Super Study God

Chapter 1632: Too early!

Xuan Ming clenched the magic wand and was about to fight desperately. When she opened her eyes, it was a figure of Wei An who printed her eyes.

Suddenly, everything was quiet.

The top ten ghost emperors also had a stunned expression at this time. When they were about to siege Xuan Ming, this person appeared almost above the high order with no signs.

Next to it, there was a little devil, whose eyes turned left and right, obviously full of fear and anxiety.


Jiang Huang frowned, and at a glance he saw that the person in front of him was not a soul. "Who is your Excellency?"

The appearance is very young, but in the practice world, one cannot measure the age of a person by appearance. Generally speaking, as long as the heart is not old, the foreigner will not be old. This is the state of mind.

In the eyes of everyone, this person also has the realm of ghost emperor realm, and it is not a ghost cultivation, a non-ghost cultivation, but it has appeared in this underworld, and it is so timely that it is clearly not a leisurely generation.

When Jiang Huang asked, the man didn't return a word, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Yu Huang seemed a little surprised, and immediately sneered at Xuan Ming Road, "Oh, no wonder Pluto is so calm, but he was waiting for a helping hand. I heard that Pluto had a very deep background in the human world. It seems that the rumor is not false, but, Pluto thought Is it possible to reverse Qiankun with such a helping hand?"

In the speech, with a bit of ridicule, Yu Huang looked at the young man again, "This Daoist, but here is the underworld, you entered the underworld with flesh, you have already violated the prohibition set by the ancestors of that year. , Aren’t you afraid that Taoist ancestors will punish you?

"Heavenly punishment?" The youth finally spoke, with a sneer on his face. "You also ask Hongjun, would he dare to punish me?"


All the emperors heard their brows frowning. This man, in such a big tone, Dao Zu did not dare to punish you. Who do you think you are?

Since you dare to visit this muddy water, don't blame us for being rude. One more and one less. How could it be possible to reverse the current situation?

At this moment, an unexpected scene appeared, and Pluto stood up from the throne, throwing the scepter tightly in his hand aside.

Obviously, the presence of the person in front of her made her very excited. This made the emperors a little surprised. In their impression, this majestic Hades is all tall and cold, and when was it so exciting?

"Master, is that you?"

Xuan Ming's voice is trembling. Although they are separated by millions of years, the figure that is deeply imprinted in his mind will never be erased. Whether it is millions of years or tens of millions of years, it is deeply rooted.

She was only afraid that all this was her illusion.

When the man slowly turned around, Xuan Ming finally saw the man's appearance, and finally couldn't help but tears down, slowly kneeling on the ground.

"Disciple Xuan Ming, visit Master."

In a word, full of excitement and joy, he slowly spit out from Xuan Ming's mouth.

However, it was this sentence that surprised the ten ghost emperors.

Master? Pluto calls this person a master? You heard it right?

All of a sudden, the ten ghost emperors were distracted and completely stunned, Master of Hades, isn't it?

Among these ten emperors, in addition to a few native aborigines of the Underworld, there are also several monks who were once in the human world.

Therefore, they still vaguely understand the background of Xuan Ming.

Will this person be the legendary great god?

Su Hang turned to Xuan Ming, feeling inexplicably a bit sour in her heart, and stepped up to support her. "Being late to be a teacher has caused me to suffer."

Xuan Ming can't bear it anymore. Now the tears are like the water of the embankment, and the spring comes out.

Su Hang shook his head. "Your experience is well known to the teacher. Today, I will help you to escape."

"The disciples thank Master."

Xuan Ming was so excited that he couldn't hold himself. How many years have passed, how many years have this been? Isn't this the day to wait?

Su Hang smiled comfortably and turned to look at the ten emperors of Xiaxia. His eyes were like looking at a group of ants.

All the emperors burst into their eyes, and they felt a sense of panic.

Even a few ghosts in the human world already felt a little bad, and they retreated vaguely in their hearts.

If this really exists, I am afraid that this matter will not succeed today, and not only will it not succeed, I am afraid that everyone’s lives will be inevitable.

"Wait, guilty?" Su Hang asked coldly.

The atmosphere was almost solidified, and the majestic voice without a touch of emotion made them feel cold in their hearts.

This feeling of being overlooked is really unpleasant.

Jiang Huang blacked his face and said in a cold voice, "Your daring not to report your name, I don't know what it is that gives you the courage, how dare you be in front of my ten-party ghost emperor and one hundred thousand ghost soldiers?"

Ten-party ghost emperor? One hundred thousand ghost soldiers?

Su Hang smiled and laughed sarcastically. A few monks at the peak of the heavenly world ~ ~ plus a group of good and bad ghost repairs, in his eyes, but the chickens and dogs are nothing.

Several people have already guessed the identity of Su Hang, and when Jiang Huang said this, he suddenly felt bad.

But it seems that it is too late to see Su Hang taking a deep breath, "Although I am not a killer, but the disciple of Pangu is not just a bully cat or a dog that can be bullied. I know what a dragon has a counter scale, and if you touch it, you die."

The eyes burst out with a powerful killing intent. In an instant, the Ten Emperors felt as if they were in the **** sea of ​​Daoshan, almost like the destruction of heaven and earth.

The mere expression of murderous intention has made the ten emperors feel very dangerous. With his toes, he can think of how powerful the person in front of him is, even Jiang Jiang, who is still just talking, is aware of his own Childish and ridiculous, this person's momentum has completely crushed them.

Even, they are unable to bear the will to fight, the battle of the strong, and even the will to fight, what does that mean? It means that the opponent's strength has far exceeded your imagination. This battle has no meaning at all.

Because there will be only one ending, that is, being crushed to death, the person in front of him is obviously not as simple as his appearance shows.

Just a look, has made you feel despair, and even predicted what kind of death method you will be next.

"Great God, and live!"

Just as the emperors shuddered with that look, a voice suddenly came from the air.

Along with a beam of light, the ceiling was falling, and an auspicious cloud broke through the haze, slowly falling down, and came to the Hades Palace.

"The disciple was too early to see Uncle Shi." Yun Qi Yi San, but an imposing young Taoist, walked to the stage and bowed down to Su Hang.

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