Super Study God

Chapter 1617: Penglai!

Su Hang didn't say much, just nodded slightly, indicating that you guessed right.

"I... why is it me? You can just give it to Elder Bee Bee? And, Di Jiang may wake up someday, you..." Xue Qi still didn't reach out to pick up. For such troubles, He instinctively refused.

Su Hang shook his head, "If Dijiang wakes up, you can give him this jade seal, let him choose the right person, as for the evil bee, I have given him the supreme right, it is really wrong to give him this jade seal again. ..."

Xue Qi could hear that Su Hang still couldn't fully trust the evil bee, just to do this just in case.

"Now, I can only think of you. If you refuse to accept it, will you let me find the king?" Su Hangdao said.

Xue Qi hesitated for a moment and wanted to say something, but he finally closed his mouth and reached out to take Panhuang Yuxi from Suhang.

"This thing, can your disciples recognize it?" Xue Qi asked suspiciously. After all, Su Hang has never shown this thing. Someone will show this jade seal in the future. Can someone admit his status?

Su Hangdao, "This jade seal is contaminated with my breath. I have a mind in it. I am not afraid that they will not recognize it. You can rest assured!"

Su Hang said so, Xue Qi could only helplessly accept, "Brother Hang, you are going to kill me, if this matter is spread, I am afraid that not only your disciples, the world does not know how many people will think Grab this baby from my hand, and get the right name to go to the throne of Panhuang!"

With a wry smile, Xue Qi felt that this jade seal was a bit hot, and this seemed to be pitted by Su Hang.

Su Hang patted his shoulder, "At this time, only you know what I know, don't pass the six ears, unless you die yourself, don't be afraid, if you are brave and righteous, when you come next time, I will definitely avenge you!"

"Your joke is not funny at all!" Xue Qi heard the words and threw Su Hang a blind eye, and hurriedly collected Panhuang Yuxi. "Are you so many apprentices, aren't you satisfied?"

"What do you think?" Su Hang asked back.

Xue Qi stayed a little, and some didn't know how to answer the call.

Su Hangdao, "One by one, in order to fight for fame and fortune, he spares no effort to fight with the door. I don't want to put the future of the human race into the hands of such people."

After a pause, Su Hang continued, "Originally, I planned to train Yao Meng's child. This kid is pure in character and fits my appetite. Unfortunately, it is too weak and too young to compare with his brothers. You will be killed in minutes!"

"Brother Hang, since you are optimistic about him, then choose him or not. There are evil bees and me, enough to assist him!" Xue Qi said directly, this kid actually wanted to save trouble.

Su Hang shook his head and said, "He is still stunned. There are still many things to learn. Pushing him up now will only hurt him and even the human race. I am going to send him to Kunlun to study abroad. What will it look like in the future , No one can know, so you have to open your eyes wide and choose Ren Xian. If one day, Pangu's rebirth is in trouble, and no one can preside over the overall situation, I hope you can stand up, no matter which seat Does anyone hold this jade seal and replace it!"

After talking, Su Hang patted Xue Qi's shoulder, and Xue Qi's expression on his face was quite dignified. After this jade seal was taken over, his responsibility would be greater, but Su Hang opened his mouth to him and he did not refuse anything. Reason.



Eastern waters.

Since the appearance of the big cave in the sky, which led to the fall of the world, many great supernaturalists have introduced floods into the Sifang Sea area for disaster relief. The Sifang Sea area has expanded a lot in a short period of time. Especially in this eastern sea area, the sea level has risen a lot. Many of the land originally facing the sea has become a vast ocean.

In the depths of the eastern seas, mirage permeates the sea surface, and in the misty mirage, there is an enchantment, in which there is a mountain called Penglai.

Yin Yu'er came out of the sky and was ready to go to Kunlun angrily, but hesitated, his eldest brother Yin Wusheng is no longer in Kunlun, Kunlun God Realm has already been given to Liuyun to take charge, she has no meaning to go back, or go back to Penglai .

Penglai is one of Yin Wushang's palaces. Now Yin Wushen has left Xuanhuang Realm, and this place was occupied by Yin Yu'er.

The world is independent, elegant and pure, and Zhong Lingyuxiu is an excellent place for cultivation, no worse than Kunlun God Realm.

Yin Yuer likes it very much, far away from the world, no one can disturb her, she can practice quietly.

Over the past one million years, she has fast-forwarded to the Seventh Grade of Heavenly Dao Realm and has almost completely stood at the peak of the entire Xuanhuang Realm.

If it wasn't for her brother's sudden summoning to her the day before yesterday, she wouldn't leave Penglai. At this moment, she was afraid that she was still in closed practice.

This trip to heaven, it can be said that it really made Yin Yuer very depressed. Originally, he thought that with his and his brother's face, things would go smoothly. Who would expect that Su Hang would be so stubborn, and he would not hesitate to turn her face!

Now she really can't wait to hold Su Hang under her fiercely put a footprint on his face with her feet.

However, this guy grew up fast enough. The last time I saw him in Kunlun, it wasn’t good. He was picked up by his elder brother and obedient. It was only a million years, and he couldn’t even see him. Too.

The talented Tianzun realm clearly showed its strength, but he was afraid of this heavenly realm.

Originally, she underestimated Su Hang, but this time it was different. She could really feel the power of Su Hang. If Su Hang wanted to clean her up, she would definitely not be able to leave Tiandu so easily.

Three days after Shibei, I really have to be impressed. This smelly guy can turn over salted fish, which is really abominable!

Angrily returned to Penglai Island, no matter how the slaves on the island saluted her, Yin Yuer scolded and walked into the main hall.

"Two girls, who makes you so angry?"

Just before entering the hall, a slightly majestic female voice rang in her ears.

Yin Yu'er looked like he was electrocuted, looked up sharply, and the whole person was stunned.

In the middle of the hall, with her back to her, stood a woman in a red robe with a high bun on her head, her hands behind her back, as if she were integrated into the whole space, so much so that Yin Yuer was like this Masters are not aware of it.

The woman turned slowly, looking like a woman in her thirties, but her hair was a little gray, and obviously she was getting older.

The pair of water-blue eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the void. At first glance, the whole person felt the same as Hongguoguo.


It took a long time for Yin Yu'er to recover, and the shock on her face remained, "Mother, you, why are you here?" 74

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