Super Study God

Chapter 1620: Powerball!

"Mother still has old friends in this world? Who? Is the one from Taihuangshan?"

"How can a little doll be an old character?"

"Who is that? Can I go together? Did you come and help me clean up the boy named Su?"

"Ah, I shouldn't have come, second girl, you have inherited your dead dad's faults, whispering, verbose, who will want you in the future?"

"My father? Mother, has my father been back?"



The two gradually disappeared. However, all this, Su Hang, who was in front of him, seemed to have no awareness until the two disappeared completely, and he did not realize that someone had just appeared behind him.

"Oh, there are ten days left. How do you arrange these ten days?"

After recovering from his thoughts, Su Hang rubbed his head, and there were still ten days left. These days, he arranged all the arrangements. Tian Wu and others also returned to their own fiefdoms, Yao Meng Yaoyue, he should have passed it, just waiting for Liu Yun to pick them up to study in Kunlun.

Human race forces are mixed, and if these two disciples are not found a reliable place to go, they will be killed sooner or later.

It should be considered that the Soviet Union has arranged it properly, and the next ten days, can not be wasted.

Silai wanted to go, there are a few places, he wanted to see, one is the Underworld of the Earth Mansion, two female disciples, Hou Tu entered the reincarnation, traded his life for his family, and Xuan Ming then entered the Earth Mansion and became The Lord of the Underworld, Pluto!

Xuan Ming was trapped in the prefecture, so Su Hang should naturally go and see!

There is also Taihuang Mountain. Su Hang previously wanted to use the Lin brothers to lead Lin Xuan to appear, but it did not work. Since Lin Xuan did not show up, he had to go to the door. However, Tai Huangshan has long been hidden. I am afraid that it is not difficult to find where it is.

There is Hongjun again. I have seen him a few times before coming to Taikoo, and this time is no exception. Hongjun has become a Taoist ancestor. Su Hang felt that he should have a lot to talk to himself.

Su Hang has always had a question in his mind, or rather, it should be a must. He once heard Tian Jie say that Hong Jun is one of the five major worlds, the landlord of the wilderness world, and no matter whether Tian Jie’s words are true or false, Su Hang I feel that Hong Jun owes himself an explanation.

See Hongjun first, and then go to the Underworld. Now Hongjun should be far from the peak of later generations. It should be much easier to find him by yourself.



The next day, after the Su Air accounted for matters of large and small, it left the Tiandu and went to the Demon Territory.

The only person who followed Su Hang left was Wang Biao.

This guy is sloppy and sloppy, and his character is not so good in the impression of Su Hang. Su Hang didn't want to take him very much, but this guy is dead, and Su Hang can't say anything. After all, Wang Biao rebelled from Taihuang Mountain, I can't be separated from myself. Now, after a million years, people will always change.

In addition, Su Hang could feel that Wang Bo seemed to have something to tell him.

The two went down the mountain together and went straight to the Demon Territory. On the way, Su Hang asked about the situation of the Wang bombing.

Wang Zu was only talking about Gu Zuojuan and speaking to him. He was a bit obscure, and he was a little bit shunned.

After so many years, it is obviously a lot of rustiness. Su Hang did not ask too much, but just shook his head. "I probably heard Xiaoqi say something about you. I heard that you have been being treated by Taihuang Mountain all these years. Hunt?"

Wang exploded, his face showing a bit of reluctance. Obviously, he followed Suhang all the way, just want to tell Suhang about this matter.

"For many years, but they are all small characters. After us, under the Taihuang Mountain Gate, there are few who can get it. I am just a bit uncomfortable..." Wang fried.

Su Hang smiled, "If you are so free and easy as you said, what are you doing with me?"

These words seemed to poke Wang Fei's mind. Wang Feigan laughed a little and felt a little embarrassed.

Su Hangdao, "Why is Taihuangshan chasing you? Don't tell me, just because you betrayed him."

Speaking of betrayal, Hongyun also betrayed Taihuang Mountain, but Hongyun is now living well, and he is married. The life is very interesting. It is impossible for Wang Wang to be chased and killed by a person. This kid is sure What happened, angered the Taihuangshan man.

Wang Biao heard it, and laughed again. After a while, he said, "It's actually nothing. After you left, I went back to Taihuang Mountain and wanted to return to Taihuang Mountain..."

Speaking of this, Wang Bo seemed to remember the past, and his emotions seemed a little excited, "I walked from the foot of Taihuang Mountain, step by step, kneeled up the mountain, just to see him, and returned to the gate of Taihuang Mountain. For four days, I went from the foot of the mountain, Kneel down to the top of the mountain..."

"He refused to see me even when he saw him, only a few newly-disciplined disciples knocked me off the mountain. I knelt and asked again, but I was beaten down again and again..."

"The last time, he finally showed up, without saying a word, a palm seriously wounded me, abolished my skill, and drove me off the mountain..."

"At that moment, I was desperate, and I knew that at that time, seemed to him like the Lin brothers today, and they already existed like abandoned children. Is it so cruel?


"Later, Dao Zu approached me and helped me re-consolidate the demon veins, so that I was able to return to the path of cultivation. Three hundred thousand years ago, I broke through and stood up, finally advanced to Heavenly Dao Realm, and I went to Taihuang Mountain again... …"

"He is not on the mountain. No one knows where he went, but it is not important. The important thing is that he is not on the mountain. This is enough. I spent 100,000 years to condense a magic bomb and I left it in Taihuang Mountain."

"When the mushroom cloud rose from Taihuang Mountain, I finally smiled comfortably. The gratitude given to me at that time was finally repaid in full..."

Speaking of which, Wang burst into shock, "I don't know exactly how Taihuangshan was blown up, but since then, I have been chased and killed by Taihuangshan, hiding from Tibet to the east and rarely showing up..."

After listening to Wang Fang's remarks, Su Hang's face twitched, and it took a while to say, "You are really worthy of your name."

This guy has a strong heart for revenge, and he will spend 100,000 years to condense that thing.

The so-called demon power bomb is a low-end method in the practice circle. The production method is very simple. It is to find a carrier and pour its own demon power into it continuously. It will continue to condense until a certain time. , Immediately exploded, a huge detonation exploded, instantly causing great destructive power.

It takes a lot of time to condense this thing, and there is also a certain risk of self-detonation. Therefore, few people will engage in this kind of partial door, but Wang Zhuang this guy actually spends 100,000 years to condense in order to avenge his revenge. , Not to mention how much power, there is no one in this perseverance. 18374

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