Super Study God

Chapter 1613: Yin Yu'er's intention!

Looking up at the sky, Su Hang sighed for a long time, as if expecting something in his heart. Read a book??


   Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan, will you ever show up? You took my sister away, you have to give me an explanation?


  Su Hang has not moved the Lin brothers for the past few days. Actually, he has some thoughts in his heart. He wants to wait for Lin Xuan to appear.


In later generations, Lin Xuan has recovered to Dadao Realm, and is also the identity of Xuanhuang Realm. This Xuanhuang Realm, in the past, present, and future, in Lin Xuan's eyes is no different from his predecessor, that is, turning around child.


Even if Lin Xuan in the Taikoo World did not return to the realm of Dadao, it will certainly be in touch with Lin Xuan in the future. Su Hang can’t do that Lin Xuan in later generations. Now it’s okay to come to Taikoo World to find this Lin Xuan to vent. ?


   Su Hang has been waiting for him to appear, but it has been two days. It seems that the Lin brothers were indeed given up by him.


   is, after all, a disciple under his own door. How can a person be ruthless to this point?


  Looking at noon, Lin Xuan will not appear, this Lin brothers, can not stay.


   "Cut it!",


  The time had not yet passed, Su Hang waved his hand, there is no need to wait any longer, these two scourges, killed early.


   "Uncle Shi..."


   At this time, Hongyun suddenly stood up and fell down in front of Su Hang with a thud.


   behind, Xue Qi shrugged, apologizing, seeming to apologize for not stopping him.


  Hongyun looked up at Su Hang. It seemed that there was something to say. Su Hang knew what she wanted to say, and he must be pleading for the two guys.


Without waiting for Hongyun to speak, Su Hang directly interrupted her. "I am willing to keep his two reincarnated souls. They are already open. The sins of these two people are hard to redeem. ? Hongyun heard the words, his face changed, Su Hang said coldly, obviously not kidding, and now this occasion is not a joke occasion.


   "Your Majesty Panhuang, what a great majesty." At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.


   This is a female voice, with a bit of sarcasm, a sudden voice, so that everyone was stunned, and looked at it.


   The sky was suddenly full of light, the ceiling was falling, a woman in white Sheng Xue, stepped on an auspicious cloud, and slowly fell from the sky.


   The air was filled with strange floral fragrances, and the woman attracted everyone's eyes as soon as she appeared, not only because of the beautiful appearance of this woman, but also because of the holiness of her body.


   made this appearance just like Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Su Hang was a little surprised when she saw the woman's appearance.


   But after being surprised, it seemed to be a bit reasonable, and then it was a bitter smile.


   "It turned out that the girl Yin came here, and she was greeted by a distance." Su Hang was far away, arching her hand at the woman standing on that auspicious cloud.


   This woman is no one else, it is the Yin Yiner who was almost married to Su Hang's church.


   landed slowly on the ground, auspicious clouds turned into nothingness, Yin Yuer looked at Suhang, the phoenix in the beautiful eyes circulated, and Zhu Lip lightly opened, "It's been so many years, I thought the Pangu God didn't remember me."


   "Even if Sumou is forgetful, he doesn't dare to forget the girl." Su Hang said a few words.


"It's really nice to say." Yin Yu'er walked a few steps forward, with a little bit of scorn in his speech, "You, a guilty person, come back easily, but I don't know to come to me, I have to come to you, really ungrateful."




  Tianwu and the others next to him were stunned. Listening to this woman seemed to have something to do with their master.


   Who is this woman? Could it be that their own teachers and mothers failed? All the disciples murmured in their hearts, looked at Su Hang, and then looked at the woman, and their eyes became ambiguous.


  Su Hang is also covered with black lines on his forehead. It's really a bit overwhelming to say these in front of so many younger generations.


   "The girl came to my place, I don't know what happened?" Su Hang deliberately digressed.


  Yin Yu'er walked forward and walked a few steps, "What's wrong? I can't come to you and walk around without anything?"


   "Where is it?" Su Hang quickly shook his head, "The girl can come to my day, and I will naturally shine up and down."


"Your good words have been told by you." Yin Yu'er gave Su Hang a glance. "After my elder brother left, in this world, I was already helpless and helpless. You Pangu God is now known in the universe, and I and you are also Half a couple, I came to see you, of course it is justified."


   Er, everyone heard it, they were all stunned, and it was really something. What the **** are half a couple? Shouldn't my master owe this woman any emotional debt?


   The disciples have already started to guess wildly. It is not so cold to see the master from home. They also have seven emotions and six desires.


   Su Hang smiled bitterly, "What's the matter with the girl, just say it, your brother and sister Yin's kindness to me, if it's useful to me, will never refrain."


  Yin Yu'er listened and threw Su Hang a charming white eye as if he was waiting for you.


  Yin Yu'er turned around, glanced at the Lin brothers on the Sentence Tower, and then said, "Can these two people leave it to me?"




   Sure enough, it was really for this matter that Su Hang frowned lightly. Since Yin Yuer had just appeared, Su Hang had already guessed her purpose.


   After In the later generations, the two plague gods were Yin Yu'er's slaves.


  The Lin brothers heard this, and in a moment, hope ignited in their hearts, and they were inexplicably excited.


   Yin Yu'er looked up at Su Hang, waiting for Su Hang to give an explanation.


  Su Hang said plainly, "Do you have anything to do with these two girls?"


   Yin Yu'er shook his head, "It has nothing to do with me."


  Su Hang again said, "Is that the trust? Was it me? These two people are the disciples of Taihuangshan, is it the one from Taihuangshan who made you come?"


  Yin Yuer shook his head again, "It has nothing to do with Taihuang Mountain."


   Su Hang frowned slightly, "That made me a little puzzled. Since the two of them were not related to the girl, how could it be worth the girl's personal pleading, let alone two sinners."


"Since you ask, I'm not afraid to tell you." Yin Yuer shook his head and replied indifferently, "In fact, my elder brother asked me to come. Although these two people are unbearable, they still have great use for me, so please ask Pangu opened it up and handed him over to me..."


   Moved out of her elder brother if he didn't agree, and Su Hang was also a little speechless. What use can the two demons have? How easy is it to get people from yourself?


Su Hang sighed, "If it's something else, I naturally agree, but you don't know that girl, the crimes committed by these two people are not more than ten thousand deaths, not killing is not enough for civilian hate, so, I can only say sorry.")!!

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