Super Study God

Chapter 1671: Xuan Tian's request!

With that, the old man opened his black robe. Su Hang looked at it and couldn't help but stunned for a while. I saw eight creepy dry legs under the black robe.


  Octopus? Su Hang was stunned for a moment and looked at the old man in front of him unexpectedly. Is he really cuttlefish?


The old man put on his clothes and said, "Thank you for your kindness, then you will be reincarnated into the six reincarnations, and you will be reincarnated in the Xihai Sea tribe, and you will be able to swim in the Xihai Sea. It took only 30 million years of practice to restore the memory of the ages. Today, the limit is only enough..."


Su Hang glanced at Mo Daoxuan in front of her, and after a while, said, "If I am not wrong, now you, at least, are also in Heaven Dao Realm, Heaven Dao Realm jumps out of the rules, Shou Yuan is infinite, how could it be Is there a limit?"


Mo Daoxuan smiled bitterly, and looked up at Su Hang. Those murky eyes showed nothing, "Tian Dao Realm is not bound by rules, but those who can limit Tian Dao Realm are far more than rules. Because I was greedy for a while, I once had an agreement with a person, reincarnation of all ages, redemption of sin karma, only to return to the realm of heaven and restore the body of the realm of the realm. In this life, the old and alive are long enough, but unfortunately it is still impossible to break through that layer..."


   "Although the soul of the **** has broken through the avenue, but the body is dead, only to re-enter the reincarnation and practice from scratch..."




   After listening to Mo Daoxuan's words, Su Hang was silent for a whole, and the spirits of the gods had broken through the avenue, and they still could not reach the immortal situation.


What kind of power is    able to give him such a big restraint? Is it the mysterious main lord of the avenue?


   Listening to Mo Daoxuan's tone, it seems that he is the only one. I am afraid that only Dao Patriarch Sect has such strength?


   said that if you want to reincarnate for ten thousand lives, you will have to reincarnate for ten thousand lives, even if you have reached nine hundred and ninety-ninth, even if you have broken through the avenue, you must obediently fill this last life with reincarnation.


  The spirit of Dadao Realm, the physical body is certainly not weak, but it is actually dead. What kind of power is this?


"It's ridiculous to say." Mo Daoxuan smiled self-deprecatingly. "I used to be old and also used evil thoughts. Like Huang Tian, ​​I thought about borrowing weight to rebirth. To be honest, the young man outside, initially I passed on his exercises. Teach him to practice, in fact, he wants to use him as a cultivator..."


   When Mo Daoxuan said here, Su Hang's brows were slightly wrinkled.


Mo Daoxuan ignored it, but just said, "This son has good talent and good character, but lacks the guidance of a famous teacher. When he passed on his exercises, I left a cuttlefish roe in his body. There is a trace of my soul, I can borrow him to see the outside world at any time..."


   "seeds like this, I have spread thousands of them, but this chapter is the most outstanding, originally wanted to support some years, help him to cultivate the realm of the Supreme, and he will be able to win away in one fell swoop..."


Speaking of this, Mo Daoxuan smiled bitterly again and turned his head, "My nineteen ninety-ninth century, mostly spent in the muddy nightmare, either for livestock, for slaughtering meat and bones, or for insects. Ants, but Xia Dong, finally cast a cuttlefish body, enlightened the spirit, and practiced to the present state. I am really afraid that after entering the reincarnation, I will forget the past life and continue to be muddled.


   Listening to Mo Daoxuan said here, Su Hang's frowned, slightly loosened.


  Yeah, it's like you have taken many college entrance examinations, and finally got an ideal score. Those who can get the ideal university, but were told to need to retake the exam, changed you, can you be happy?


   What's more, he reincarnates the 9999th world, and finally awakened the memory of the tired world. If he enters the next life, can he still have such luck? Who wouldn't want to get rid of fetters?


  In fairness, Su Hang felt that even if he changed himself, I am afraid he would try all kinds of ways to keep his current achievements.


  Although after all ages, you can cleanse your sins and return to the position of the Lord of the Realm, but that is just to say to you that you want to re-enter that seat, is it not a re-cultivation?


  The road of cultivation is in trouble. Now that it is there, why do we have to suffer again? In case of reincarnation next time, it would be nice to be a pig or a dog, but if you have changed the maggots, you have changed the pupa, and you may have to be muddled for a long time. In the reincarnation, you want to jump out. Thing.


   It's no wonder that Zhang Gan was drawn by the carp's breath yesterday, and dived into Feixia Palace late at night, presumably by the squid roe Mo Daoxuan left in his body.


   This is also a dangerous character. Su Hang looked at Mo Daoxuan and never relaxed his guard against this person.


   Mo Dao Xuan's flesh is dead, but the soul is powerful, but the situation is the same as Huang Tian and Stygian. Su Hang must guard against him, don't let him mind his own flesh.


  Mo Daoxuan looked at Su Hang, "Now, the old age is also about to open. I chose to enter the reincarnation in order to wash away the sins. Now, in order to escape the reincarnation, hurt others and add sin, why is this necessary?"


   Su Hang did not speak. Although he said so impressively, who knew if he was telling the truth?


"It's only the last life, and the old age doesn't want to be defeated at this most critical time." Mo Daoxuan shook his continued, "The old age has decided to sit down, disintegrate, and reenter. Reincarnation practice, so real people are at ease, even if Huang Tian finds old age, it will not help."


"Repair to the realm of the avenue is not easy. Nowadays, in this mysterious world, the souls who can reach the realm of the avenue can be said to be very few. Are you really willing to give up everything now and enter reincarnation?" Su Hang looked seriously. Mo Daoxuan, "You can think about it, after entering the reincarnation, you will definitely forget the past life, everything has to start from the beginning, and you want to struggle out of the slough again, the possibility is very small, although the world is perfect, the sin karma is clean, but you It is also very likely to fall into reincarnation completely from now on, and may not be relieved."


   "When the real man came, the old man was still hesitating." Mo Daoxuan shook his head. "But now, the old man has figured it out."


After a pause, Mo Daoxuan looked up at Su Hang, "The real person is right. For me and other practitioners, reincarnation is the most dangerous place. Therefore, the old man wants to ask the real man to help me. Repay."


   Su Hang was surprised, "How do you want me to help you?"


  Mo Dao Xuan Dao, "After the old decay has dispersed a skill, I would like to ask a real person to help me reincarnate, the real person is the master of the emperor, this should be regarded as a labor of effort..." 8))!!

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