Super Study God

Chapter 1621: Wang's plan!

It was a miracle to blow up Taihuang Mountain and stab such a big basket. This kid can still live to this day.

"It seems that your Master still has a little conscience and didn't kill you!" Su Hang shook his head, with Lin Xuan's power, if he wanted to clean up the king's bomb, could he still run away? I'm afraid I have already died 800 times. I don't need to send someone to chase down.

Wang Bo thought that he had blasted Taihuang Mountain, which was a huge disaster for Taihuang Mountain, but in Lin Xuan's view, it was just painless.

Wang exploded, and the excitement on his face gradually disappeared.

Su Hangdao, "You told me this, did you want me to solve the trouble for you?"

Wang Fang didn't shy away. He said directly, "I'm not afraid of things. I'm not afraid to tell you that I have improved the method of making demon bombs over the years, condensing eight more powerful demon bombs, I wait It’s been a long time. They pushed me up like a dog. I’m not in trouble. I’m going to blow him up again!”

sweat! Su Hang was really sweating when he heard this, this guy was really worthy of his name. He was so violent that he even hit this idea.

"So what are you doing with me? Want me to accompany you to blow up Taihuang Mountain?" Su Hang asked.

Wang Zui shook his head, "Since the last time Taihuangshan was bombed, Taihuangshan has been hidden into the void, I can't find it, but you can definitely find it with your own skills, I don't expect you to accompany me, You just need to show me a clear way!"

Su Hang shrugged, "That's really sorry, to tell you the truth, I also want to find him, but unfortunately I can't find where Taihuangshan is!"

This cargo is simply a terrorist. Su Hang really admires his courage.

Wang Biao heard it, and apparently didn't believe what Su Hang said, only stared at Su Hang for a while, "Huh, it turns out that you Pan Gu is also a timid person!"

After finishing talking, Wang Zhuang wanted to go away, and parted ways with Su Hang.

"Although I don't know, someone must know!" Su Hang said suddenly.

"Who?" Wang Bian stopped and looked back to Suhang.

"I'm going to find him. Except for him, I'm afraid no one in this world can know where Taihuang Mountain is!" Su Hang did not say clearly.

"Daozu?" Wang froze for a moment. He knew that Su Hang was going to find Hongjun.

Originally wanting to leave, Wang Zhuang dispelled his thoughts again. Since Su Hang refused to help, it was the same to find Dao Zu Hongjun.

"I see, you are dying!" Su Hang shook his head, and the two went together again.

This guy seems to be on the ridge with Taihuangshan. Exploding Taihuangshan may have become his lifelong ambition.

To be honest, Su Hang really admires this kind of person. Although it is a bit strange, but in order to accomplish one thing, he has struggled for it all his life, and he can’t pull back eight horses for such a thing. Such a person can say It's really terrible, not disappointing Wang Wang.



In two people's time, it's generally simple to go to the living room and the kitchen. Although Su Hang dangles all the way and wants to take advantage of this opportunity to see the human race and people's sentiments, it is not slow, and soon came to the demon domain.

The so-called demon domain is the original hundreds of millions of demon clan. Since the Sun Palace unified the demon clan, after millions of years of hard work by the two generations of demon emperors, today's demon clan has multiplied prosperity and is divided into two parts. In the world, its power is slightly stronger than that of the human race.

The Sun Palace is even more imposing. The prestige of the demon emperor Jun in the demon clan has reached the extreme. He holds a demon emperor streamer and commands the world. It can be said that it is a demon in the world.

The plague disaster also brought considerable losses to the demon clan. Su Hang saw more corpses running across the field along the way. He even hated the two demons in his heart, but the two demons had already been hurt. Beheaded, the deceased is already gone, and only the living people can clean up the mess!

It was learned in advance that Su Hang was about to drive to the Demon Territory, and the demon emperor Jun brought many of his subordinates to welcome him at the border of the Demon Territory.

It was really uncomfortable how big and how big that arrogance really was.

We came here in a low profile and didn't pay attention to these platoons. Su Hang asked Di Jun to retreat his subordinates, leaving him alone to follow the road.

"Master is looking for the ancestor?" Di Jun carefully followed Su Hang. He was really respectful and afraid of this master.

Su Hang tweeted slightly, "Hope he is still in Chaos Mountain!"

Later generations of Hongjun often avoid themselves, shouldn't Hongjun now be at all? Su Hang thought so.

Emperor Jun said, "The ancestor Dao disappeared without a trace, unless he took the initiative to show up, I would like to meet him, it was all kinds of difficulties. The ancestral chaotic mountain of the ancestor of Dao ancestry was hidden from time to time. Although he was in the same demon realm, his disciples couldn't touch it. Live in the direction of Chaos Mountain, but the relationship between Master and Dao Zu is extraordinary. Dao Zu is only afraid that tea has been set up to welcome Master Zu!"

"When did you learn someone's flattering?" Su Hang shook his head. He hoped it would be as emperor Jun Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

At this time, there was no satellite positioning and navigation, but fortunately for Suhang, it was not long since the last time I came to Chaos Mountain. Looking for memory, I soon came out of Chaos Mountain.

The fog was shrouded, and it was unclear. It was still the same scene as before, but the trend of the surrounding mountains was slightly changed. The trees and weeds in the forest did not know how many springs and autumns they experienced and how many times they changed.

Time does not have much concept in Suhang's eyes, but every time he comes too old, he can feel the existence of time very intuitively.

This thing, like a little goblin, is really grinning!

The fog outside the mountain is an enchantment. Su Hang has been there many times, and it is naturally a familiar journey.

At that time, Hong Jun was cursed by Lin Xuan, and he was not allowed to escape from Chaos Mountain. Later, Su Hang thought of a way for him to let him practice Chaos Mountain and carry it with him.

Before breaking the border, Su Hang was really worried that Chaos Mountain was gone, and Chaos Mountain was gone, which meant that Hong Jun was not here, so it was embarrassing.

Fortunately, the mountain is still there!

If the curse of Hong Jun has not been broken, it means that the mountain is still there and Hong Jun must not go far.

The mountain is very clean, the mountain road is also very clean, and there are no fallen leaves, which makes people have to suspect that the owner here has serious cleanliness.

It seems to have been a spiritual rain, the mountain road is still wet, and the trees and plants in the forest are full of vitality!

Not as imagined, Hong Jun didn't prepare the tea to greet him at the door. Emperor Jun felt a little embarrassed and quickly faced Su Hangdao, "Master, disciples, call the door!"

Su Hang raised his hand, only to hear the creak of the mountain door above the stone steps, and then, several rough men in robes ran out of the door in a panic. 2o174

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