Super Study God

Chapter 1592: Heaven World, Mt.

In any case, this day is considered to be completed, the crisis of the collapse of the Xuanhuang Realm temporarily retreated, but what about Su Hang? Where is Pangu?


   Everyone soon began to panic again. The Pangu Great God had just entered the black hole. Did you fill the hole? Didn’t you fill the Pangu Great God?






   is cold and dark around, and the whole person is soaked in the torrential flood, as if he can hear his strong heartbeat. X23US. Com updates the fastest


   Above the head, the strong pressure from the Sima cylinder slowly weakened. Su Hang felt that the water flow around him slowly stopped sinking. He knew that the granddaughter Wa's had made up the hole.


Looking back, the colorful ray of light quickly approached, and the surrounding space barriers were healing at a super fast speed. The current Su Hang is like being in a dark and long tunnel, and the tunnel below is striking The speed of healing.


The pressure above    quickly became the force of squeezing in all directions. Suhang had no choice but to push up the Sima cylinder to avoid being squeezed by the force of time and space, and lost in the chaotic and unknown time and space.


   is just right, he also wants to see where this hole leads to, is it really connected to the heaven?


   The legendary heaven, the head of the five main worlds, may take this opportunity to find its place!


Dim, without seeing the end, only looking back at the multicolored glow of light, as the speed approached, the space-time barrier quickly healed from far to near, Suhang simply put the Sima cylinder away, like a swimming fish, against the ice cold The water is going up fast.


   In fact, with the power of Su Hang, tearing space barriers is a very simple thing, but if you want to tear space and find the legendary heavenly realm, you need not only strength, but also realm.


   Su Hang has always been curious about what the legendary heavens look like. This time it may really make him wish.






   A continuous mountain range, immortal air, auspicious clouds, the sky seems to have just rained, a rainbow is like a sky bridge between heaven and earth.


   From a distance, the mountains are like a sword with a handle, inserted into the sky, it is really a spectacle seen elsewhere.


Between the mountains, there is a valley, and there is a lake in the valley. The lake surface is sparkling, there are a few piles of lotus leaves, and there are several elegant wooden houses in the center of the lake, and a long and curved wooden corridor.


   Insect songbirds, quiet and far away, is really a great place for a secluded and secluded world.


In the hallway stood two children looking seven or eight years old, both dressed in linen cloth, one holding a basket with both hands, the other didn't know what to grab in the basket and spilled into the lake, attracting There was a robbery of swimming fish in the lake.


"Dog, do you say that our old man is stupid and has a good life? However, it is not necessary to run this deep mountain old forest to feed fish and shrimp. It doesn't matter if you suffer. It's hard for you and me." Chubby round-faced boy, There was a complaint to the thin boy who was sprinkling feed.


"Zu'er, this is what you don't understand. Master, this is to hide from the husband. Although our old man is an iron man, he can't help but a life-threatening hammer. More than a dozen ladies, every day, let the old man turn the brand. I all Kidney pain for the old man, the old man wanted to hide for a few days and quiet." thin child said.


"Husbands are so kind to the old man, how can the old man be like this?" The fat boy curled his lips, seeming to be very dissatisfied. "You and I are still so young. It was when I grew up and accompanied the old man to eat bran throat. This is not the life I want. Poor my beautiful childhood, it will be buried in Wanjian Mountain. Now the husband must be looking for the master in the world, or should we quietly send a letter to the husband Right?"


   "Pig, dog, you two guys, what bad things did I say in the back?" At this time, a lazy voice suddenly came from the wooden house in the heart of the lake in the distance.


   The two children were so scared that they almost fell into the lake.


"Master, how dare we say bad things about you." The fat kid smiled happily. "I'm chatting with the dog, my lord, how come the water in Wanjian Lake seems to have dropped a lot in the past two days? "


   "Just drop it, lord, I'm hungry. You two fished up two fishes, and let me solve the greed for the lord." The voice in the house came again.


   "Yes, lord."


The two children responded quickly, and saw that the fat child reached out and pointed at the lake casually. Choose small, braised and steamed, no matter who is willing, come into my basket by yourself."


   The words of the fat kid had just fallen, and the lake was like a pot boiled. Almost all the fish swam over here, slamming its tail up.


   The posture is like the carp leaping dragon gate, as if you can jump into the basket and become a dragon, it is really crazy.


   If this scene is seen by others, I'm afraid it will be stunned.


  The fish jumped up, and the splashing water splashed on the two children, but the two children were giggling with joy and never tired.


   After a while, several fish successfully jumped into the bamboo basket. The fat child chose the two best and the best, and the rest was thrown back into the water.


   The fish that were thrown into the water had a bit of grief and begging in their eyes. It was really amazing.


   It's just a matter of scrambling to give people food. It's too weird to show such eyes even if it's not selected.


   "Okay, you two." The fat child chose the fish and was proud, and was about to turn away, but was pulled by the thin child next to him.


  The fat child turned around and followed the thin child's gaze to look somewhere in the lake.




   There is a place on the lake ~ ~ that keeps bubbling out, and the ripples spread out in a circle and then in a circle.


   "Pig, isn't it a big fish?" said the thin child first.


  The fat kid grinned, "I'll catch it, otherwise, the two fishes might not be enough for the lord to eat, let alone leave it to us, but my mouth hasn't been sticky or greasy for a long time."


   Speaking of this, the fat child rubbed his hands, showing his eager gaze, and the hare on his mouth would fall off.




   Just as the two children were about to start catching fish, all of a sudden, a water column blew up on the lake, like a fountain, rushing more than ten meters high.


   A figure with a naked upper body rushed out directly under the surface of the water. The water column exploded, revealing the figure of the man, traversing a beautiful arc in the air, and falling on the wooden corridor. )!!

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