Super Study God

Chapter 1591: Nuwa make up the sky!

Carrying the coercion of the two realms is simple for the Soviet airlines. After all, the flesh is already in a state of sufficiency, which is sufficient for this task.


Su Hang came under the cave, and the torrential floods were still rolling, but unfortunately it was just a flesh-and-blood realm. If the realm is broken, at this moment, he only needs to reverse a time and space to resolve this situation. Where can I use this? trouble.


The sewer collapsed and no valve could be found. What Su Hang can do is to block the hole. Grandpa Nuwa can fill it up, otherwise, the power is definitely not something that Grandpa Wa's possessed body can bear. .




   Su Hang immediately made a supernatural power of heaven and earth, in which he turned into thousands of feet, lifted up the Sima cylinder directly, against the huge and vast flood, and went directly to the top of the flood cave in the sky.


The gods of the human race all looked at this scene dumbfounded. Because of the powerful force of squeezing, the monstrous flood spouted wildly from the mouth of the cylinder and poured into the four directions. The momentum was terrifying, and the gods quickly retreated. Inside, it has become a vast ocean without a living being.


  As Sima cylinder gets closer and closer to the hole, the pressure will increase, and the power of the flood will increase.


Everyone who has blocked the water pipe knows that the more you plug it, the greater the water pressure it accumulates and the wider the range of spraying, and this is what Suhang is now facing.




   Sima cylinder is like a stopper. After the Su Hang roared, it was deeply stuffed into the huge hole.


The flood was ejected from the small gap, and the powerful force instantly turned the mountains within a thousand miles into ashes, and the monks were afraid to come closer. If the water was washed on the body, I might be lower. It has to be turned into powder.


   "Heaven, do you want to be so fierce?" In the distance, Wang blew out his tongue. Although he was already in heaven, he was deeply shocked by the powerful posture of Su Hang at the moment.


  If you change him, I am afraid that you will be crushed on the ground by the flood now?


   The coercive pressure from the two realms of Heaven Realm and Xuanhuang Realm, even the Heaven Realm Realm, will be crushed into powder. However, at the moment, Su Hang is standing upright and stuffing Sima cylinder into the big cave.


   This is not enough. The huge pressure and the blasting of the bones of the Suhang are like an ordinary person, with a heavy burden, and the power from the Sima cylinder is exploding sharply.




   The clothes on Su Hang's upper body were directly propped up, revealing strong and tight muscles, and the blood vessels burst and the skin was red because of excessive force.


   was afraid that he could not stand alone, and then let the flood burst out. At that time, I was afraid that the flood would be more fierce.


   looked at each one blankly, including the second daughter of Zhonghuangshan, the woman standing next to Nüwa's eyes also had some concerns in her eyes.


  Can he hold it? To block this hole, what will be confronted will be the coercion of the two worlds. His own strength is against the two worlds. Can he sustain it?


   At this time, Su Hang's entire body was squashed a little, and the whole person seemed to explode. That huge pressure was terrifying. The flesh of this Dadao realm almost reached its limit.


   Is this the limit?


   Su Hang clenched his teeth tightly. At this time, he was already riding a tiger. If he let go, he would not only be injured himself, but the whole Xuanhuang Realm would be injured.


  No way, never let go!




   Su Hang roared loudly, and didn't know where the energy came from, and even jammed the Sima cylinder deeply.


   "Mother, look at you!"


   Between heaven and earth, a loud roar came, and then saw Su Hang rising from the sky, a huge body, holding a Sima cylinder, slowly entered the big hole in the sky.




   Even if it's a sewer, don't you need to fight like this? It wasn't until Su Hang's feet entered the hole that everyone swallowed hard.


   The flood stopped, to be precise, the hole was still there, but the flood inside was not spewing, and it turned into a trickle, leaving only a dark and terrifying black hole.


   "Old Ancestor!"


   Nuwa turned to look at the woman next to her. The time had come, it was time to make up!


   is a must-have. God knows how long Su Hang can last. The woman in white skirt hesitated a little, nodded slightly, withdrew her gaze, and took off directly, flying towards the black hole on that day.


   What is this for?


  Everyone looked at them blankly, and many of them were puzzled by their husband.


   The white dress fluttered like a fairy, and at this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the woman in the air.


   I saw a colorful light curtain appearing on the woman's hand, just like a giant cloth covering the sky, holding it with one hand, just like holding a huge band-aid and sticking it up to the black hole in the sky.


   The multicolored light curtain, firmly attached to the black hole, immediately covered it. Without the huge water pressure, it was obviously a lot easier. The woman stood in the sky and quickly played a legal decision in her hand.


The obscure and difficult-to-understand French seals flew densely towards the multicolored light curtain, and they didn't listen to it. The multicolored light curtain shone brilliantly, and the five-colored light scattered all around, straightening people's eyes. No more.


   With a burst of exclamation, the multicolored light changed from weak to strong, and then quickly changed from strong to weak. When the colorful light subsided completely, everyone rubbed their eyes and looked into the sky.


The dark hole has As if it had just been cleaned in the sky, it is spotless, the blue sky, there is no cloud, just like a glass that has just been wiped clean, and there are a few blooms on it. Xiaguang.


   "Here, this is done?"


  Everyone looked at this scene in amazement and became familiar with the rumbling flood sounds before. Now the sound suddenly disappeared, and everyone felt a little uncomfortable.


  The sky was replenished, and the danger finally passed. Many people took a long sigh of relief. Of course, there were also many people who didn't realize the seriousness of the hole in the sky just from the beginning.


   In the sky, the woman also took a long sigh of relief, looked at her masterpiece, and seemed to appreciate it in her eyes. It was really seamless.


Space barriers have a strong self-healing ability. After all, there are many powerful monks who have the ability to tear space. However, as in the case just now, it is rare. Although space barriers can heal themselves, this This ability has a limit after all, beyond this limit, it is difficult to heal even if it wants to heal itself, only rely on external force to repair and help it heal the wound, otherwise, if the wound deteriorates, then it will be deadly. ) Download the free reader!!

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