Super Study God

Chapter 1633: Mysterious way!

"Too early?"

Seeing this man, Su Hang suddenly froze for a moment. I was completely a little student, but don’t lie to me. What is too early and not too early, I don’t know, this Nima is clearly a one-year-old version of Haotian.

This look, this face, was printed with a model of Haotian in the later generations, but it was only slightly childish, less of the dignity of Emperor Tian, ​​and less of the beard.

"Hongjun's disciple?" Su Hang asked directly.

At the beginning, being polite and polite, "Master Uncle has a clever calculation, it's really hard to escape from Master Uncle's eyes. Master Chaoyun Ziyun is the master, and his disciple is a disciple under Daozu ancestry..."

Where does the magic come from? Just looking at your face, can you still know who you are?

Su Hang was a little speechless, and it seems no accident that Haotian, who came from later generations, could enter Hongjun's door.

When the ten great ghost emperors heard the origins of the early days, they suddenly felt relieved and a little hope arose. Since they were disciples of the Taoist ancestry, the timing was so coincident that they must have come to neutralize this conflict?

"What are you doing here?" Su Hang asked.

In fact, it has some meaning to ask. After all, although Su Hang's derivation technique is not clever, at least it can be expected.

In the beginning, he laughed aloud and said, "The disciples are ordered by Master to come here to resolve the conflict between His Majesty the King of Pluto and the gods of the Underworld, but I did not expect that Uncle will come a step earlier."


Su Hang heard that, frowning lightly, why should this guy come late if he came early.

"Resolve the contradiction? Then it doesn't have to be." Su Hang shook his head. "I'm about to destroy them. It's almost a hundred."

Su Hang said lightly, but in the ears of those ten ghost emperors, he felt a little numb in his heart, and inexplicably had a feeling of panic.

At this time, at the beginning, he also slightly twitched his face, and immediately faced Su Hangdao, "Master Uncle is angry, and when the disciples come, Master has words to explain."

"Oh?" Su Hang smiled playfully. "He has something to explain. That's your business. What do you do with me?"

It was even more embarrassing when I heard it at the beginning. He was Hongjun’s disciple. Although he didn’t practice on the Chaos Mountain often, he had heard of this legendary teacher. When he took the task this time, he didn’t expect it. It would be like this. Seeing what Uncle looks like, it seems that he doesn't like himself very much, and he wants to embarrass himself.

"The uncle is up, and the disciples have no intention to offend." At the beginning, the archer quickly and respectfully arched his hands. "Master respectful words, the underworld is important, it is the important place of the six reincarnations. The ten ghost ghost emperors are the pillars of the underworld. Uncle Shi's mercy."

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at the beginning with a surprised look, then glanced over those ghost emperors, and finally smiled, "The top ten ghost emperors can't be easily shaken. Is it possible for my disciple Xuan Ming to be slain? Is it bullying? Tianda joke."

In a word, Su Hang has put a smile on his face, and his face is full of anger.

This Hongjun is really becoming more and more incomprehensible. Xuan Ming is suffering and he is not seen. Now he wants to move the ten imperial emperors of no importance.

This really made Suhang very unhappy.

"Please also ask Uncle, don't make it difficult for the disciples to do." At the beginning, the body was even more crooked.

Su Hang pondered for a while. He had just passed Chaos Mountain. Due to his relationship with Hong Jun, he had to give this face. Hong Jun didn't come by himself. The meaning was obvious. He didn't want to have a conflict with Su Hang because of this.

Those ghost emperors, I don't even know what kind of mood they are at this time, what is the existence of Hongjun Daozu, can they not know?

This entire underworld was created by Hong Jun. Even if they are crazy, that is the deity they can only look up to, but Hong Jun’s disciples still call this person a teacher, and this person is also a master of the Hades, present. Who can afford it?

The top ten ghost emperors and one hundred thousand ghost soldiers do sound like majesty, but in front of such an existence, it is definitely a joke.

When Suhang's eyes swept, the ghost ghosts knelt down quickly, daring not to say one more word.

"It's okay." Su Hang sighed and said to Taichu, "This is what happened today, but Xuan Ming, I want to take it away."

Hongjun’s face is to be given, but Su Hang’s heart also has a bottom line. The earth has turned into a reincarnation. Not to mention, Su Hang doesn’t want Xuanming to follow in the footsteps. If he didn’t come today, what would Xuanming be like, Soviet airlines are not expected.

"This..." At the beginning of the stagnation, it was obviously very embarrassed, and quickly bowed, "Master, the underworld has a great relationship, and it can't be a day without a master. Sister Xuanming is a destiny Hades, I am afraid..."

"What a destiny, but a joke." Su Hang sneered. "I'm a good apprentice, and I was trapped by your destiny. I was trapped in this broken place where the bird doesn't **** all my life. Whose destiny is this, you tell I I will find him to liquidate."

At the beginning of hearing the words, he couldn't help swallowing a sip. Although he was always calm, in front of this teacher, he couldn't calm down even if he wanted to calm down, and he couldn't even breathe smoothly.

"Shi Bo Ming Jian." Taichu quickly said, "No one has ever said to trap Sister Xuanming in this world. The reason why Sister Xuanming has not been relieved for millions of years is actually because she has not found her way. ."

"Well?" Su Hang frowned softly, but at first he said something unexpected, "Hongjun told you?"

At the beginning, he nodded slightly, "Master Zunming has words, Sister Xuanming has her own way. If she can find her own way and achieve her own way, she can reach the realm of heaven. At that time, this world will naturally not restrain her. Sister can come and go as you please."

Your own way?

Su Hang looked back and looked at Xuan Ming.

Xuan Ming's mood had calmed down at this moment, and the tears on his face had also been wiped away, and he was replaced with a few bitter smiles. "In the past few years, the disciples have hit heaven and earth several times, but they have failed."

After that, Xuan Ming looked over to those ghost emperors. If he could not break through the heaven and earth realm, would he allow these guys to run wild? There will be no rebellion today.

At the peak of Heavenly Realm, Xuanming still stays at the peak of Heavenly Realm in millions of years, which is enough to surprise Su Hang. After all, Xuanming's talent is not low, even lower than her brothers, her brothers We are all already in heaven, and there is no reason why she can't break through.

If it were not in the underworld, for a million years, a monk in Heavenly Realm would have long lived.

At this time, Taichu quickly said, "That's right, practice is cultivating the Tao. Sister Xuanming can become a destiny Hades. It's not accidental. If Sister can realize the Tao, she will be free."

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