Super Study God

Chapter 1614: Goblin!

Yin Yuer heard the words and was unhappy for a moment. He said directly, "I just didn't know who said it. The place that is useful to you will never be resigned. Will you forget it in a blink of an eye? Sure enough, Pangu is so hypocritical."


These words, if placed in the human race, no matter who said it, it is a big deal. If you change people, they may have come out and screamed. But the key is that this woman and Su Hang seem to be so ambiguous. No one dared to stand up and blame.


   "Girl thinks I'm hypocritical, then it's hypocritical." Su Hang looked up at the sky, "It's just noon, cut it."


   Zhu Rong was standing on the slashing stage. Today, the demon was executed by him. This was a well-known thing, but at this time, the appearance of this woman made him a little embarrassed.


   "Master, really cut?" Zhu Rong asked Su Hang awkwardly.


   After all, who knows what this woman has to do with Su Hang? In case this is our sister-in-law, the two demons have been slashed, and you have offended the sister-in-law, how will you play in the future?


   "If you dare to cut, I will cut you." Yin Yu'er looked back directly at Zhu Rong.


   Zhu Rong was terrified, and quickly looked at Suhang for help.


Su Hang frowned deeply, and said solemnly, "Miss Yin, these two demons have harmed the world. You must kill today. This is for the sake of all beings in the world. The human race has a plan for thousands of years. Never leave hidden dangers. The girl should not make trouble unreasonably. , If your elder brother wants someone, please invite him to come, the girl should still watch by the side."


Yin Yuer heard this, and was not angry, "Su Hang, you are too good to take my Yin Yuer into your eyes? If my elder brother could come, would I still do it for me? Ask you two It’s just personal, mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and the girl is thinking about how much she loved in the past. Only then can she talk to you. Since you don’t sell me my face, it’s fine. The girl took it herself."


  After speaking, Yin Yu'er's figure disappeared instantly, and when he appeared again, he was already on the Xianxiantai.


   "Go away."


   Zhu Rong froze on the stage, before he could react, Yin Yuer waved his sleeves and pushed him aside.


Kicked on the Shenmu with the neck of the two plagues of the plague, Shenmu flew in an instant, the two demons took off freely, Yin Yuer grabbed one in one hand, looked back at Su Hang, a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "There will be a period in the future Now, Pangu God."


   finished, made a teleportation magic, and his figure disappeared instantly.


  Is this saved? Everyone stared at this scene in a daze, Tian Wu and others couldn't help but look at Suhang.


   The woman was really overbearing. In front of Su Hang, she rescued people like that. If it spreads, wouldn't it be the laughing stock of the whole world?


   This is the face of Pangu's face in public, everyone's face feels a little red, and I haven't been able to recover for a long time.




   Just when everyone was at a loss, Su Hang exhaled deeply, "Why not? Run?"


   The voice fell, and Suhang's right hand was raised slowly, pointing directly into the air.








   After a moment, still in front of the main hall, Yin Yuer went back and forth, and looked at Su Hang with a sullen expression on his face. Those beautiful eyes seemed to spew out fire and wished to bite Su Hang.


   Beside her, the two brothers Lin Feng and Lin Lei wailed on the ground, their **** poked high, and the two sunflowers bloomed in the wind.


Su Hang said faintly, "Girl give up, why make it so unpleasant for two irrelevant people? Not to mention, even if I give them to you, with the girl's current ability, can it be reduced? ?"


   "Huh, you don't have to worry about it. I have my own way of treating them. Today, you have to give it to these two people, and you have to give it to you." Yin Yu'er said.


It was so annoying. She just captured the two of them just now. She was planning to teleport back to Kunlun. Su Hang did not chase. She was still smug, but unexpectedly, the Lin brothers suddenly puckered their buttocks in an instant. It disappeared from her hand.


   The duck he got just flew in this way, can you say it's not bad? At this moment, Yin Yu'er really had the urge to beat Su Hang.


   Her current state has reached Tiandao Realm Liupin. It is a breeze to want to rule the brothers Lin Feng and Lin Lei. Su Hang used this to block her and make her even more inflamed.


   This is Yin Yu'er. He is holy in appearance and spicy in his heart. Later generations of Su Hang have already been taught. But I did not expect that Yin Yu'er now can be more spicy than later generations.


"I can understand that the girl is threatening me?" Su Hang frowned, "I'm never afraid of threats. Since the girl is talking about this, I'm absolutely necessary for this person. It’s only me who hands it on.”


  Finally, Su Hang's figure flashed, and he grabbed the Lin brothers and went straight to the Xianxiantai.




   Su Hang's big wave, a rusty sword flew out of the main hall, and fell directly into Su Hang's hands.


   The sword body was covered with dark rust, and it looked like a burning stick. When Tian Wu and others saw it, they recognized it as an iron stick inserted directly above the throne of Panhuang Palace.


This is a sword left by their master, named Panwangjian. It is said that they can’t even cut a chicken, only a traitor, a rebel, but they have never seen it for so many years. This sword reveals its true appearance.


  That is to say, Suhang left this sword that Dijiang had never used it once.


  The power poured into the sword body, the dark rust quickly faded away, and the instantaneous light was shining. The world-famous sword, which had been dusted for millions of years, finally revealed its true colors.


   is the seven-star sword after refining, and now it is called Panwang sword.


"Lin lei, you listen to me, the crimes committed by the two of you are so violent, and there are still many innocent deaths. Today, you can be reincarnated by the two spirits. It is already exceptionally kind. Are you both dissatisfied?" Su Hang said coldly with his sword.


   "Thank you Uncle..."


   Both were scared and stupid, and they didn't dare to speak at all, thank you for a while.


   "Okay." Su Hang nodded. "If one day let me know that you two are still evil after reincarnation, Hugh blame me for killing."


   "Su Hang, how dare you..." Yin Yuer shouted.


  However, Su Hang didn't pay any attention to her, and directly raised the sword and dropped the Panwang sword, which could not be cut by a chicken, across the neck of the two men, and the head fell to the ground instantly.


   The flesh and the soul are instantly cut off, and the vitality is cut off instantly.


   Everything was too fast. At the corner of the hall, Wang Biao closed his eyes, some could not bear to look directly, Hongyun leaned in Xue Qi's arms, bit his lip, but already burst into tears. )!!

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