Super Study God

Chapter 1622: How could it be you?

With small steps, La La La ran down the stone steps and came to Suhang's feet, kneeling down and tapping.

"Disciple Xiangrui, meet Pangu!"


Seeing these guys, Suhang's forehead was immediately covered with black lines. These few things were none other than the Xiang family's brothers.

This was the first time Su Hang knew the name of Xiang Boss. It turned out to be Xiang Rui. Xu Junhong gave it to him. After all, it was a wild monster. There was such a name.

"Let's get up." Su Hang smiled, glanced over and stayed on Xiang Dalang's body. "Flushing, it seems that you are on this chaotic mountain, eating and drinking very well."

A few people all talked to each other, Xiang Dalang said, "If you are not a great god, how can you wait for a small one today?"

These people are much cleaner in their clothes, they look like people, but they just think of the things that these **** shells eat.

Su Hang did not make fun of them anymore, "How about your lord, can you be on the mountain?"

Xiang Dalang listened and said quickly, "The old man is on the mountain, but there are noble guests binding his hands and feet. The old man can't stay away for a while, and let the young people greet the big god."

"Oh?" Su Hang was surprised. "Guest? I don't know who it is?"

Xiang Dalang shook his head, "Young people don't dare to ask about the matter of the old man. They only know that they are two women. One grade is slightly longer. The old man is very kind to them."

"Two women?" Su Hang stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing, jokingly, "Wouldn't it be your old man's appearance?"

Xiang Jia Da Lang couldn't help but talk about it, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, and he didn't dare to talk about it.

"Hey, Your Majesty Panhuang, you really have something to say..." Xiang Erlang seems to be missing a rib in his head, and he comes directly, without evasion, and he realizes that something is wrong after half of the words. Seeing a few brothers staring at themselves, they quickly drew a big mouth of their own, and closed their mouths honestly.

Su Hang smiled, then lifted his legs and walked up the stone steps. The Brothers of the Xiang family nodded and hurriedly, greeted Emperor Jun and Wang Biao, and followed them all the way into the mountain gate.


VIP? Su Hang is really a little curious about the identity of the so-called VIP. With his current identity, Hong Jun can be attracted by him as a guest, and he is still a VIP. I am afraid it is not an ordinary existence.

The Xiang family brothers introduced Su Hang into the side hall, serving good tea and water, but it was long gone.

"Daozu doesn't take people as wrists too?"

The teas were changed a few, and my buttocks were about to get sore. Wang Fang couldn't help but spit.

At this time, the brothers of the Xiang family came to change tea again, and Su Hang covered the teacup. "Don't pour it, you will have to drink urine again. When will your master, finish?"

Xiang Dalang heard the words and shook his head, "This little is also unaware, you old people will wait patiently for a while, the old man is over, he will come over naturally."

"Who, I can't see you yet?" Su Hang didn't want to waste time here, got up immediately, waved at Xiang Dalang, "Go, take me to see."

Xiang Dalang hurriedly stopped in front of Su Hang, "Dear God, don't be embarrassed to be small, wait here, small one, then go and see, by the way, get some food for your elderly, wait For so long, you must be hungry too."

I went. When Suhang heard this, he couldn't sit still, letting this guy prepare to eat, maybe he would serve a pot of five-scented dung.

"Go aside."

Su Hang gently dialed, and where Xiang Dalang could withstand, Su Hang was immediately set aside.

Just about to go out, a figure appeared in the doorway, a purple robe, long beard fluttering under his jaw, and his figure was slightly thin. Su Hang looked down his feet and showed a little helplessness on his face, "Dao Zu is different, the face is really It’s big enough, I have to wait in line to see you."

The person coming is not someone else, it is Hong Jun, not seen in a million years. The present Hong Jun is no longer the handsome young man with gray hair and long beard fluttering. It looks like a 40-50 year old.

Hong Jun smiled indifferently, "Let the older brother wait for a long time, and the younger brother will pay the gift."

Finally, he bowed deeply to Su Hang.

"Let's come here, I can't bear your gift." Su Hang waved his hands and looked at Hong Jun a bit playfully. "How long has it been since I haven't seen this? Alright?"

Hong Jun laughed, "Younger brother has a different identity now, can't he still be like the previous one, make himself a little more vicissitudes, this is not more deep, more experienced, more like a worldly master?"

"You're frank." Su Hang shook his head and smiled bitterly. "Speaking of seniors, what kind of seniors were you seeing? I wonder if I would be fortunate enough to see you."

Hongjun said, "It's just an old friend, she is also wanting to see you on the big brother's side.

After he finished speaking, Hong Jun glanced at Wang Di Di Jun.

Suhang knows Let the two wait here, and they leave the hall with Hongjun.



Inner courtyard, an elegant small courtyard.

Su Hang and Hong Jun walked slowly, talking about the current situation in their mouths, but they were curious about who Hong Jun was taking himself to see.

As soon as he stepped into the small courtyard, a silhouette came into his eyes, and Su Hang instantly stopped.

"Why are you?"

In the courtyard stood a woman in Sheng Xue in white, holding a long sword, and dancing softly, just like dancing, two peach trees in the courtyard, peach blossoms blooming brightly, under the sword qi, petals Spilled down, flying all over the sky, the picture is full of sense.

Looking across the woman's cheek, Su Hang was really familiar with this face, it was Yin Yu'er.

To tell the truth, at this moment, Su Hang was a bit dumbfounded. Even if he thought for a long time, he never thought that Hong Jun would bring him to see him, it would be Yin Yu'er.

What surprised him more was how could Yin Yuer be here?


Yin Yuer apparently also saw Su Hang. The sword in his hand crossed a perfect arc and lifted himself up.

The sharp point of the sword gleamed with bright light, which seemed to be slow, but it was instantaneous, and stopped in front of Suhang's neck.

The distance from Suhang's throat was only 0.01 centimeters.

The air seemed to freeze, and the space seemed to stand still.

The two of them looked at each other so that Su Hang didn't see the meaning of retreating to avoid dodge, and Yin Yu'er didn't move in or out. The two seemed to be spotted.

After a while, Yin Yu'er took away the long sword, "Why don't you hide it? Could it be that you are justified by the loss, and can you feel better with my sword?"

Obviously, in the days before, Su Hang's actions gave Yin Yuer a heart. 74

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