Super Study God

Chapter 1618: The world of Vientiane tactics!

If Su Hang is here, he will surely be shocked. Is this woman actually Yin Yu'er's mother?

Isn't Yin Yu'er's mother one of the legendary universe masters?

Such a person actually came to Xuanhuang Realm?

The woman gave Yin Yu'er some helpless look, "Can't I come and see my daughter?"

Words are not arrogant!

"No!" Yin Yuer quickly shook her head and knelt down to the ground. "Daughter didn't know that her mother was here. Please ask her to forgive her sins!"

It can be seen that Yin Yu'er was very awesome to her mother.

The woman waved her hand, "Get up, and listen to your elder brother, you girls are crazy in this world, and it's been a long time since we saw you, so come and see you!"

Yin Yu'er got up and hurried forward to grab the woman's hand. The original fierce appearance turned into a little girl. "Mother, you don't have to talk about it in advance. The daughter is ready to prepare early!"

The woman gave Yin Yu'er a white look, "If you know me, I'm afraid I haven't known where to hide. I still don't know you girl?"

Yin Yuer put out her tongue and wore a cute look, shaking the woman's arm, "The daughter hasn't seen her mother for a long time, and her heart is tight, even if the mother doesn't come, the daughter is ready to return to the universe in the next few days. Visit your mother!"

"Then I really want to thank God!" The woman smiled bitterly. "None of you girls, let me worry."

Yin Yu'er grinned, "Ma'am, didn't you retreat in Lingxian Valley? Why did you come here suddenly? In the early years, Zong Nei had issued strict orders to prevent Daojing monks from coming back to this world?"

"Is the order within Zong still able to control your mother?" The woman gave Yin Yuer a white look. "Besides, your mother and I have been in retreat all these years. I don't know what the order is."

"In my life, I only recognized the decree of the patriarch. Daozong did not have the patriarch. Any decree is just a fart in my eyes."

In a word, it is light and flirty, but it is also extremely arrogant.

Yin Yu'er said, "I heard from the elder brother that the Sect Master has been missing for a long time, and the Dao Sect has no owner, mother, do you say the Sect Master will?"

"Don't talk nonsense." The woman glared at Yin Yu'er and said, "The power of the Sect Master has been overwhelming. He has already crossed the boundary master level, thousands of worlds, who can get his old man's home, but the old man just hides and calms down. ."

After a pause, the woman said, "However, when his old man hides like this, Dao Dao Zong is about to be chaotic. Several main mothers are looking for him in the whole world. This time the Xuanhuang Realm almost collapsed. I also noticed his old man. Breath, so check it out and take a look at you girls."

It turns out so.

Suddenly, Yin Yu'er said how could this old lady suddenly rush to run the Xuanhuang Realm, which was originally to find the suzerain.

Yin Yu'er was surprised, "Mother, you said, the Sect Master is in the Xuanhuang Realm?"

The woman listened, but shook her head. "It's just a breath, fleeting. It seems to have appeared in this world, but it seems not. His old man's dragon is not at the end, it's not easy to see him, I just I can try my luck."

After talking, the woman took Yin Yuer into the seat, "I just saw you scolding, who caused you?"

Yin Yu'er heard the words, and her face became black with a snap. "Still don't mention it, mother, this thing is really angry as soon as it is said."

After a pause, Yin Yuer told the woman directly about her encounter in Tiandu, adding some oil and some vinegar, and it was a wonderful one.


"Mother, you have to make the decision for your daughter." At the end, Yin Yuer sobbed deliberately.

"Su Hang?"

The woman was surprised, held up her right hand, twisted gently for a moment, and the expression on her face sagged slightly.

"Mother? What's wrong?" Yin Yuer asked.

The woman recovered, shook her head and asked, "Have your brother let you go?"

Yin Yu'er nodded, "Big brother said, these two are of great use to me, and I went to ask him for a person, but that person was an elm pimple, and the oil and salt didn't enter, but he didn't give any emotion at all."

The woman paused. "Previously, the man your brother said almost married you was this man?"

Yin Yu'er shrugged slightly, "Big brother, he's messing around and making me cheap."

"Your elder brother is much more stable than you." The woman shook her head.

Yin Yuer pouted, "Yes, mother, this time the Xuanhuang Realm almost collapsed, it seems that it is also related to this person."

"Oh?" The woman hesitated. "Well, two girls, take Wei Niang to meet this man."

"Mother, are you going to be angry with me?" Yin Yuer asked.

The woman smiled indifferently, "My Yin family girl can't be bullied."

In the words, it seems that there are a few more different meanings, which attracted Yin Yuer's spoils.




In the palace of the Panhuang Su Hang suddenly sneered.

"Master, don't you feel cold?"

Yaoyue faced the Su Fairway.

According to Su Hang's instructions, Emperor Jun brought Yaoyue to heaven after helping to prepare the Canglang tribe.

Yao Meng has also been awake and has recovered. Su Hang just passed on his own set of magical skills-"Pan Huang Bao Dian". The huge amount of information directly confuses Yao Meng to the past. I am afraid that it will not be for a while. Want to wake up.

This "Panhuang Collection" was created by Su Hang, combining life-long learning, such as Nanming Tianpeng tactics, undead power, and other peerless exercises. Therefore, it is also called "Vision of Heaven and Earth".

The exercises are very powerful, a bit more powerful than the Nanming Tianpeng tactics learned by Fuyaozi, but they are a kind of Shinto method. Fuyaozi can build a sparrow's life soul into a nine-day godpeng, but this imperial collection is capable. Cultivated into the world.

No matter what kind of life and soul, it is as strong as the dragon and god, and weak as the grass ants. When you move your heart, you can convert it at will. If you want to come, you can say that it is definitely a supreme practice.

Su Hang passed this exercise on to Yao Meng, which showed that he had high hopes for Yao Meng.

"Maybe someone is scolding me behind my back." Su Hang waved his hand at Yaoyue, and said in a joke, "Hey, keep your brother here and go out for the teacher."

After finishing the talk, Su Hang left the bedroom, leaving Yaoyue alone with Yaomeng, who was in Dingzhong. Last time in Canglang, it was Yaomeng who helped her guard, but this time it was her turn.

Recall that Yaoyue feels all this is too unreal. The encounters these days are just like in a dream. One day, he could one day be able to worship under the gate of the Great God of Pangu and get such a powerful life soul. This is really true Isn’t it a dream?


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