Super Study God

Chapter 1623: Hongjun's distinguished guest!

Yin Yu'er stood up with his sword and threw Su Hang a big eye.

"Why didn't the girl stabb with a sword?"

Su Hang asked back, he didn't feel murderous from Yin Yuer's body, and, with his fleshly body, Yin Yuer's sword could still leave marks on him?

Therefore, he never thought of hiding from beginning to end!

"Do you think I don't want to?" Yin Yu'er stared at Su Hang once more, and she could see that she was a little bit worried about Su Hang in her heart.

"Why are the girls in Chaos Mountain?" Su Hang asked.

"You can come, I can't come?" Yin Yuer returned to Su Hang.

There are black lines on Suhang's forehead. Why does this girl like to lift bars so much? Talking to her is really old-fashioned, how can this topic continue.

"This is your VIP?" Su Hang asked Hong Jun instead.

Hong Jun opened his mouth, and before he could speak out, he listened to Yin Yu'er, "I said that you, Pan Gu, His Majesty Pan Huang, are really a bit too despised? Can you be a VIP, can I not be a VIP? "

"Two girls, don't be rude!"

Just when Su Hang felt coming to the wrong place and his head was as big as a fight, a voice came from the side.

Su Hang froze for a moment and turned to look behind Yin Yu'er. In the middle of the courtyard, a woman was sitting in front of a stone table under a peach tree.

The tall bun, the red robe, and the luxurious makeup look like thirty or forty years old, with dignity and majesty all over the body.

Su Hang couldn't help but be surprised. He hadn't even noticed the existence of this woman. When she appeared, was she sitting there all the time? Su Hang didn't even notice it.

Su Hang couldn't help but stay awkward, this is a strange woman, but in face, it is somewhat similar to Yin Yu'er.


Yin Yuer's call quickly revealed the identity of the woman. In Su Hang's startled eyes, Yin Yuer walked towards the woman as if she was wronged by the heavens, "This guy looks ugly, but so rude. , I still bullied my daughter and mother, you have to be the master of my daughter!"

The woman gave Yin Yu'er a helpless glance, as if she was a little helpless with this daughter.

At this time, Su Hang has not recovered from the surprise. This woman is Yin Yu'er's mother. Isn't that the universe master?

The Lord of the universe, such a big-time character, actually came here?

At this time, Hong Jun stabbed Su Hang and let Su Hang recover from the shock. "This is Mrs. Yin. The Lord Kunlun who we saw last time, Wu Yin, is the eldest son of Mrs. Yin! "

Hong Jun did not clarify the identity of the woman, but he certainly knew that Su Hang knew the identity of the woman in his heart.

"It turned out to be Mrs. Yin!" Su Hang dare to neglect wherever he went and bowed to salute. "Under Su Hang, I have seen Mrs. Yin and heard the name of Mrs. Yin for a long time. When I saw it today, it really turned out to be extraordinary!"

"Humph, hypocrisy!" Next, Yin Yuer gave Su Hang a sip, obviously Su Hang was a little unhappy.

"You don't have to be more polite!" The woman had a three-pointed smile on her face, and she was not in a hurry to speak.

"Ms. Yin said too seriously!"

Su Hang smiled and looked at Yin Yu'er. "Miss Yin is a true temperament. There were many offenses in the past. It is me who should blame!"

I don’t even know the millions of years old, but I still say that it’s not a problem. Why is it that your old man made me a person in his 20s?

"Vag..." Yin Yuer threw out her tongue, as if Su Hang's words caused her stomach upset.

"Yu'er, don't be rude!"

Mrs. Yin yelled, Yin Yuer pouted, glanced at Su Hang uncomfortably, and then stood aggrievedly behind Mrs. Yin.

At this moment, Mrs. Yin made a gesture in front of her, "Little brother, sit down and talk!"

"Mrs. Yin dare to sit down in person?" Su Hang said politely.

"Brother, Mrs. Yin gave up, but if she sits, Mrs. Yin doesn't like being rejected!" Hong Jun laughed and then picked up a stool and sat down.

Su Hang could not be as free-spirited as Hong Jun, and after convicting, he picked up the remaining stool and took a seat, but it was obviously somewhat restrained.

A world lord, the veteran Dadao realm exists, who can calm down in front of it. In the face of this woman's assessment, Suhang has not been able to calm down, and even intentionally avoided her gaze.

"I don't have a surname. The sectarian gave Chen the surname Chen, a graceful name!" It took a while for Yin Yu'er's mother to report her name.

Surname Chen, not Yin? Su Hang froze for a moment, and suddenly recovered, Yin Yu'er must have followed his father's surname, how could this woman have the surname Yin?

Chen Graceful? This is the master of the whole world, how does her husband's family know how detached it is?

Su Hang couldn't help but be surprised. The upper He really knew too little.

Su Hang quickly arched his hands, and then re-understood it, "Under the Su Hang, also an ordinary native of the Xuanhuang Realm, today I saw the lady's face, and I was very scared..."

"Don't worry, I'm not a cannibalistic monster!" Chen Nuina smiled, and then suddenly closed her smile, staring at Su Hang tightly, "I can feel his breath from you. , Young man, can you explain?"

"He?" Su Hang heard the words and was amazed. He looked at Chen Cunna unclearly. "I don't know what the lady said, who is he? Who is there in me?"

The corners of Chen Yuna's mouth were curved, "You and I understand people, why bother to understand the fool?"

Do you think you are confused? Suhang is ignorant, what and what are they talking about? Looking back at Hong Jun, Hong Jun shrugged, and gave Su Hang a look that you don’t look at me, I don’t know.

After a pause, Chen Nuona said directly, "You have the breath of my patriarch, although it is very weak, but you can't escape my nose. Have you seen the patriarch recently? Where is his old man?"

"Sect Master?" Su Hang was even more surprised when he heard this. "You said, Sect Master Dadao? Have I seen Sect Master Dadao?"

Chen Yuna said, "Little brother, you have his breath, and, judging by the concentration of this breath, you should have seen it soon, don't slap me sloppy, let's say, where is the Sect Master, where are you? See him somewhere."

Su Hang heard the words and instantly felt a little speechless. "Mrs. Yin, I don't even know your patriarch's last name. How could I have seen it? Besides, there are so many people I meet every day, even the patriarch in your mouth Appeared in front of me, I certainly do not know.

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