Super Study God

Chapter 1642: Win in danger!

"Huh?" Su Hang froze for a moment, apparently a little surprised, "What is the world beast?"

"Dying to the end, there are still thoughts and questions."

The man was so angry that he was very angry for a long time, but the other party was indifferent, and even asked him what the world beast is, can this make people angry?

I said I was going to kill you, but you asked what to eat tonight.


The man raised his head violently and spit out two words in anger.

It was only at this moment that Su Hang could see clearly. There was no face under that cloak. It was clearly an empty and terrifying darkness. There were only two beams of light, and they suddenly lit up like a pair of eyes.

As the man spit out two words, two black awns shot from those eyes and shot directly at Suhang.

At the speed of Suhang's reaction, he simply couldn't dodge it, only had time to reach out and block it, and then Heimang shot at his right palm.


The right hand seemed to be dripped with concentrated sulfuric acid, and there was a sharp pain.


Su Hang retreated thousands of miles, raised his right hand, and looked at the palm of his right hand, a large group of skin turned into anxiety.

Can actually hurt his own flesh and blood? Su Hang frowned lightly, and looked up at the far-away voice, which inevitably caused him some fear.

The black light was full of rich and overbearing death energy, and madly eroded the normal cells in the palm of Su Hang.

Su Hang's power of running the avenue quickly gathered on the palm of his right hand, and there was a horrifying sound of horror, and the palm of his hand was filled with infinite blackness.

The dead air was forced out by the air of the road, and soon, new skin grew on the palm.


A roar roared and shocked Huanyu. The man was killed again without giving Su Hang a chance to breathe. The long gun in his hand killed him directly.

After a loss, Suhang did not dare to take a hurry, while using the space-time talent to crazy stretch the distance between the two, while sideways dodge.


The spear pierced the space, and everything was destroyed and killed instantly.

Su Hang only had time to avoid the key point. The gun directly wiped his shoulder and killed him. The body protective clothing immediately ripped off and his right arm was cut open.

The severe pain made Su Hang almost feel the entire right arm numb, and the wound lingered black, as if someone sprinkled a handful of chilli noodles where you were injured.

When the man succeeded, he closed his spear and turned to look at Suhang far away. Under the dark cloak, Suhang could feel that he was laughing, horrifying smile.

"Oh, that's what happened."

The man seemed to understand something, "Your physical body is far stronger than your soul, so that your reaction speed can't keep up at all, hehe, I found it, then, you can die."

The excitement of his voice was like discovering a new continent. Originally, he thought that Su Hang was very strong and disdainful of his attacks, but now, he finally got a glimpse of the clue.

In the battle of the strong, once the weakness is exposed, it will be fatal. Although the shell is hard, but the speed is slow, when your shell is not enough to protect you, you have lost.

At this time, the man had no fear, and the slow speed was only passively beaten, and it was time for him to output a wave.

The situation reversed abruptly. After Tian Xie and Tian Jeal combined, the talented death could already hurt Su Hang. The man was completely like a cat and a mouse. With super fast speed, the gun in his hand was shot after shot. Sting to Suhang.

There was no single point of damage, all of them were skin and flesh wounds. It seemed to vent the humiliation that Su Hang had just beaten. Just a moment later, Su Hang's face was covered with large and small wounds.

The blood flow is like an injection, just like Ling Chi, and under the erosion of the dead air, the pain is even more doubled.

Su Hang was called a stubborn ah. Sure enough, he was still too arrogant. He thought that the flesh on the Dadao realm could run wild in the Tian Dao realm, but it turned out to be a big mistake.

Thousands of thousands of knives were cut, but he didn't even go back?

In the face of the lightning attack of the other party, Su Hang has no way at all. With the speed of the spirit of his heavenly realm, he can't capture the movement of heavenly realm.

The pain in the whole body has been numb, and the eyes are stained with blood. Su Hang no longer simply hides. At this moment, it seems that there is only a chance to wait for the situation, and there may be a chance of a win.


For a long time, the storm-like attack finally stopped, and the man stood up.

Cats play with mice. When the mice do not respond, the cat should lose interest.


The killing intentions in the eyes are clear, a shot cut through the void, and they are directed towards the Su Hang's chest. In a moment, they have arrived in front of Su Hang.

At this time, Su Hang, who had been passively beaten, suddenly raised his head, and his eyes hidden under the blood stained out the boundless fierce.

"not good!"

The man greeted Suhang's actually shivered all over, feeling an inexplicable fear, and was too late to close the gun.

The point of the gun pierced into Suhang's chest, and Suhang seemed to be waiting for this moment. His left hand quickly extended and grabbed the gun with one hand.

The man realized that it was not good, and it was too late when he wanted to withdraw the spear in his hand. A huge axe directly cut through the void and cut it down towards him.


No one can stop the power of the sky axe, and the entire star field was divided into two by the Su Hang axe, including the black cloak.

Numerous stars exploded. The man was cut by Su Hang with an axe on his shoulder. The whole person split in two and burst open.

The huge impact force forced Suhang to retreat for many light years before it was able to stop.

The corner of his mouth overflowed with blood, and Su Hang put away the sky axe and gritted his teeth to pull out the spear in front of his chest.

He hurriedly worked his skills and forced the dead air in the wound to retreat, before the wound began to heal.

Soon after, most of his injuries recovered, and Su Air took a long sigh of relief. It had been a long time since such a dangerous battle.

If you come out with two roles, you can make yourself so embarrassed. It is a fluke to win this time.

The blood on his body turned into dust, and the body-protecting treasure was like a beggar. Su Hang quickly changed to a new suit, otherwise it would almost leak.

As for the black spear, which could actually hurt his own flesh, I am afraid that it is not a mere mortal. Su Hang directly accepted it.

In the distant star field, there was still an explosion, and Su Hang directly took off.

A few light-years away, a broken planet was full of hot magma. Two blood men sat on a huge stone. The abnormal embarrassment was exactly the two who were envious of that day.

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