Super Study God

Chapter 1588: Ready to pick up!

"Don't you understand people's words?" Xue Qi's eyes widened. "Brother Hang is back. He's on the mountain now. If you're not afraid of being beaten, I won't stop you despite going."




   Wang Biao heard this, obviously froze for a moment, and his ears were raised, as if he thought he had heard something wrong.


   "You said, Su Hang? He, he, he is back?" Wang Biao's voice was shaking, obviously a little bit afraid.


   The distant and familiar name, a familiar and frightening figure appeared in my mind, Wang Bian couldn't help swallowing a spit.


Next to   , the evil bee froze.


"Yo, are you scared? Wasn't it just ridiculous just now?" Xue Qi looked at Wang Fang quite funny, just listening to a name can scare him like this. I can imagine how big Suhang had left Wang Fang. Shadow.


Wang Zui also realized that he was a little sick, busy Qiang calmed himself, calmed his face, and said, "Who are you bluffing? How many years have it been, where is such a coincidence, I think you two collude to bluff me, I have that Are you cheating?"


  While talking, Wang Biao drove his consciousness up to Mount Zhou, hoping to find out what happened. However, the time and space in front of him was so chaotic that his consciousness could not be penetrated, let alone explored.


"Okay, I'm bluffing, okay." Xue Qi shrugged and went straight to the side, making a please gesture, "Do you believe it, even if you go up the mountain, I won't stop you, and there is a bee Elder, please..."


   Completely you want to find death, then I will complete your expression.


   Sin Bee and Wang Biao looked at each other and swallowed a bit, seeing the hesitation and nervousness in each other's eyes.


   "Your Majesty, his old man, is he really back?" Niefeng asked in a low voice. At this time, his attitude had completely changed, and a 180 degree turn was made.


   "If you don't believe it, even if you go up the mountain to look at it, but if he blames him then, don't you touch my head." Xue Qi dragged.


  Big bee heard this, and hesitated even more, a few traces of sweat had appeared on his forehead.


   That person who really came back?


   The king exploded, pointing to the big hole in the sky in the distance, "You won't tell me, did he do it?"


   Xue Qi shrugged, "Is there anything strange here?"


   "This Nima, won't you kill God for a thousand years, stab such a big hole." Wang fried stunned.


Next to   , Hongyun heard this, but he was terribly cold. His brother, how could he be as indifferent as Xue Qi? Both of them wanted to go to the same place.


   "Hey, do you still go uphill?" Xue Qi asked.


   Both Wangchao and Niefeng paused. No wonder Xue Qi was so fearful, it turned out to be someone behind him.


   If that person is on the other side of the mountain, that’s fine, but if it’s really that person, how dare they get close? Isn’t that uncomfortable?


   "I'll wait back!" Sin Bee turned around and said to everyone, the voice rolled out, and the whole world was shaking.


  Everyone was quite surprised. Elder Bee, what is the morality of your old man? Not so hard just now, so steel, why is it suddenly dying now?


  Su Hang? Who is Su Hang? Is it a very good character? Even the elder ancestors of the human race, the elder bee must be afraid?


   is almost all of the juniors present. There are very few people who have heard of the name of Su Hang. There are only a few sporadic ones. It is nothing more than such a reaction.


   "Hey, are my ears deaf? All of them have been retreated, otherwise be careful, I'll be crazy."


   The king exploded and shouted impolitely. The posture was like a terrible bully. The fierce and evil looks could bluff many people.


   was really hit by a ghost. Everyone was speechless. Although they were unwilling, they had no choice but to retreat temporarily and wait for the opportunity. Only a few sporadic powers remained.


   "This matter is of great importance, and you can't believe it nonsense." Niefeng looked at Xue Qi seriously.


  Xue Qi shrugged and was too lazy to take care of it.


   It is no surprise that the evil bee turned to look at Hongyun, who should not deceive them.


  Hongyun said, "The teacher told me to protect the law here. I don't know what happened."


   All powers frowned slightly, and the king exploded, "Will all the ancestors and witches beneath the Pangu Gate, and no one is here?"


   Such a big movement, that should be alarmed, but no one from Wuhez of Pangumen came to the world. It was indeed strange. Could it be that he really came back, and went to the mountain in advance to see him under the Pangumen?


   Everyone was able to listen to it, and all of them were general thoughts. The evil bee heard it and stood up, "No matter whether it is true or false, everyone, be ready to guard the law!"




   The public responded with a loud voice, and then spontaneously spread out, protecting the Sifang faintly, preventing anyone from approaching Mount Zhou.


   That's it. The crowd, who was still menacing, immediately changed their roles and became a guardian for the Soviet aviation.


   "Oh, it's really boring, I thought there would be a good show!" Xue Qi saw everyone disperse, a dull look.


   The voice just fell, and he was poked in the head by Hongyun, "How old are you, and so capricious, lest the world is not chaotic, what is in your head?"


"Mrs. Anger." Xue Qi immediately smiled, a smile on his face full of smiles, "Isn't this to add a little fun to the ordinary life? Look at your Just now that counsel Isn’t it interesting?"


   "What is interesting, you know to bully honest people." Hongyun gave him a hard look.


   "Honest man?" Xue Qi seemed to hear the most funny joke in the world, "On this one, you said that he is honest? If he is honest, he will not be cleaned up by my brother."


   Hongyun looked at Xue Qi helplessly and turned to Wang Biao. Although they were brothers and sisters of the same class, they hadn't seen each other for many years. She just didn't dare to recognize Wang Biao.


"Brother Brother Tian, ​​have you been okay lately?" Hongyun asked. While studying at Taihuangshan Mountain, these brothers took care of her very much. The brothers and sisters felt very serious. Dressing up is very dismal, I am afraid that it is not so good.


Wang Zai looked at Hongyun and couldn't help but smiled bitterly, "Time has changed, it's been many years. The sisters and sisters have been married. I think that both Lin Fenglin Lei and the two brothers could be against the sister... if they were both It’s a pity if you’re alive..."


   At this time, Hongyun, already dressed as a woman, was obviously already married.


  To tell the truth, it's been one or two million years old. If you haven't gotten married, it's really a bit unreasonable. Seeing Hongyun and Xue Qi being so close, it's clear that the two have become a reason.


   Hearing Wang Wang’s words, Hongyun also sighed, and found a hill nearby to fall down, under the rolling water below, he described the old brother and sister friendship. ) Download the free reader!!

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