Super Study God

Chapter 1643: Slavery us?

The two had just been in a state of unity, and were cut back to their original shape by Su Hangsheng's axe, as if they were already seriously injured.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​hot magma, the two didn't dare to move at all, and their physical condition was worrying. If they were not repaired in time, they might collapse in the next second.

It is not easy to practice, and it is even more difficult to cultivate such a body. The two of them can no longer regret it at this moment. There is only one thought in their minds, and they try to suppress the injury.

However, at this moment, a white figure, like a demon, slowly descended from the air and fell in front of the boulder where the two were.

"Actually still alive, the lives of the two are really hard enough."

Su Hang held the sky axe in his right hand and looked at the two people in front of him. But he searched a large circle before finding them in this vast sea of ​​stars.

I originally thought that my axe was enough to dry these two people into powder and dust, but I didn't want to survive.

Both of them opened their eyes. When they saw the Suhang in front of them, their eyes were obviously full of fear.

At this moment, they were all seriously injured and couldn't even move so much. In front of Su Hang, they were completely lambs to be slaughtered.

"Pangu's, do you really want to kill it?" Tian Jeong Binghan asked, because he was seriously injured, every time he spit out a word, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

Su Hang listened to this, and could not help but bend a slight arc of his mouth, "Isn't it just calling me the Aboriginal Realm of the Xuanhuang Realm? The two have changed too much before and after, right? They just wanted to kill me and then quickly, But now I'm asking if I want to kill it all. I also ask, if you are me, how would you choose?"


Tian jealously snorted. Although he was defeated, he still had dignity. "Don’t be complacent, you can dominate in this world. It’s really your skill. However, there are mountains outside, there are days outside, I’ll wait. It’s the Dao Zongmen, the envoy of the deity, if you dare to kill us, the first deity will not spare you."


Su Hang heard it and smiled, "It's really scary for me to say, the emperor seated under the seat, it's really a big deal, but I am always soft and hard, if I were you, I definitely won’t say these words. It’s really difficult for me to do this. If I don’t kill you, where would I leave?

"Dare you?" Tian Xie glared at Su Hang. Although the tiger fell into Pingyang, Yu Wei was still there. This one was really fierce and shocking.

"In this world, there is no one I wouldn't dare to suhang." Suhang sneered. "You Daozong, I don't have too many offended people. One Lin Xuan, one Tiancai. Now there is one more deity. It’s okay. Anyway, one debt is a debt, and ten debts are also debts. At least, I can live longer than you."

With that said, Su Hang mentioned the sky axe, pointing away from the sky.


Where could they not be afraid, Tian Jealously shouted quickly, in this case, Su Hang's axe came down, they didn't have the strength to fight back, and the body was seriously injured, and it was absolutely dead.

Inadvertently, Su Hang was turned over, and the two called a remorse in their hearts.

Su Hang turned his face and looked at Tianjeal. "It would be fine if you didn't let me kill you. You answered my questions and satisfied me. Maybe I can consider spare you."

"What do you want to know?" Tian Jeal asked.

Su Hang grabbed the giant axe in his hand, "I have no guilt with Di Zun, why should he kill me?"

Tian Jie heard Su Hang's words, and suddenly a strange smile appeared on his face. "I just waited to act. As for why Di Zun wanted to kill you, you should ask Di Zun to go."

"Ah, a headache." Su Hang tapped the forehead with the axe handle of the sky axe, "I kindly want to spare you a life, but why don't you cherish it? Do you really think I dare not kill?" You guys?"

Heaven was jealous, and she could clearly feel that Su Hang had already made a killing attack. As soon as she spoke, the axe must have been cut.

At this time, Heavenly Evil Dao, "Emperor Zun is the land boundary master, the ancient god, and the world of thousands of avenues, what can escape the eyes of his old man, Pangu's, and he is not afraid to tell you, your words and deeds at this moment , I'm afraid it's already under Di Zun's eyes..."

Su Hang heard the words, looked up subconsciously at the sky, and his head was just an endless vast sky.

"Oh? Since Di Zun is watching, why didn't he show up to rescue you?" Su Hang said this, but he was also whispering in his heart, the road is supernatural, and not to mention the ancient **** of this level.

Is it true that there really are a pair of eyes looking behind?

Heavenly evil Dao, "I wait for a cheap life, not worth mentioning, under the road are all ants and grasses, like the presence of Di Zun, would you care about my life and death, but, Pangu, I remind you, I wait while Life is like a But if I wait to die in your hands, it is a matter of dignity.

In the final analysis, still threatening me, Su Hang sneered in his heart and immediately said, "Since Di Zun knows everything and knows everything, how could he not expect the situation today? Not to mention that I have no injustice with him in the future There is no hatred in recent days. He has no reason to kill me. Furthermore, even if he has the intention to kill me, he will never send the two of you to die. Wouldn’t it be more secure if he did it himself?"

Both of them heard that their faces were black. Obviously they thought that Su Hang was right and had no reason to refute.

At the moment, Su Hang smiled, "I have decided not to kill you. From now on, you two will be my servants. When you see Di Zun in the future, if you two are really instructed by him, Su Mou will definitely Discuss it with him."

"Do you want to enslave us?" Tian Xie looked over to Su Hang and couldn't tell what kind of expression he had on his face.

Slavery, the powerful in the heavenly realm, the messenger of Daozongzong, was enslaved by a native of the Xuanhuang Realm, can this be tolerated?

It might as well kill them directly, for some people, dignity is more important than life.

Su Hang heard it, and smiled incomparably, "What's the point? I'm a knife, you're a fish, even if you have all kinds of discomforts, at this moment, only I will be the one to slaughter. From now on, You waiting for the two are the humblest slave-servants under my seat."


"Come on!"

Both of them were abnormally angry, and they immediately yelled and yelled. The two pairs of eyes were like chewing up and swallowing up Su Hang.

"Haha, that can't help you." Su Hang smiled, and directly hit a few rule seals, which were buried in the body of the two, and immediately sealed the two's veins.

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