Super Study God

Chapter 1590: Grandma Wa Wa possessed!

Although I don't know why I covered my face, I can vaguely see that this is a peerless beauty.


   "Aunt Xue is more and more, and his disciple Xue Qi is reasonable." Xue Qi quickly met.


   The woman nodded slightly, but did not answer.


   "The sky is sinking in front of my eyes. It is an urgent matter, God, let me give it up." Nuwa's face to Xue Qidao.


  Xue Qi looked back at Sin Bee.


  Sin bee arched his hands to the second female, "Two forgiveness, your majesty is still in retreat, please wait for two..."


   This evil bee is a very principled person. Since he stopped you, there is no reason to let you go.


   Nuwa's helpless, I really didn't expect to encounter such a stubble, he rushed back and forth, finally hurried back, but was also so stopped.


   "Elder Bee, don't be rude."


   At this time, a faint voice came from far away, and the evil bee shuddered. Looking back, in the distance, a familiar and majestic figure walked in the sky in the mist and fog.


   The voice has just fallen, and the person has come to the front.


  Sin Bee saw the coming person clearly, and his body froze for a full two seconds. Then he recovered, and quickly fell to his knees.


   "Senior bee, welcome Panhuang Shengjia!"


   As the evil bee bowed down, the sound rolled like a thunder, which spread to the Quartet, shaking the sky and shaking.


   In the distance, the monks of those human races were already on standby. Hearing the voice of the evil bee, they immediately knelt down for a long time.


   "Meet the God of Pangu and greet Panhuang Shengjia!"


  Countless human tribe monks, one piece of black pressure and one piece after another, shouted in unison, thunderous and thunderous, even overshadowed the sound of the raging flood.


   That scene was really shocking.


   "This Nima, should be the so-called peak of rights?"


   Wang Zu looked beside him, completely stunned by such a scene. Just at that moment, he almost knelt down.


   However, at this time, Su Hang was smiling bitterly in his heart, but he was helpless, but he only came out to show his appearance. As for such a big show?


   "Let all be flat!"


Su Hang gently raised his hand. If such a scene is changed, I am afraid that I won't even speak, but for him, he has experienced more and has been in a high position for a long time. What is it?


   "Your Majesty Xie Pan."


   is another shrill mountain call.


   "Your Majesty, you are finally back, and you are really back." Sin Bee got up and looked up at Su Hang, his voice was shaking, emotional, and some words were incoherent.


"Thanks to the elders of the Horde, I have been suffering for you all these years." Su Hang smiled indifferently at the evil bee. "However, please elder bee to work harder, restrain the Quartet, don't make people do anything, I still have something to discuss with the female Nuwa ."


   "Chen Zunzhi!"


  Insect was bowing to take orders, and immediately gave way to let Nuwa and the woman with her pass safely.




   The ancestor of the human race, the Pangu Great God has returned. This is really shocking news. This day, it will be included in the history of the human race.




   Su Hang and Nuwa’s two daughters came to Mount Zhouzhou together. Nuwa’s mouth first said, “Only the elder bee said that His Majesty was in retreat, I was really taken aback...”


  Su Hang smiled and said, "It's boring to wait around, so I used that half of the mountain to make two treasures. It's not worth mentioning the right to pass the time."


  Nuwa's ears could not help but a black line flashed across his forehead, and the Lord was really big-hearted. He missed this day, and he was still here to refinish his mood.


   Su Hang’s eyes fell on the woman behind Nuwa’s, her brows lightly wrinkled, "This is this?"


   At first glance, Su Hang felt that the woman's figure was very familiar. Although she wore a veil to cover her face, the woman still gave him a very weird feeling, even making him a little distracted.


   The woman did not speak, but her eyes seemed to dodge a bit.


  At this time, Nu Wa's mouth explained, "This is my sister..."


   paused, and Nuwa moved forward to Su Hang, lowering her voice, as if she was afraid of being heard by others, "The elder ancestor borrowed the body of the younger sister to help your majesty."




   Su Hang was stunned when she heard this, and she didn't quite believe her ears. Her eyes fell on the woman's body, and her eyes almost glared out.


   Listening to the meaning of Nuwa's words, the granddaughter Wa's borrowed the woman's flesh and came from Zhonghuangshan.


  You must know that the granddaughter Wa's body died in the last period, leaving only the soul of the god, pinned in Zhonghuang Mountain, but at this moment, this existence actually came down the mountain by borrowing the flesh?


  When Su Hang opened his mouth slightly and expressed surprise, Nuwa said, "After the spirit of the ancestors left the mountain, they became more vulnerable. I am afraid that they will not be able to support it for a long time. Your majesty, let's hurry up."


Su Hang regained her doubtful eyes and bowed to the woman, "Tianzhu folded, extinct, heaven and earth are robbed, souls are charcoaled, mothers are compassionate, rescued and rescued, thank you first, how to make up for this hole in the sky, Please show me your mother."


The woman didn’t say a The Nuwa clan next to her said, "In the past two days, my ancestor and I went to the Eastern Polar Realm and found some colorful stones, which turned into half of the sky, When this hole can be filled, but the ancestors are not the body, and their abilities are limited. When they make up the sky, they have to ask His Majesty to help."


   Su Hang was stunned for a moment. The granddaughter Wa borrowed someone else's body to walk down the mountain. Could it be that he borrowed a dumb flesh? We must let the Nuwa endorsement.


However, Su Hang is only a little puzzled. After all, there are more important things. After hearing Nuwa’s words, Su Hang nodded immediately, "How to do it, please ask the lady to show me, I have nothing else Ability, but some have strength."


"Strength is enough!" Nuwa's smile, "This cave together with the heaven and the Xuanhuang Realm, if you want to fill this cave, you have to withstand the coercion of the two worlds, this is not human thinking, ancestors now I can’t do it. I can only ask your majesty to take action. I hope that your majesty can help carry the coercion of these two realms so that the sky can be successfully completed.”


  Su Hang looked back at the many holes in the sky that had grown, and the rolling flood, "A little thing, two people feel at ease to make up the sky, and the rest is for me."


  Don't be too slow to say anything. If it is a little later, the day really collapses. At that time, it is difficult to want to close it.


After Su Hang finished, when he flew up and went down under the hole, for him, making up the sky was a technical job, mainly because the granddaughter Wawa had to take action. Others mastered the technology and played their own way. That's it. ) Download the free reader!!

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