Super Study God

Chapter 1619: See an old friend!

At night, it was cool, and after the storm, everything was recovering. Su Hang took a deep breath, and it was cool and comfortable.

A bright moon was hung in the sky, and the bright and bright Yuehua spread to the earth, and covered the Tiandu Mountain with silver.

In the mountain forest of Tiandu Mountain, several small beasts kneel down on a cliff to worship the moon, and everything is alive, not to mention in Tiandu Mountain. If such a scene is placed in later generations, it will definitely become a huge news, but it is too ancient The world is really as common as eating and drinking.

Su Hang glanced, all beings were thinking of practicing longevity, gaining powerful power from this world, but what is the point of this?

Tiandi is just such a world, how much power can you draw from? The bearing of heaven and earth is limited in the end, and being confined in such a world, what more powerful power are we talking about?

After all, the world is developed with great power. A big world may be able to bear the consumption of many strong players in the Dao realm, but it can't bear the squandering of the Dao realm monks. This may be the reason why Dao Dao Zong did not allow Dao realm to come to the Xuanhuang Realm?

After all, our family is only two or two meters, you can eat half a catty a meal, who can welcome you?

Although this metaphor is a bit exaggerated, the truth is this truth. Su Hang now understands it a bit. Perhaps Lin Xuan's so-called demise is not just for so-called karma and spiritual practice.

The monks multiply to the peak, and the destruction of the world can be said to be the ultimate. If you want to protect this world, come to a world-wide catastrophe, make all living beings into the disaster, and return everything you borrowed from this world. This is Very direct means.

However, this method was too tyrannical. When Suhang shook his head, when did he start thinking of Lin Xuan's reason?

What kind of person is Lin Xuan? He can no longer see clearly. The most important thing now is before him, when can he break free from the world, jump out of this world, and explore to open up a wider world.

Jump out?

This is a problem. Su Hang couldn't help thinking of the man he saw in the heaven.

Now, Su Hang even has reason to suspect that if the Zhoushan falls, the hole in the sky may have been created by the man. If it were not for the space hole to lead to heaven, he would not be able to walk along the hole to heaven.

You should know that although Su Hang is physically attaining the realm of avenues, the realm is still low after all. Even if it can easily break the space barrier, it is absolutely impossible to find a way to heaven.

In other words, if Zhoushan fell, he wouldn't be able to go to heaven.

He had thought about this problem before and after, thinking about it, the man was the most suspected.

But why did he do this? To meet myself? Although Su Hang feels good about herself, it has not been so good. Even if you are the protagonist, this world is not centered on anyone.

What's more, there is such a existence, unless you have that value, then what is your own value?

Su Hang couldn't help but ask himself, think about it, learn the **** system?

The Xueshen system has changed Su Hang’s life since it kept up with Su Hang. It can be said that without the Xueshen system, there would be no Su Hang today. Maybe he is still in a corner of the earth. Work, hold a meager salary, and struggle to survive.

Everything now is given by the Xueshen system, even making him think that he is the protagonist of this world, but from beginning to end, the system is what it is and what its origin is. Su Hang didn’t know it at all. The thing is, the system is really strong and there is nothing that it cannot do.

This is his biggest secret, and never confided to anyone. If someone covets it, Suhang can hardly imagine it. Once the system is taken away, it is almost equivalent to taking away everything he has, losing everything, it will be How does it feel?


Under the cover of the night, two figures were standing faintly on the roof of a house not far away.

The figure disappeared into the darkness, as if integrated with the surrounding environment, Su Hang was standing just below twenty meters away, but did not notice it at all.

"He's the Suhang you mean?" A woman's voice, with great majesty, and even less convergence, was not afraid of being heard.

"That's right, it's him!" Another woman's voice, "This guy is arrogant and arrogant, but my big brother helped him so much at first, but I didn't think he would give him anything at all, it was so mad, mother, you Must be angry for me!"

Needless to say, these two people in the night are Yin Yu'er and her mother who came from Penglai.

The two did not know how long they had stood here, and the conversation did not deliberately avoid taboos. However, Su Hang, who was close to them, was as blind and blind as they were.

This is the realm gap!

In the The woman hasn't spoken for a long time, but the pair of deep eyes stared at Su Hang not far away for a long, long time.

"This little guy has some history!" For a long time, the woman's mouth curled up with an unpredictable arc.

"Well? Mother, what are you talking about? What is his origin?" Yin Yuer asked unexpectedly.

The woman shook her head. "Dim, I can't see the real thing, but I saw a person's shadow from him!"

"Huh? Who?"

Yin Yuer turned her head to look at the woman, her heart was amazed, her mother, the lord of the universe universe, how powerful, thousands of worlds, who can escape her eyes?

And now, she actually said hazy, can't see the real? Is this possible? Isn't this kid named Sur not a native of the Xuanhuang Realm? What is surprising?

First of all, his elder brother, with the respect of Dadao Realm, deliberately befriended him, and now his mother gave him this evaluation again, which also had to make Yin Yuer really look at Su Hang!

The woman heard the words but didn't say much. She just shook her head and hesitated for a while before saying, "Two girls, this person, you should make a good deal. No matter what his origin is, one more friend is better than one." An enemy is good!"

"Mother, what do you mean?" Yin Yuer looked at her old lady unexpectedly. "Aren't you here to avenge me?"

"What revenge?" The woman shook her head. "I don't want your mother to tell me to bully the young!"

After that, the woman turned and walked away. Yin Yuer was anxious and quickly caught up, "Mother, just leave like this? It's too cheap for him!"

"In the middle of the night, your mother accompanied you to find a man. You are not ashamed. I am also ashamed! I'm going to see an old friend first!" 74

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