Super Study God

Chapter 1594: 2 treasures reborn!

"I said how old and young the water in my lake is, I dare you to dry the bottom of the lake for me." The man said.




   Su Hang froze for a moment, what does that mean? The monstrous flood of Xuanhuang Realm leaked from the lake outside?


How can it be? Just such a big lake can flood the Xuanhuang Realm? What a joke?


   "Forget it, since it's plugged up, then I won't care about you."


   The man said lightly, but this sentence made Su Hang a little messy. The leak in your house flooded my house. I came to you for a theory. What else do you say not to worry about me?


  When Su Hang was about to say something, the man stood up from his chair, "Boy, you shouldn't be here."


   Su Hang looked at this person, did not know what this person was, and he was not sure what he wanted to do. This young man seemed to him like a fan, making him a little uncertain.


   The man came slowly and circled around Su Hang. Su Hang was standing on the spot and his scalp was tingling. This person's gaze was so powerful that he felt like he couldn't move.


   "This is not a Shura ghost, why shouldn't I come here?" Su Hang asked back, not to mention the Shura ghost, even if it was really a Shura ghost, he wanted to come and go as he wanted.


The man smiled, "There are countless celestial powers, just picking one out is enough to kill you, kid, people can be confident, but don’t be arrogant, there are still many things that can clean up you in this world of thousands of avenues , That little Xuanhuang Realm, limited your vision, jump out, you can see more, but now is not the time you should jump out."


   Su Hang froze in place, his eyes fell on this mysterious man, now this feeling is as if he is receiving the guidance of a wise man.


   Realizing the meaning of the man's words, Su Hang suddenly felt a gust of wind sweeping over him, and the man stretched his hand across Su Hang's chest, as if something had been pulled out.


   When Su Hang came back, the man had taken two steps back and was holding a dark stick in his hand.


   Heavenly sin!


   This man is holding the heavenly sin that Su Hang took from the sea of ​​blood.


  Su Hang couldn't help but be overwhelmed. This man was a good way to know. Heavenly sin was stored in his body, and he was taken out so easily.


  This thing is not the same as Xiao Ke. Su Hang was surprised and was about to take back the sin of heaven. But he found that his feet seemed to have taken root and could not move at all.


   Frightened, what means did this person use?


The man took the heavenly sin, looked at it carefully, and turned to look at Su Hang, "This thing can't be changed without you holding it. If you're not careful, you can burn yourself with fire. Let me put it here. I will keep it for you. Come on."


   "Senior, how can you grab someone casually?" Su Hang couldn't help saying.


   just called your friend's scream, but now you know that you are a senior?


   "Do you know what this is?" the man asked.


   Su Hang nodded, "Heavenly sin, which contained the original sin of many masters of the world."


   "Know you dare to hold it?" The man gave Su Hang a funny look.


   Su Hang's face twitched slightly, to be honest, he really dared not take this thing because it was too hot.


   The original sin of the master master of the realm, just running out of one, is enough to take him away. It can be said that this is a movable super bomb. If it was not because it was taken by Stygian, I am afraid he would have thrown it.


  It's just that even if the sky is dark, it's also a unique treasure. Even if you throw it yourself, it can't be robbed.


   "Relax, I don't take your things in vain."


   The man seemed to see through Su Hang's mind, and his right hand gave Su Hang a light stroke. Su Hang immediately felt something in his body was torn out.


   Looking forward, two things floated out of his body and flew directly towards the man.


   Su Hang's eyes almost fell out, that was a seal and a small tablet.


   It was he who spent two days of hard work, countless energy points, on the Wuzhou Mountain, with the two pieces of Taoist refining made from the broken Zhoushan Mountain, the seal was the Panhuang Jade Seal, and the stone stele was the God of Mount Zhouzhou.


   "What are you doing? Give me back."


   Su Hang screamed, Nima didn't take my things in vain. What is this robbing? He robbed God of sin first, and now he doesn't even let go of the magic weapon he worked hard for?


   It is impossible for anyone to bear it, but despite Su Hang’s heart and desire to take things back, the whole person seems to be locked in place and cannot move at all.


The man didn’t seem to hear Su Hang’s words, and he threw Heaven’s Sin directly behind him, and his hands took the seal. “It’s such a good material that you’ve got it like this. You can let me say what you ordered. ?"


   The words fell, and Su Hang saw the man's hand bursting out with a rich and colorful light, and immediately wrapped the seal into it.


   Xu Si, the light faded, that one seal and one monument had completely changed its appearance, the colorful glow of the light was flowing, exquisite and transparent, like a beautiful jade carved, and Su Hang was all seen trance.


   This is Panhuang Yuxi!


Su Hang opened his mouth looked at this scene with some surprise. For the past two days, he has been using the system refiner, because that half of Zhoushan is too big, so he can only choose Splitting and refining, investing a large amount of energy points, this is the first monument.


It was printed as Panhuang jade seal, and the monument was Mount Zhoushan. However, after the two treasures became ten thousand, he always felt like something was missing. The energy points have been consumed seven, eight, eight, and the system does not allow him to continue to refine the Tao Qi.


It was not until this moment that Su Hang realized that the real Panhuang Jade Seal and Mount Zhouzhou Monument were born in the hands of the man in front of him, or that the two treasures completed the final in the hands of the man Advanced.


The man took a look at Erbao and seemed to be quite satisfied. He immediately threw it back to Su Hang. "Things are good things. Unfortunately, the Taoist is ineffective. After all, it fell off. I planted it in this monument. Spirit, after you go back, put it up in the mountains, and wait for the spirit of the instrument to become great, this treasure will be considered."


   The voice of the man fell, Su Hang instantly felt a loose body, and the body restored the ability to move, and quickly took the two treasures into his hands.


   At this time, Su Hang finally realized that what he lacked in his two treasures before, what he lacked was spirituality, that is, spirituality.


One of the big reasons for Su Hanglian to make these two treasures is that he wanted to regenerate the imperfections, but the imperial spirit was the artifact of the Mount Zhoushan Monument. The magic of Panhuang Yuxi. ) Download the free reader!!

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