Super Study God

Chapter 1589: someone is coming!

"Brother Brother, can I have news from Brother Lin?" Hong Yun first looked at Xue Qi next to him, then lowered his voice, and asked Wang Biao, as if he was afraid of being heard by Xue Qi.


   Wang Zui gently shook his head, "Unless the master takes action, otherwise, do you think that in those circumstances, they can survive?"


   Hongyun heard the words, and was silent for a moment, it seemed a little sentimental.


   "The two of them can be regarded as the culprit. You should have this end, so don't worry about your sister!" Wang fried.


   Hongyun smiled a little, it seems that I don't want to stay too much on this topic, "Brother, how have you been all these years?"


   The king burst into a shrug and smiled, "How can I still live, dashingly, the world is so big, no one can restrain me, it's good!"


Saying that, Wang Zha looked at Xue Qi and faced the red cloud, "I envy Master Sister, fairy couple, happy and happy, but the two of you are married, and I didn't know that I would say, Brother Sister is a little uncomfortable... "


   "Senior Brother has disappeared all these years, and the little girl has nowhere to look for, please also forgive sins!" Hongyun said.


   "I said that casually, but this kid is not reliable at all, you must be optimistic about your sister!" Wang Zhaha smiled.


   "Hey, it's not authentic to say bad things behind your back!" At this time, Xue Qi's voice came from the side.


  Hongyun glanced back at him, Xue Qi flicked his mouth, and his neck shrank, so he squatted to the side.


   Wang burst into a smile, he still knows Xue Qi very much. This kid is by nature, always fearless, all kinds of arrogance and all kinds of arrogance, but now there is another person who can manage him.


  Compared with him, he was more free and easy.


   "Sister sister!" At this time, Wang Zong lowered his voice, "Is Su Hang really back?"


   Until now, Wang Zha didn't quite believe it.


  Hongyun didn't answer him, but nodded slightly.


He could not believe in others, but he couldn’t believe in Hongyun. Now his face became very dignified and his eyes rolled, "Sister and sister, I forgot that there is something else today, that, let's go first, let's go Meet again..."


   Having finished, Wang Zu turned around and wanted to leave!


   "Hey, just leave? Are you afraid?" Next, Xue Qi shouted.


   The king froze, and looked at Xue Qi, "Yeah, I'm just scared, why?"


"Actually admitted, this is not like you at all!" Xue Qi froze for a moment, then came over and smiled, "rest assured, after so many years, he can still engage you again? Besides, there is not Am I there, and you did nothing bad, eh? Did you do something bad?"


   "Fart, you are doing bad things!" Wang blasted him.


Xue Qi grinned, "Look at how poor you are now, how can he still take care of you again, your business, I have heard a little bit in the past few years, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't hide from Tibet anymore, let him give the finger Let's be clear!"


   The king exploded, "Who said you are pitiful? My name is free and easy!"


   Although he refused to admit his mouth, Wang failed to take another step when he broke up.


   At this time, Hongyun also can see that his brother, these years, seems to be really unhappy.




   After two days, the hole in the sky was a little bigger than two days ago. The torrential flood had no tendency to stop at all, but it was getting bigger and bigger.


   In addition, the Sima cylinder has been successfully filled, and the space inside can no longer contain more flood water. The flood water rushes out of the cylinder mouth and rushes towards the four directions again.


   In the two days, there were more and more people rushing to the scene, and a large part of them watched the bustling, but when they saw the disaster scene in front of them, everyone was terrified and stopped talking.




   Why did you miss this day? "


  On the top of the mountain, Wang Zuo and others have been staying there for two days. They could not help worrying as the situation deteriorated.


  Xue Qi shook his head, "I heard that the several patriarchs of the Pangu family, together with the demon emperor Jun, went to the Quartet to suppress the water disaster, but what is the specific situation, I am afraid that only Brother Hang will know."


   "Why does this guy have to make a big move every time he appears, must he show his presence like this?" Wang Zui pouted.


  Xue Qi smiled, "You can say this to him!"


   The king's face shuddered a little, but he couldn't catch Xue Qi's words, turned his face and looked down the mountain, "You human race, this show is really big enough!"


   "It sounds like you are not a human race!"


  Xue Qi said again, looking down the mountain, far away, the black pressure, all flashing figures.


  Human race masters, I am afraid that ten or seven are coming, all under the direction of the evil bee, ready to take over, Pangu Great God returns, this volley can not be small.


   "Someone is coming!"


   Wang Zuo was about to say something. The voice of Hongyun was heard next to them. Both of them looked up and saw that two waves of light came at once and went straight to Mount Zhoushan.


   "Bold, who dares to break into the mountain of God?"


   screamed and exploded, and Sin Bee suddenly flashed, stopping the two escapes.


  In the moment, Xue Qi and the three of them hurried to go A closer look, the evil bee was confronting the two women.


   "Huh? Niang?"


  Xue Qi was surprised, and quickly hurried over, stopped in front of the evil bee, and stopped the irritable evil bee.


  The person who came here was entrusted by Su Hang and returned to Zhongshan to find the contemporary Nuwa who asked her granddaughter Wa Wa!


   "Disciple Xue Qi, see the lady of Nuwa!" Xue Qi arched his hands to Nuwa and quickly met.


You know, when Xue Qi first came to the Archaic World, he worshipped under the gate of Zhonghuang Mountain, and even stayed on Zhonghuang Mountain for tens of thousands of years. Although there is no real entry, he can be counted as half of the people in Zhonghuang Mountain. Naturally, the gift of discipleship.


   Nuwa saw Xue Qi and nodded in return. After all, Xue Qi has now become a famous figure and has become a leader of the Mu clan, and he has already become married and is no longer the same child as before.


   "I don't know if my maiden is here, you will be far away." Xue Qi said politely, "The Pangu Great God is now on this **** mountain, ordering me to stay here to protect the law. If the crime is offended, please ask the maiden Haihan."


  Nuwa's nodded slightly, "The deity was entrusted by the Pangu Great God and returned to Zhongshan for help. This one behind me, you should also know that I am waiting for the name of the old ancestor to help the Pangu Great God make up the sky..."


Xue Qi looked behind Nuwa's, a little stunned. Behind Nuwa's was a woman in white. This woman wore a pure white veil, a cloak on her head, and her face was covered. The veil only showed a pair of eyes and a small half of the face. )!!

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