength, he believes that he can’t eat Ding Xueqi. The two are afraid that they will be between Uncle Zhong and even maybe he It was a bit worse than Xue Qi.


   At this time, he can only use his seniority to overwhelm others. If it is really hands-on, not to mention who wins and who loses, he is a senior and a junior, and he is afraid of being more embarrassing.


   "Jumang is on the mountain?" Sin Bee asked in a deep voice.


  Jumang is Xue Qizai's brother-in-law, Muhua's husband, and now the supreme Mu family. Since Xue Qi is guarding here, then Jumang must have come.


   "Let him come out to see me." Sin Bee swung all over the shelf and drank directly, full of style.


"Hello, kid." Wang Zui raised his eyebrows innocently, and said to Xue Qi, "You dare to offend elder bee, don't you want to be mixed in the human race, hurry and let go, just you and my sister and sister And it can stop so many of are here to talk to you so well, it is already giving you a good face, okay, don’t know what’s wrong."


  What is this, good advice? However, it seems that this is true. If you have the prestige of the undead King, and the strength is strong, can you stop so many people? Everyone is willing to stand here and listen to you, it really gives you face.


   Right now, at this moment, there are more than one or two who reach the heavenly realm around here.


   At this time, Xue Qi turned on the bee while turning his face to watch Wang fried, "Coincidentally, I'm willing to talk to you so well, and I have given you a lot of face, and everyone should not know what is wrong."


   When everyone heard this, they immediately exploded the pan. This immortal god, really one of the rumors, is really arrogant enough.


   What do you dare to say, don't you want to arouse public anger? Do you really think you can be invincible?


Beside, Hongyun pulled Xue Qi's foot, and somehow gave Xue Qi a blank look. This guy was really not worrying at all, and he was totally a fearful of the world. He really let him say that. I'm afraid I really have to fight. By then, the two of them can't stand so many people.


   Immediately, Hongyun arched his hands at the crowd, "You, not my two people deliberately embarrassed, but the teacher told me to protect the law for him, the idlers should not be close to Shenshan."


   "嘁." Wang Zui heard it and smiled, "Sister, what are you talking about, you and I are in the same vein, just like a master, where did you come from...") Download the free reader!!

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