Super Study God

Chapter 1593: Call grandpa!

Suddenly, such a person popped out of the water, and the two children froze for a moment. Then, the fat child pointed at someone and scolded, "Where did the little demon dare to break into the forbidden ground of Wanjian Mountain?"


   The man wiped the water on his face and looked around. His eyes finally fell on the two children in front of him, "Is this heaven?"


   The two children looked at each other, and their eyes became sharper. The fat child picked his chin at the thin child. Without saying anything, the thin child directly threw the basket in his hand toward the coming person.


   The basket turned over instantaneously, hanging upside down in the air, the gusty wind rushed, a huge suction came, and immediately overwhelmed the man.


   At this time, Su Hang really felt a little beeping dog, why are these two little **** kids so frizzy? Just ask yourself if this is the realm of heaven. You just don’t answer it. Why did you just do it?


The basket is obviously a great magic weapon. It's scary enough to **** Su Hang's hair upright, and the body can't stop pulling forward. If it is not stable enough, I'm afraid Go to the basket.


   Isn't it wrong, as soon as I played, the two little fart boys were so fierce?


   "Pigs, dogs, don't let go!"


   As Su Hang was about to break free of suction, and teach these two little fart children, suddenly a voice came from the wooden house, and Su Hang felt that the suction on her body had disappeared.


   The basket flew back to the thin child, and the thin child said to the house, "Master, a monster is coming out of the lake. Pig and I are about to take him!"


   "Yes, lord, I don't know what this thing is, the monster is a fish monster, but it's not a small skill. The dog and I caught him and stewed the soup to the lord!"


  Monster? Su Hang couldn't help crying. Although he didn't look very good, he was still Zhou Zheng, could he use the fish and sea monster to describe it? What is this aesthetic?


   "Bring him in!" At this time, the voice in the room came again.


   Both children skimmed their lips, and the fat child looked at Su Hang arrogantly. "Go into the house and want to be my master's delicious dish. You have to see that my master can't see you!"


   Obviously, these two children regarded Su Hang as the fish and shrimp in the lake. They thought that Su Hang, like those fish and shrimp, was just to rub the chance and want to be the food of their master!


   What's wrong? Su Hang couldn't understand it at all, but he knew that there might be a mysterious and powerful existence in this room.


  Because, he used the theology system to discover an amazing fact that he could not scan the realm of these two children.


  Two little farts, heaven realm? Isn't it possible?


   A little bit anxiously followed the two children to the house. Su Hang felt a little weird. He wouldn't be so lucky. He got into the house of a great god, right?


where is this place? Is it heaven? Suddenly, many thoughts appeared in Su Hang's mind.




This is a very simple and elegant lake house. The room is well-lit, transparent and bright, and the furnishings are very simple. On a bamboo rattan chair, a man is sitting, with his back to Suhang, and gently shaking , Looks very leisurely.


   "Master, people brought!" said the fat child listlessly.


   "Well, you go out!" The man didn't look back, waved his hand to the back, "Give those two fish!"


   "Yes!" The fat child looked reluctantly, "Should it be steamed or braised?"


   "Come on, go out!"


   The man waved his hand again, the wicker chair swayed non-stop, and there seemed to be some humming in his mouth.


  The two children dropped a white eye, then turned around and went out.


   The only man in Su Hang and the wicker chair who had never shown his true appearance was the room.


   The air is very quiet. Su Hang can hear his heartbeat. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he wouldn't think there was a living person in the room.


   "I don't know how to call my friend?" After waiting for a long time, he didn't see the man speaking. Suhang hesitated and asked.


   Both doormen made themselves unable to see the realm. The person in front of him was afraid of knowing how unpredictable, Su Hang's heart was guarded, but he didn't feel any danger, but the unknown made him feel very upset.


   The man dangled, and after a while, he said, "Friend? Nobody big or small, who taught you?"




   Su Hang was a stagnation. In that case, why did the elders teach the juniors a bit?


   Slowly, the wicker chair automatically turned around, and the true face of the man on the wicker chair soon appeared in front of Su Hang.


This is a T-shirt man looking like he is in his thirties. Although he is only sitting, his figure should be very tall. Although the long face is not very handsome, it is quite eye-catching, especially the dazzling eyes. It is as attractive as the two Wangshentan.


   Su Hang was attracted by just a glance, yes, he was attracted by a man.


   The man looked at Su Hang up and down, "Call grandpa!"


   Su Hang heard the words and recovered, his face twitched slightly, and his forehead was covered with black lines. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com "Friends, there is a limit to joking to take advantage of it, you are easily flattened like this!"


   "Oh? Do you want to flatten me?" The man smiled, "Is that what you do now?"


   Su Hang frowned, and then said, "Why? No?"


"It's not impossible, you are too weak!" The man stretched out a finger and shook it in front of him. "The flesh is in the realm of realm, but the realm is still in the heavenly realm. It has been so wonderful all the time, I am afraid that there is only you However, the realm is not reached, and the realm of the realm cannot be called, and even if you reach the realm of the realm, add ten more of you.


   Su Hang heard this, and his heart twitched. This person saw through his realm at a glance. This skill alone is absolutely not simple.


  However, none of the ten realm masters can bear your sneeze, which is too hot to blow too much.


"People who like hi, I have seen more, but I still saw him as hi as for the first time." Su Hang smiled lightly, then arched his hand at the man, "Under Su Hang, I don't know your lord Where is it sacred?"


   The man listened, with a few smiles on his face, "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is why you are here."


This kind of speaking fan is really enough to force, Su Hang reluctantly, said, "I came from the Xuanhuang Realm, two days ago, the barrier between the Heaven Realm and the Xuanhuang Realm broke open, and the torrential floods fell into the realm. Come through the hole of the space barrier, should it be heaven?") Download the free reader!!

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